Campus Full time 24weeks February 2016 Brazil Curitiba
The Professional Masters in Industrial Biotechnology at the University positive, stimulated by biotechnological advancement of Brazil, aims to form masters in Industrial Biotechnology and provide conditions so that graduates can already be updated scientific, pedagogical and professionally. [+]
The Professional Masters in Industrial Biotechnology at the University positive, stimulated by biotechnological advancement of Brazil, aims to form masters in Industrial Biotechnology and provide conditions so that graduates can already be updated scientific, pedagogical and professionally. For this, the student deepens knowledge through structural disciplines and the development of an innovative project dissertation in one of the areas of concentration: Biotechnology Agrifood / Agroindustrial; Environmental Biotechnology; Biofuels; Biotechnology and Health. In 2010-2012 triennial assessment conducted by CAPES, the Professional Masters in Industrial Biotechnology at the University received positive note 4, becoming the only area to have the high concept. Biotechnology involves the use of cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve the quality of life and protect the planet. Although contemplate productive activities practiced for over six thousand years to the development of food products such as bread and cheese, and for the conservation of dairy products, gained notoriety only in recent decades and is considered one of the areas of knowledge more potential to bring significant benefits to humanity in this century. In modernity, the Biotechnology offers products and innovative technologies for the production of food, fighting disease, reducing the environmental footprint and the use of clean energy and more efficient, safe and clean involving industrial production. Recent developments observed in the area have contributed to face and preparation of the most immediate challenges of society. Here's how: Pharmaceutical Industry: Production of antibiotics, hormones, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, diagnostic kits, pharmaceutical formulation, etc. Agriculture: production of bio-fertilizers, bio-insecticides, nematicides, plant hormones, development of resistant plants to pests, water stress, extreme temperatures and cereals and tubers rich in protein and vitamins. Environmental area: biological treatment of solid waste, liquid and gaseous. Beverage industry: brewing, wine, rum, whiskey, vinegar etc. Bioenergy production: obtained based on plant biomass, particularly plants to produce ethanol and biodiesel. Agri-food industry: production of cheese, yogurt, vinegar, yeast; milks, fermented foods and sauces; production of natural colorants, polysaccharides, thickeners, etc. Industrial enzymes: enzymes for various purposes; Veterinary production: drugs, vaccines, feed, nutritional Bio additives, growth promoters, antibiotics, antiparasitic, production of embryos etc. Forest area: multiplication plants for the production of paper, furniture etc. Cosmetics industry: the production of organic raw materials and natural products etc. AUDIENCE Bioprocess engineering, biochemical engineering, biotechnology engineers, chemical engineers, food engineers, agricultural engineers, environmental engineers, foresters, agronomists, biologists, biochemists, pharmacists, chemists, doctors, veterinarians and professionals working in related fields in the productive sector Brazilian. Areas, lines of research and projects The lines of research to be developed in the Professional Master's program in Industrial Biotechnology are well-founded and implemented in UP. These lines are already in development in Undergraduate Research Projects Completion work of undergraduate programs and research projects of faculty and dissertation projects. The concentration areas are: Agrifood Biotechnology / Agroindustrial develop industrial processes for recovery of products, raw materials and waste of Brazilian agriculture, using tools of molecular biology, fermentation processes and microbial and enzymatic biotransformations, among others. Environmental