Breakthrough could improve quality of life for disabled children – Stoke-on-Trent Live

Posted: Published on June 13th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Children with cerebral palsy have more energy to play and be physically active for longer thanks to specially designed aids.

Researchers have found that disabled young people can increase their energy by as much as 33 per cent by using adapted splints and footwear.

A team from Staffordshire University linked up with orthotics specialists at The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust for the study.

Nachi Chockalingam, professor of clinical biomechanics, said: Helping children with disabilities to play longer and do the things that other children can do is important for all families. The more children with disabilities can play with their friends and do activities they enjoy, the more included they feel.

We know that children with cerebral palsy use more energy to walk, and our team have found fine-tuning splints to suit the individual needs of a child can make huge difference to their overall mobility.

Fifteen-year-old Robert Hayfield is one of the young people to try out the adapted footwear and splints.

He said: The splint keeps my foot at a 90-degree angle which supports my walking. When I first remember wearing a splint, I felt different to other people, but now I just feel like its normal for me.

The researchers are now recommending fine-tuning splints for all children with cerebral palsy who wear them.

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Breakthrough could improve quality of life for disabled children - Stoke-on-Trent Live

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