Book Review: 'Nanovision,' A Technological Thriller by Paul T. Harry

Posted: Published on February 5th, 2015

This post was added by Dr Simmons

In Nanovision by Paul T. Harry, we are introduced to the subject of nanotechnology or nanomedicine, the medical application of that technology.

A devastating murder and betrayal leaves one person dead and a young teen without both his father and vision due to the fire used to cover up that murder. Daniel wakes up in the hospital with no vision and no memories. He doesn't remember his life before his pain and has nowhere to go.

Upon further search, an aunt that has cut off ties long in the past is located. She is involved in the field of Nanomedicine and works in research. Not sure she is capable of taking on such a tragic young man, she nevertheless does her best. Ethyl Santini is raising her granddaughter and leads a very busy life of research in a nanolab where she is at work on regeneration. The testing of animals has proved to be extremely workable, and she has been able to save many that would not have lived otherwise.

In her heart she knows that she must help Daniel, and while she had not been aware she had a nephew, she is up to the challenge. Armed with her granddaughter's approval she brings him into her family. Aware that while to the outside world he has been declared dead, there are concerns that he may still not be safe.

The fit is perfect, and Ethyl is thrilled to find Daniel so likable. As he bonds with her younger charge life seems to be just right. Yet now her lab is in trouble, and she is uneasy about her own research. Knowing she could be ousted at any time, she does the unimaginable. She puts together a new formula for her own nephew. With his agreement, they begin a series of doses to see if nanotechnology can help his eyesight. None of them are prepared for the changes.

As Daniel's regeneration begins, his memory resurfaces, as well as anger at the death of his father and the assault on himself. Heading back to his home he is after the very man who changed his life. Judy, the FBI special investigator that followed the crime and found his aunt, is notified, and she begins the hunt to find him, for she knows more about this crime then he understands. Can she locate him before he finds those responsible? She is very aware that if he comes upon them first, he will not survive for they have been in the business of death for a long time. With his sudden disappearance, can she find him before it is too late?

Harry has given us characters that are interesting and likable. His use of technology is an interesting foil and creates a plausible storyline. The action and undertakings seem very real and are much like some of the crimes we see reported in the news, yet he takes us on a rocky journey of home and nanomedicine.

His interpretation of the reactions as Daniel's blindness recedes is amazing, and the action and interplay is sharp. You find the possibilities for exciting and strange. He has given us an intriguing thriller full of danger and excitement, and threaded it with the possibility of medical miracles.

If you enjoy action, mystery and suspense with just a touch of the unbelievable you will find this a great book for your library. Once you begin, plan on a full day of reading; this work is difficult to put down.

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Book Review: 'Nanovision,' A Technological Thriller by Paul T. Harry

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