Biotechnology Develop process technology for environmental monitoring, applying dielectric methods, physical-chemical, biochemical, immunological, molecular and biological agents and process and products for bioremediation of environmental pollution. Biofuels Studying biochemical processes of synthesis of liquid and gaseous biofuels; raw materials; micro-organisms producers of ethanol and biogas; systems used in the production of ethanol, biodiesel and biogas; efficiency of processes; Mass and energy balances; economic balances; legislation and certifications. Biotechnology Health Develop technical procedures in Surgical Education and analyze various aspects of metabology, clinical oncology, surgical and molecular and dermatocosmtica. Guiding teachers CAMILA MIRANDA DE CARVALHO Education: Medical Veterinary Universidade Federal do Paran (Curitiba, Brazil, 1999). Master in Biomechanics from the Universit Claude Bernard Lyon I (Lyon, France - 2001). PhD in Biological Sciences with specialization in Immunology at the Universit Claude Bernard Lyon I (Lyon, France - 2004). Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology from the Ecole Nationale Vtrinaire de Lyon (Lyon, France, 2004). MBA in Project Management from Fundao Getlio Vargas - FGV (2014). Subjects who teaches in the Master: Immune Biotechnology and Biosafety. Areas of interest: Cell Therapy; Biotechnology in Regenerative Medicine; Applied Immunology to Diagnosis and Therapy; and Dermatology. CICERO DE ANDRADE URBAN Education: Medical oncologist and breast cancer specialist. Master of Medicine with specialization in Surgical Clinics at Federal University of Parana (Curitiba, Brazil, 2001). Doctor of Medicine with specialization in Clinical Surgery at the Federal University of Paran (Curitiba, Brazil, 2004). Specialist Post-Laurea in Bioethics by Universitt Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Rome, Italy, 2000) and Mastology by the Istituto Nazionale Per Lo Studio and La Cura Dei Tumori di Milano (Milan, 1999) and Fellow in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery the European Institute of Oncology in Milan (2002-2003). Subjects who teaches in the Master: Scientific methodology; Biosafety and bioethics. Areas of interest: Oncoplastic; Sentinel lymph node; Breast reconstruction with implants; Bioethics and Clinical Research; and Terminal Patient; ELIANE VASCONCELOS OAK Education: Chemistry at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (Araraquara, Brazil, 1993). Master of Science with specialization in analytical chemistry from the University of So Paulo (So Carlos, Brazil, 1996). Doctor in Sciences with specialization in analytical chemistry from the University of So Paulo (So Carlos, Brazil, 2001). Subjects taught in the Master: Environmental Biotechnology I: Treatment of liquid waste from urban and industrial nature; Environmental Biotechnology II: anaerobic degradation and aerobic recalcitrant organic compounds; Environmental Biotechnology III: Treatment of solid and gaseous waste. Areas of interest: Determining the Presence of Drugs in Water, Soil and Wastewater; Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons determination in water, air and soil; Heavy metals analysis in Water and Soil; Quality Control of Natural Products. ILTON DA SILVA SANTOS Education: biologist graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Parana (Curitiba, Brazil, 2007). Doctor of Science with a major in General Physiology from the University of So Paulo (So Paulo, Brazil, 2013), with one-year internship at the University of Richmond (Richmond, USA, 2011-2012). Subjects who teaches in the Master: Cellular and Molecular Biology and Molecular Biotechnology General. Areas of interest: Neuroscience and Behavior; Molecular Neuroscience; and neurodegenerative diseases. JOHN CESAR ZIELAK Education: DDS from the Federal University of Paran (Curitiba, Brazil, 1999). MSc in morphology with a major in Cell Biology from Universidade Federal do Paran (Curitiba, Brazil, 2001). PhD in Biotechnological Processes (Health), Federal University of Paran (Curitiba, Brazil, 2005). Specialist in Public