Bioengineering < University of California, Berkeley

Posted: Published on June 13th, 2017

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson


Bioengineering applies engineering principles and practices to living things, to solve some of the most challenging problems that face our world today. In Bioengineering, also known as Biomedical Engineering, our work is concentrated on high-impact applications instrumentation, molecular and cellular engineering, and computational biosciences that will bring about major advances in medicine and the life sciences.

Founded in 1998, the department is supported by exceptional faculty, strong ties to other departments on campus, and close collaborations with other institutions such asUC San Francisco and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. We continue to expand our department with new faculty, staff, facilities, and research programs.

Bioengineering: BS, Minor Bioengineering/Materials Science and Engineering: BS (Joint Major)

Bioengineering: MEng, PhD (Joint PhD, in cooperation with UCSF) Translational Medicine: MTM (in cooperation with UCSF)

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+ Indicates this faculty member is the recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award.

John Anderson, Assistant Professor.

Martin S. Banks, Professor. Stereopsis, virtual reality, optometry, multisensory interactions, self-motion perception, vision, depth perception, displays, picture perception, visual ergonomics. Research Profile

Steven Brenner, Professor. Molecular biology, computational biology, evolutionary biology, bioengineering, structural genomics, computational genomics, cellular activity, cellular functions, personal genomics. Research Profile

John Canny, Professor. Computer science, activity-based computing, livenotes, mechatronic devices, flexonics. Research Profile

Jose M. Carmena, Professor. Brain-machine interfaces, neural ensemble computation, neuroprosthetics, sensorimotor learning and control. Research Profile

Michelle Chang, Associate Professor.

Irina M. Conboy, Associate Professor. Stem cell niche engineering, tissue repair, stem cell aging and rejuvenation. Research Profile

Yang Dan, Professor. Neuronal circuits, mammalian visual system, electrophysiological, psychophysical and computational techniques, visual cortical circuits, visual neurons. Research Profile

John Eugene Dueber, Assistant Professor. Synthetic biology, Metabolic Engineering. Research Profile

+ Robert J. Full, Professor. Energetics, comparative biomechanics, arthropod, adhesion, comparative physiology, locomotion, neuromechanics, biomimicry, biological inspiration, reptile, gecko, amphibian, robots, artificial muscles. Research Profile

Jack L. Gallant, Professor. Vision science, form vision, attention, fMRI, computational neuroscience, natural scene perception, brain encoding, brain decoding. Research Profile

Xiaohua Gong, Professor. Optometry, vision science, eye development and diseases, lens development. Research Profile

Amy Herr, Associate Professor. Microfluidics, bioanalytical separations, diagnostics, electrokinetic transport, engineering design. Research Profile

Tony M. Keaveny, Professor. Biomechanics of bone, orthopaedic biomechanics, design of artificial joints, osteoporosis, finite element modeling, clinical biomechanics. Research Profile

Stanley A. Klein, Professor. Optometry, vision science, spatial vision modeling, psychophysical methods and vision test design, corneal topography and contact lens design, source localization of evoked potentials, fMRI, amblyopia. Research Profile

Luke Lee, Professor. Biophotonics, biophysics, bionanoscience, molecular imaging, single cell analysis, bio-nano interfaces, integrated microfluidic devices (iMD) for diagnostics and preventive personalized medicine. Research Profile

Seung-Wuk Lee, Associate Professor. Nanotechnology, bio-inspired nanomaterials, synthetic viruses, regenerative tissue engineering materials, drug delivery vehicles. Research Profile

Song Li, Professor. Bioengineering, vascular tissue engineering, stem cell engineering, mechano-chemical signal transduction, biomimetic matrix, molecules, bioinformatic applications in tissue engineering, molecular dynamics. Research Profile

Michel Maharbiz, Associate Professor. Neural interfaces, bioMEMS, microsystems, MEMS, microsystems for the life sciences. Research Profile

Gerard Marriott, Professor.

Richard Mathies, Professor. Genomics, biophysical, bioanalytical, physical chemistry; laser spectroscopy, resonance Raman, excited-state reaction dynamics photoactive proteins, rhodopsins, microfabricated chemical biochemical analysis devices, forensics, infectious disease detection. Research Profile

Mohammad Mofrad, Professor. Nuclear pore complex and nucleocytoplasmic transport, mechanobiology of disease, cellular mechanotransduction, integrin-mediated focal adhesions. Research Profile

Niren Murthy, Professor.

+ Alexander Pines, Professor. Theory and experiment in magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging, quantum coherence and decoherence, novel concepts and methods including molecular and biomolecular sensors and microfluidics, laser hyperpolarization and detection, laser and zero-field NMR, in areas from material science to biomedicine. Research Profile

Austin John Roorda, Professor. Adaptive optics, eye, vision, ophthalmoscopy, scanning laser ophthalmoscope, ophthalmology. Research Profile

Kimmen Sjolander, Professor. Computational biology, algorithms, phylogenetic tree reconstruction, protein structure prediction, multiple sequence alignment, evolution, bioinformatics, hidden Markov models, metagenomics, statistical modeling, phylogenomics, emerging and neglected diseases, machine-learning, genome annotation, metagenome annotation, systems biology, functional site prediction, ortholog identification. Research Profile

Lydia Sohn, Associate Professor. Micro-nano engineering. Research Profile

Danielle Tullman-Ercek, Assistant Professor. Bioenergy, synthetic biology, protein engineering, bionanotechnology. Research Profile

Thomas F. Budinger, Professor Emeritus. Image processing, biomedical electronics, quantitative aging, cardiovascular physiology, bioastronautics, image reconstruction, nuclear magnetic resonance, positron emission, tomography, reconstruction tomography, inverse problem mathematics. Research Profile

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Bioengineering < University of California, Berkeley

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