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Posted: Published on July 22nd, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

biology,study of living things and their vital processes. The field deals with all the physicochemical aspects of life. As a result of the modern tendency to unify scientific knowledge and investigation, however, there has been an overlapping of the field of biology with other scientific disciplines. Modern principles of other scienceschemistry and physics, for exampleare integrated with those of biology in such areas as biochemistry and biophysics.

Because biology is such a broad subject, it is subdivided into separate branches for convenience of study. Despite apparent differences, all the subdivisions are interrelated by basic principles. Thus, though it was once the custom to separate the study of plants (botany) from that of animals (zoology), and the study of the structure of organisms (morphology) from that of function (physiology), the current practice is to investigate those biological phenomena that all living things have in common.

Biology is often approached today on the basis of levels that deal with fundamental units of life. At the level of molecular biology, for example, life is regarded as a manifestation of chemical and energy transformations that occur among the many chemical constituents that comprise an organism. As a result of the development of more powerful and precise laboratory instruments and techniques, it is now possible to understand and define more exactly not only the invisible ultimate physiochemical organization (ultrastructure) of the molecules in living matter but also how living matter reproduces at the molecular level.

Cell biology, the study of the fundamental unit of structure and function in a living organism, may be said to have begun in the 17th century, with the invention of the compound microscope. Before that, the individual organism was studied as a whole (organismic biology), an area of research still regarded as an important level of biological organization. Population biology deals with groups or populations of organisms that inhabit a given area or region. Included at this level are studies of the roles that specific kinds of plants and animals play in the complex and self-perpetuating interrelationships that exist between the living and nonliving world, as well as studies of the built-in controls that maintain these relationships naturally.

These broadly based levels may be further subdivided into such specializations as morphology, taxonomy, biophysics, biochemistry, genetics, eugenics, and ecology.

In another way of classification, a field of biology may be especially concerned with the investigation of one kind of living thinge.g., botany, the study of plants; zoology, the study of animals; ornithology, the study of birds; ichthyology, the study of fishes; mycology, the study of fungi; microbiology, the study of microorganisms; protozoology, the study of one-celled animals; herpetology, the study of amphibians and reptiles; entomology, the study of insects; and physical anthropology, the study of man.

The concept of homeostasisi.e., that all living things maintain a constant internal environmentwas first suggested by Claude Bernard, a 19th-century French physiologist, who stated that all the vital mechanisms, varied as they are, have only one object: that of preserving constant the conditions of life.

As originally conceived by Bernard, homeostasis applied to the struggle of a single organism to survive. The concept was later extended to include any biological system from the cell to the entire biosphere, all the areas of the Earth inhabited by living things.

All living organisms, regardless of their uniqueness, have certain biological, chemical, and physical characteristics in common. All, for example, are composed of the same basic units, or cells, and the same chemical substances, which, when analyzed, exhibit noteworthy similarities, even in such disparate organisms as bacteria and man. Furthermore, since the action of any organism is determined by the manner in which its cells interact and since all cells interact in much the same way, the basic functioning of all organisms is also similar.

There is not only unity of basic living substance and functioning but also unity of origin of all living things. According to a theory proposed in 1855 by Rudolf Virchow, a German pathologist, all living cells arise from pre-existing living cells. This theory appears to be true for all living things at the present time under existing environmental conditions. If, however, life originated more than once in the past, the fact that all organisms have a sameness of basic structure, composition, and function would seem to indicate that only one original type succeeded.

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