Health from the University Positive (Curitiba, Brazil, 2009). Subjects who teaches in the Master: Applied Molecular Biotechnology I - Biomaterials. Areas of interest: Implantology; Ontological clinic; Slips; and Biomaterials. Eila TERESINHA Maranho Education: PhD in Forest Science, with specialization in Nature Conservation, the Federal University of Paran (UFPR). Master in Biological Sciences with a major in Botany, Federal University of Paran (UFPR). Degree in Biological Sciences from the Catholic University of Paran (PUCPR). Author of several papers presented at national and international conferences. Author of several articles published in national and international journals. Elaboration of several technical papers in the areas of environment. Advisor of several papers on: the evaluation of plants in pollutant effects, environmental influences on the structure of plants, pollution biomonitoring by plants, floristic and phytosociology, reclamation, revegetation Riparian Forest and Nature Conservation. Subjects who teaches in the Master: Environmental Biotechnology II: Solid Waste Treatment and Gaseous. Interest areas: use of phytoremediation to treat different types of waste and environmental contamination (oil, manure, polluted waters and heavy metals). Selection of microorganisms with petroderivados degradation potential from the rhizosphere of plants phytoremediator. LGIA COAST ALVES CARDOSO Education: Engineer of food from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Florianopolis, Brazil, 2003). Master in Food Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Florianopolis, Brazil, 2004). PhD in Gnie des Procds Biotechnologiques et Alimentair the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (Nancy, France, 2008). Post-PhD in Chemical Engineering with emphasis in Biotechnology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Florianopolis, Brazil, 2010). Subjects who teaches in the Master: Liquid Biofuels (Bioethanol). Areas of interest: Advanced Recovery of oil by microbial methods; and Biofuels. E-mail: LUIZ GUSTAVO LACERDA Education: Chemical engineer from the Catholic University of Paran (Curitiba, Brazil, 1997). Master in Food Science and Technology from the State University of Ponta Grossa (Ponta Grossa, Brazil, 2006). PhD in Biotechnological Processes by the Federal University of Paran (Curitiba, Brazil, 2010). Subjects who teaches in the Master: Quality control in the biotechnology industry; Agri-food biotechnology II: fermented plant foods and alcoholic fermented beverages. Areas of interest: Biofuels; Quality management in the industry; Fermentation of plant origin; Enzymology; Analytical chemistry; Physical and chemical treatments. MARCELO DE PAULA LOUREIRO Education: Surgeon General Medical formed by UFPR residing in Hospital Our Lady of Grace. Specialist in Minimally Invasive Surgery at the University of Bordeaux, France. MA in Principles of Surgery (FEMPAR). PhD in Surgery from the University of Sao Paulo. Coordinator of the Graduate Latu Senso in Minimally Invasive Surgery Jacques Perissat Institute / Universidade Positivo. Member Brazilian College of Surgeons Holder (CBC), the Brazilian Society of Laparoscopic Surgery (SOBRACIL) and the Brazilian Hernia Society (SBH). Member of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES). Discipline teaches in the Master: Biomaterials Areas of Interest: Biomaterials; Surgery of abdominal hernias; Obesity and Metabolic Surgery; Hyperhidrosis surgery; Surgery of the Digestive System; Education and Training in Surgery; and New Technologies in Surgery. MARCO AURLIO DA SILVA CARVALHO SON Education: Chemical Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (Araraquara, Brazil, 1996). Master of Degree in analytical chemistry from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (Araraquara, Brazil, 1998). PhD in chemistry from Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (Araraquara, Brazil, 2000). Subjects who teaches in the Master: Management and patents in biotechnology; Quality control in the biotechnology industry; Quality control in the food industry. Areas of interest: Applied