Bill seeks funding for breakthrough spinal cord injury treatment

Posted: Published on January 25th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

ST. PAUL, Minn. (KMSP) -

On Wednesday, a bill inspired by two young Minnesota men is giving hope that those who can't walk due to spinal cord injuries by funding breakthrough research that could help them regain mobility.

The Jablonski/Rodreick Spinal Cord and Traumatic Brain Injury Grant Program would allocate $4 million annually to publicly-funded research institutions, like the University of Minnesota.

Jack Jablonski was injured while playing hockey, and his recovery has captivated many across the nation. The other name belongs to Gabe Rodreick, who calls himself the poster boy of spinal cord injuries.

When he was 15, Rodreick was injured during a diving accident while on an exchange program in Costa Rica. He had his ups and downs, but he made a childhood dream come true last year.

"I started writing music and realized that this injury, these complications, don't hold me back from what I love," he said.

Now, spends six days a week inside is dad's homemade gym in Minneapolis. For an hour a day, he focuses on getting stronger in the hopes that one day, he will walk again.

"I do believe a cure will come in my lifetime," he told FOX 9 News.

He also is the lead singer for Treading North and plays at places like the Fine Line.

"I close my eyes and I'm singing and everything just goes away," Rodreick said. "That's what music does for people -- takes the hurt away."

Read more from the original source:
Bill seeks funding for breakthrough spinal cord injury treatment

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