Biology | Define Biology at

Posted: Published on April 13th, 2016

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Contemporary Examples

Later that day, he went to his biology class and botched a test, because he was so distracted.

They learned to measure and count in better ways, and cracked the codes of physics, chemistry, and biology.

At the same time, advances in biology have expanded the definition of life.

A recent article argued that biology and nature sway females away from science.

Kenneth Miller wrote the biology textbook often targeted by creationists who want to toss it from public schools.

Historical Examples

It savours of impatience, and is in flat contradiction to the first principles of biology.

"The History of Animals" is the largest and most important of Aristotle's works on biology.

I did my biology at University College,getting out the ovary of the earthworm and the radula of the snail, and all that.

Any dynamics, in biology or in culture, is due to differences.

He had not discovered anything new in biology; but what biological creature could he have discovered more singular than himself?

British Dictionary definitions for biology Expand

the study of living organisms, including their structure, functioning, evolution, distribution, and interrelationships

the structure, functioning, etc, of a particular organism or group of organisms

the animal and plant life of a particular region

Word Origin and History for biology Expand

1819, from Greek bios "life" (see bio-) + -logy. Suggested 1802 by German naturalist Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus (1776-1837), and introduced as a scientific term that year in French by Lamarck.

biology in Medicine Expand

biology biology (b-l'-j) n.

The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology.

The life processes or characteristic phenomena of a group or category of living organisms.

biology in Science Expand

biology in Culture Expand

The study of life and living systems.

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