Biotechnological Processes; Applied Thermal Analysis; Processes and Applied Chemicals. PAOLO DE OLIVEIRA SALVALAGGIO ROGRIO Education: Medical Universidade Federal do Paran (Curitiba, Brazil, 1996). Master of Medicine with specialization in Surgical Clinics at Federal University of Parana (Curitiba, Brazil, 2000). Doctor of Medicine with specialization in Clinical Surgery at the Federal University of Paran (Curitiba, Brazil, 2002). Post-PhD in Transplantation Immunology at the Yale University (New Haven, USA, 2002). Clinical Fellow in multiple organ transplant at Northwestern University (Evanston, USA, 2002-2005). MBA from the John Cook School of Business (St. Louis, USA, 2008). Subjects who teaches in the Master: Stem cells. Areas of interest: Transplant of Pancreas, liver and kidney; Stem cells; and Clinical and Economic Impact of Organ Transplants. PAULO ROBERTO Janissek Education: Degree in Industrial Chemistry (UFSM - Santa Maria, RS, 1982), PhD in Organic Chemistry, researching electrochemical methods for the utilization of biomass (USP, So Paulo, 1992), Post Doctorate in spectroscopy (ISAS, Dortmund, Germany, 1996). Discipline he teaches in the Master: Environmental Technology II: anaerobic degradation and aerobic recalcitrant organic compounds. Areas of interest: Organic and Electronic Waste Management; Life Cycle Analysis (LCA); Use of biomass; and Techniques for Organic Compounds Analysis. SUSAN GRACE KARP Education: Engineer Bioprocess and Biotecnologista the Federal University of Paran (2005). Master in Biotechnological Processes by the Federal University of Paran (2007) and Master in Recherche pour le Dveloppement Biotechnologie microbienne Durable - Universit de Provence (2007). PhD in Biotechnological Processes by the Federal University of Paran (2012). Subjects who teaches in the Master: General Microbiology and Microbial Metabolism; Separation engineering and purification of biomolecules; Liquid Biofuels: Ethanol; Enzyme technology; Areas of Interest: Industrial Processes for fermentative production of enzymes, organic acids, biofuels; Production of recombinant proteins by fermentation; Molecular biology applied; Enzymology; Solid State Fermentation. Use and Agroindustrial Waste Recovery. THAIS COSTA ANDRADE CASAGRANDE Education: Veterinary Medicine at UFPR; Residency in Internal Medicine and Surgery at PUC / PR; Doctorate in Sciences, with emphasis in Surgery FMVZ / USP. Subjects who teaches in the Master: Applied Molecular Biotechnology II: biomedicines Areas of interest: Clinical Oncology; and Surgical and Molecular Dissertations and theses Title: ISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION AND MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF YEAST PLANT SOURCES EXTRACTED METABOLISM FOR BEER PRODUCTION. Author: Alice Dalla Valle Advisor: Prof. Dr. Marco Aurlio da Silva Carvalho Year: 2012 Title: FLOUR TECHNOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT MIXED WHEAT, BABASSU AND GREEN BANANA AND THEIR USE IN FRENCH BREAD TYPE PREPARATION. Author: Elizana Lorenzetti Treib Advisor: Prof. Dr.Luiz Gustavo Lacerda Year: 2012 Title: STUDY OF ACID HYDROLYSIS AS WASTE PRE URBAN SOLID RESULT OF TREE PRUNING. Author: Silvana Mali Kumura Advisor: Prof.. Dra. Eliane Carvalho de Vasconcelos Year: 2012 Title: Characterization of STEM CELLS AS lipoaspirate DERIVED FROM THE DIFFERENTIATION POTENTIAL, AND GENE SPECIFIC MARKER immunophenotypical. Author: Caroline Leal Radoski Advisor: Prof. Dr. Cicero de Andrade Urban Co-supervisor: Prof.. Dra. Carla Abdo Brohem Year: 2012 Title: NETWORK USE OF FEASIBILITY STUDY OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL FOR PREDICTION OF INCOME OF ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION. Author: Ederson Luis Amgarten Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jos Rodrguez Len Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Evandro Bona Year: 2012 Title: PROCESS DEVELOPMENT AND USING BREW lactic PREBIOTICS AGENTS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TYPES OF CRACKER BISCUITS AND FUNCTIONAL. Author: Evaldo Carlos Da Silva Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jos