Boy born with cerebral palsy takes his first steps at the age of three after having botox injections in his legs

Posted: Published on April 7th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Parents came up with the idea after scouring the internet for treatment Mother Sara's joy at seeing her son walk for the first time 'I noticed the difference as soon as we got home... it was amazing'

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 10:55 EST, 6 April 2013 | UPDATED: 10:59 EST, 6 April 2013

Brave: Cerebral palsy sufferer Aiden Farrel, three, stands with his legs straight after receiving 12 botox injections

Brave toddler Aiden Farrell has taken his first steps after having injections of the anti-ageing cosmetic drug botox in his legs.

Aiden, three, was born with crippling cerebral palsy and his muscles tightened up so much so he was unable to straighten his legs without feeling terrible pain.

The toddlers parents Sara and Gevun scoured the internet for treatment and discovered the wrinkle-busting injections before presenting the idea to NHS bosses.

Botox injections work by unblocking nerve impulses which restrict his movement - the same way celebrities use it to combat the effects of ageing.

Mother-of-four Sara, 31, from Gosport, Hampshire, said: 'Seeing Aiden take his first steps is something I never dreamed would be possible.

'I noticed as soon as we got home after having the treatment the difference was amazing.

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Boy born with cerebral palsy takes his first steps at the age of three after having botox injections in his legs

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