Brandon's Window 11/24/12 (Pt2 of 2) Autistic, Brandon Waits, Nanna Makes His Smoothies (BW Recipe) – Video

Posted: Published on March 3rd, 2013

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Brandon #39;s Window 11/24/12 (Pt2 of 2) Autistic, Brandon Waits, Nanna Makes His Smoothies (BW Recipe)
4 years and 7 months after reversing, curing and healing his SYMPTOMS of AUTISM using NATURAL TREATMENTS, Brandon is at the table playing his games while Nanna makes his fruit smoothies (Brandon #39;s Window Recipe). Straight from GAPS Foods Recommended List in. Dr Natasha McBride #39;s book Gut and Psychology Syndrome also found in Brandon #39;s Window book. Every 2 days we make a blender/pitcher of smoothies for Brandon. Every week Brandon #39;s Dad makes 3 gallons of Brandon #39;s Beet-root Lemonade. Plus Brandon drinks 3 gallons of purified water per week. Juicing and water are great detoxifiers. In Brandon #39;s Smoothie, frozen fruit no sugar added(that #39;s very important) 4 cups of frozen fruit, an apple cut up with the peeling, 6 tangerines (or 3 oranges) a raw egg, 1/2 of a cup of PURE HONEY. For the liquid to make it slushy, we use his Brandon #39;s Window Beet-root Lemonade. Brandon has 4-5 (8 oz) fruit smoothies per day. 4-5 (8 oz) Beet-Root Lemonades plus about 20 oz are used in making his smoothie and between each of Brandon #39;s fruit smoothies and Beet-root Lemonade he drinks 4-8 oz of purified water. In everyone of Brandon #39;s Fruit Smoothie and Beet-root Lemonade we hide his natural supplements such as (artic cod liver, Protandum, tuna oil, Candida Freedom, Candida Digest, probiotic capsule,etc. (Dr Chris Greene of Dr Chris #39;s Natural Pharmacy in Snelville GA tells us what type of supplements Brandon needs when he does a NES HEalth scan every 4-6 weeks. Supplements Change as his body ...

By: lynneanthonybrandon

Brandon's Window 11/24/12 (Pt2 of 2) Autistic, Brandon Waits, Nanna Makes His Smoothies (BW Recipe) - Video

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