Luis Parada Year: 2012 Title: DEVELOPMENT OF A NATURAL SOYBEAN MEAL FOR BIOPRESERVANT TO FEED Author: QUEIROGA OF KARINE BUCHOLDZ Advisor: Prof.. Dra. Vanete Soccol Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carlos Ricardo Year: 2012 Title: RESPONSE RATE HUMORAL in mice immunized with inactivated ones AGAINST FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE VIRUS: PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE MODEL FOR QUALITY CONTROL. Author: Kelly Cristina Celini Capeti Molin Advisor: Prof.. Dra. Vanete Soccol Co-Advisor: Prof.. Dra. Lya Madureira Sepulveda Year: 2012 Title: QUALITATIVE EVALUATION PROFILE OF THE STATE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY COMPANIES PARANA FOR RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION Author: Mauro Buss Advisor: Prof.. Dra. Patricia Charvet Year: 2012 Title: PRODUCTION AND EXTRACTION carotenoids PRODUCED IN Sporobolomyces ruberrimus USING BY-PRODUCTS Industrial Author: Valdomiro Nery Gonalves Advisor: Prof.. Dra. Ligia Alves da Costa Cardoso Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jos Angel Rodrguez Len Year: 2012 Title: RECONSTRUCTION OF IMMEDIATE IMPACT OF BREAST IN TIME ONLY IN THE ATTITUDE OF PATIENTS WITH BREAST CANCER BODY. Author: Gustavo James Chichof. Advisor: Prof. Cicero Andrade Urban Title: PROFILE OF COMMUNITIES IN ARCHAEA WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS ANAEROBIC DOMESTIC USING THE GRADIENT ELECTROPHORESIS IN denaturing gel (DGGE). Author: William Pianaro Bettio. Advisor: Vanete Thomaz Soccol. Year: 2012 Title: yeast USE OF ISOLATED BEET FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A BEER LAGER, AIMED AT PRODUCTION IN MICRO-CERVEJARIA.Autor: Barbara Galdioli Nobrega Aoki. Advisor: Prof. Marco Aurlio da Silva Carvalho Silva. Year: 2012. Title: DEVELOPMENT FOR BIOFUELS Bioprocess OBTAINED PRODUCTION FROM PYROLYSIS FAST MICROALGAE. Author: Carlos Jos Dalmas Neto.Orientador: Jos Angel Rodrguez Len. Co-supervisor: Dolivar Coraucci Neto. Year: 2012 Title: The ORTHOGEN USE OF PARTICULATE MARINE, ASSOCIATED OR NOT EXTRACT PROTEIN IN SIZE OF CRITICAL DEFECTS HEALING: histological and histomorphometric IN RATS Calvary. Author: Srgio Henrique Merlin Skrobot. Advisor: Prof. Cicero Urban. Co-supervisor: Prof.. Tatiana Miranda Deliberador. Year: 2012. Title: DETECTION MYCOPLASMA SP. IN PCR FOR QUALITY CONTROL Immunobiology, DETERMINATION OF CONCENTRATION MYCOPLASMA SP. AFFECTING CELLULAR CULTURES & Filtration ASSESSMENT ON DISPOSAL OF THESE CONTAMINANTS. Author: Cristiane Netto. Advisor: Prof. Vanete Thomaz Soccol. Co-Advisor: Prof. Lya Madureira Sepulveda. Year: 2013. Title: DEVELOPMENT OF A bioprocess FOR BARLEY GRAIN saccharification. Author: Dagma Maria Lopes Bubna. Advisor: Prof. Luiz Gustavo Lacerda. Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Carlos Ricardo Soccol. Co-Advisor: Prof. Michele Rigon Spier. Year: 2013. Title: PROTEIN EXPRESSION OF VEGF, TGF-1 and BMPR1B IN BREAST TUMORS OF BITCHES AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN THE PROGNOSIS. Author: Robson Fernando de Pasquale and Silva. Advisor: Prof. Thais Andrade Costa Casagrande. Year: 2013. CURITIBA 2013 Title: Sporobolomyces carotenoids PRODUCTION ruberrimus IN PROVING A CONTINUOUS MOLASSES FROM THE CANE SUGAR. Author: Fernando Kenji Jacojaco. Advisor: Prof. Jos Angel Rodriguez Leon. Co-supervisor: Prof. Ligia Alves da Costa Cardoso. Year: 2012. Title: Characterization GROUPS FOR THE STUDY OF Trypanosoma cruzi kDNA INTEGRATION IN HUMAN GENOME AND IDENTIFICATION OF REVIEWS OF LINES parasite IN PARANA STATE PATIENTS. Author: Luiza Cristina Gobor. Advisor: Prof. Vanete Thomaz Soccol. Year: 2012. Title: DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW PILOT Anaerobic digester SETUP WITH SHIFTING THE POSSIBILITY IN COMPANY FOR ORGANIC WASTE TREATMENT. Author: Jos Valmor Bandiera. Advisor: Prof. Selma Aparecida Cubas. Co-supervisor: Prof. Marcelo Calide Barga. Year: 2012. Title: ANALYSIS METHODS FOR THE EVALUATION OF CELL Sporobolomyces ruberrimus. Author: Mariana Gomes Clemente Pennacchi. Advisor: Ligia Alves da Costa Cardoso. Year: 2013. Title: CAROTENOIDS PRODUCTION, USING DIFFERENT YEAST PRODUCERS OF AROTENIDES, USING POMACE YUCCA AS SUBMERGED FERMENTATION SUBSTRATE. Author: Cristiane Aparecida Marcos Kroetz. Advisor: Prof. Marco Aurelio da Silva Carvalho Filho. Year: 2013. Title: MINE DEVELOPMENT FRESCAL CHEESE WITH KEFIR FUNCTIONAL GRAIN ADDITION. Author: Jaime Ferreira Victor Brum. Advisor: Jos Angel Rodriguez Leon. Year: 2013. Title: MONITORING PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL BARLEY MALTING PROCESS USED FOR THE PRODUCTION OF BEER TYPE LAGER. Author: Luciana Machado de Oliveira dos Santos. Advisor: Prof. Luiz Gustavo Lacerda. Year: 2013. Title: PRODUCTION AND SEROLOGICAL EVALUATION OF THE PROTEIN RECOMBINANT 3ABC FEVER VIRUS AFTOSA.Autor: Adriana Sierra Gonzalez. Advisor: Prof. Vanete Thomaz Soccol. Year: 2013. Title: FOUR OF TOXIC EFFECTS OF ANTIBIOTICS THREE BODY AQUTICOS.Autor: Carlos Roberto Dalke. Guidance. Professor Eliane Carvalho de Vasconcelos. Year: 2013. Title: DEVELOPMENT OF A INOCULANT LYOPHILIZED FOR CULTURE OF SOYBEAN. Author: Carina Lima Kniphoff. Advisor: Prof. Jos Angel Rodriguez Leon. Year: 2013. Title: CHARACTERISTICS OF STRUCTURAL, rheological and thermoanalytical OF STARCH AVOCADO SEED (Persea americana Mill) MODIFIED BY MEANS Oxidative. Author: Tabitha Bauab. Advisor: Luiz Gustavo Lacerda. Year: 2013. Title: ETHANOL PRODUCTION AND HYDROLYZED YEAST USING saccharine sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] AS RAW MATERIALS. Author: Thiago Murilo Pasqual. Advisor: Prof. Susan Grace Karp. Co-supervisor: Prof. Jos Angel Rodriguez Leon.Ano: 2014 Title: CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF ELECTRONIC BOOK DEVELOPMENT IN TEACHING OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY IN abdominal wall hernias. Author: Fabio Paiz. Advisor: Prof. Marcelo de Paula Loureiro.Ano: 2014 Title: IMMUNE RESPONSE CELL AND MOTHERS HUMORAL HEAVY AFTER VACCINATION WITH LIVE VACCINE AGAINST OR INACTIVATED Salmonella Enteritidis. Author: Leticia Dal Berto. Advisor: Prof. Luiz Felipe Caron. Year: 2014. Title: MOTOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT IN MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY. Author: Gustavo Becker Pereira. Advisor: Prof. Paolo Salvalaggio. Year: 2014. Title: TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF TWO ANTIBIOTICS AS TEST OF USE Allium strain. Author: Francine dos Reis Henrique. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Eliane Carvalho de Vasconcelos. Year: 2014. Title: EVALUATION OF THERMAL PROPERTIES, STRUCTURAL AND CORN STARCH rheological waxy PARTIALLY HYDROLYZED FOR VIA ENZYMATIC. Author: Lucca Centa Malucelli. Advisor: Prof. Luiz Gustavo Lacerda. Year: 2014. Title: EXTRACT OF USE NCAR DISPOSAL OF MUSSEL Perna BIOMATERIALS FOR DEVELOPMENT WITH POTENTIAL APPLICATION AS BONE GRAFT. Author: Rosiellen da Silva. Advisor: Prof. John Zielak. Year: 2012. Title: MODULATION OF ELASTIN SKIN INDUCED BY PHOTOAGING: ASSESSMENT OF GENE EXPRESSION AND MARKERS PROTEIN RELATED TO elastogenesis IN DIFFERENT CONDITIONS sun exposure. Author: Ana Cristina Weihermann. Adviser (a): Prof. Camila Miranda de Carvalho. Year: 2015. Title: The STEM CELLS FOR USE IN TRAUMA spinal TREATMENT: A REVIEW. Author: Camila da Silva Barbosa Ramos. Adviser (a): Prof. Marcia Pincerati. Year: 2015. Title: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND EVALUATION OF ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF THE ESSENTIAL OIL OF pseudocaryophyllus pepper SHEETS (Gomes) LANDRUM. Author: Elaine Cristina Rosas. Adviser (a): Prof. Thais Andrade Costa Casagrande. Co-supervisor (a): Professor Leila Therese Maranho. Year: 2015. Title: SYMBIOTIC USE OF IMPACT ON THE LIVER DISEASE DEVELOPMENT NON ALCOHOLIC NAFLD (NAFLD) in rats. Author: Eliane Tagliari. Advisor: Prof. Paolo Salvalaggio. Co-supervisor (a): Prof. Thais Andrade Costa Casagrande. Year: 2015. Title: EVALUATION OF RESULTS COSMETIC AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS underwent mastectomy WITH BREAST RECONSTRUCTION WITH IMMEDIATE IMPLANT AND BREAST symmetrization CONTRALATERAL CONCOMITANT. Author: Flavia Kuroda. Advisor: Prof. Cicero Andrade Urban. Year: 2015. Title: Resonance IMPACT OF MAGNETIC PREOPERATIVE IN PATIENTS WITH BREAST CANCER INITIAL CANDIDATES FOR SURGERY Oncoplastic. Author: Karina Furlan Anselmi. Advisor: Prof. Cicero Andrade Urban. Year: 2015. Subjects and timetable JOINT BODY Subjects Charge Professor Credits Menu Fundamentals in Industrial Biotechnology 60 - 4. - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 60 - 4 - Scientific methodology 45 Cicero Urban - - Regulations, official rules and forms RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 125 of 01.30.2015 - Standards for Granting pockets on Graduate Programs Stricto Sensu UP Resolution No. 04 of 16/04/2010 - Academic Standards Stricto Sensu Notices Notice No. 329 of 05.04.2015 - Selection Process Admission for the Second Semester 2015 Notice No. 283 of 10.21.2014 - Selection Process to Join the First Half 2015 Notice No. 248 of 28/04 / 2014 - Selection Process Admission for the Second Semester 2014 Notice No. 197 of 08.12.2013 - Stricto programs Sensu - Total Price and Tuition for 2014 Infrastructure To carry out the research in the Graduate, the Histopathology laboratories are used, Biotechnology and Microbiology, Microscopy, Genetics, Cytogenetics, Biochemistry, Analytical Center, Vivarium, Information Technology and Labin. These laboratories have the following structures: Vivarium Surgery Center Sterilization Labin Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry, Genetics and Biomolecular Laboratory of Biotechnology and Microbiology Pharmacology Laboratory Genetics Laboratory Dental Materials Laboratory Ii Microbiology Laboratory Microscopy Laboratory I Ii Microscopy Laboratory Iii Microscopy Laboratory of Botany Radiology Laboratory Histopathology laboratory Covenants The Professional Masters in Industrial Biotechnology Positivo University has partnered with Bio4 Biotech Solutions, graded company in the Incubator Positivo University, for technical, academic and scientific cooperation with researchers at the UP, and the Molecular Biology Laboratory of the Apothecary Group (Labim ). In cooperation with Bio4 is provided the use of equipment and instruments Bio4 and vice versa. Developed projects may involve both academic and commercial goals. The Positivo University provides the physical infrastructure of space for Labim, one of the most modern in Brazil, which focuses on cell culture and molecular biology research. In this lab, the brand researches are developed in conjunction with academia, prioritizing studies of the biochemical phenomena involved in skin aging and natural ingredients from the Brazilian biodiversity. [-]
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- Biotechnology - Gene Cloning - Video [Last Updated On: April 30th, 2014] [Originally Added On: April 30th, 2014]
- Amyris helps launch Brazilian Industrial Biotechnology Association (ABBI) - Video [Last Updated On: May 2nd, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 2nd, 2014]
- Julius Mugwagwa - Agro-biotechnology and Food Security - Video [Last Updated On: May 2nd, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 2nd, 2014]
- VIRUN's CEO, Philip Bromley, lecture - Cal Poly Pomona; Biotechnology - Video [Last Updated On: May 2nd, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 2nd, 2014]
- Biotechnology - gel electrophoresis - Video [Last Updated On: May 2nd, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 2nd, 2014]
- Plant Biotechnology Information Fair at Penn State 4/18/14 - Video [Last Updated On: May 2nd, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 2nd, 2014]
- Biotechnology ADHK - Video [Last Updated On: May 2nd, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 2nd, 2014]
- General Biology 2 - 38 Angiosperm Reproduction and Biotechnology - Flashcards - Video [Last Updated On: May 2nd, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 2nd, 2014]
- Impact of Biotechnology on Current Life - Video [Last Updated On: May 3rd, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 3rd, 2014]
- DGAP-Adhoc: Cytos Biotechnology Ltd to wind down Key Operational Activities [Last Updated On: May 5th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 5th, 2014]
- Process - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology - Video [Last Updated On: May 6th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 6th, 2014]
- SAT105 Unit 3 Part 2 Biotechnology - Video [Last Updated On: May 6th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 6th, 2014]
- highlights of industrial biotechnology - Video [Last Updated On: May 6th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 6th, 2014]
- polymer & environmental biotechnology @ acib - Video [Last Updated On: May 8th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 8th, 2014]
- SAT105 Unit 3 Part 1 Biotechnology - Video [Last Updated On: May 8th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 8th, 2014]
- Talk of the Trade: Biotechnology & Health Sciences - Video [Last Updated On: May 9th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 9th, 2014]
- Congratulations to the 2014 Biotechnology Graduates of Athens Technical College! - Video [Last Updated On: May 9th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 9th, 2014]
- Plandai Biotechnology (PLPL) - Getting the Most Out of Nature - Video [Last Updated On: May 10th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 10th, 2014]
- Stages Of Beans Growth- HU biotechnology - Video [Last Updated On: May 11th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 11th, 2014]
- Revisiting the biotechnology stocks - Video [Last Updated On: May 11th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 11th, 2014]
- Molecular Biotechnology - Master's Programme - Video [Last Updated On: May 11th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 11th, 2014]
- Kevin Ahern's BB 350 (Biotechnology) 2014 - #22 - Video [Last Updated On: May 12th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 12th, 2014]
- 5/5, Session 1 - Small biotechnology/Venture capital - Video [Last Updated On: May 12th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 12th, 2014]
- Executive Interview - International Biotechnology Trust - Video [Last Updated On: May 12th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 12th, 2014]
- Biotechnology Salaries | [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 14th, 2014]
- Biotechnology | University of Wrocaw - Video [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 14th, 2014]
- JVS Bridges to College - Biotechnology Pathway Program - Video [Last Updated On: May 16th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 16th, 2014]
- Biotechnology Paperslide Review by Khalizarek+Brian - Video [Last Updated On: May 16th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 16th, 2014]
- Perceptions on the Future of Biotechnology by Robert Paarlberg (USA) - Video [Last Updated On: May 16th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 16th, 2014]
- Plant Biotechnology - Video [Last Updated On: May 16th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 16th, 2014]
- Playing with Biotechnology at the Age of 20: Kinshuk Mitra at TEDxOhioStateUniversity - Video [Last Updated On: May 16th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 16th, 2014]
- biotechnology movie - Video [Last Updated On: May 19th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 19th, 2014]
- New report details biotechnology's use in crops [Last Updated On: May 20th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 20th, 2014]
- Biotechnology Stock Wins - Video [Last Updated On: May 20th, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 20th, 2014]
- Plant product of biotechnology - Video [Last Updated On: May 21st, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 21st, 2014]
- How Biotechnology Cure Diabetes - Video [Last Updated On: May 22nd, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 22nd, 2014]
- Exploring Laser-Material Interaction for Engineering, Biotechnology, and Medicine #DigInfo - Video [Last Updated On: May 22nd, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 22nd, 2014]
- Computers, Biotechnology, and Mass Communication - Video [Last Updated On: May 22nd, 2014] [Originally Added On: May 22nd, 2014]