Brenham pharmacy burglary like something out of 'Mission Impossible'

Posted: Published on May 13th, 2013

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

When it comes to burglaries, this was no amateur job.

Less than a week after brazen thieves made off with more than $12,000 in prescription drugs from a Brenham pharmacy, investigators have few leads to go on.

Last Wednesday at 7 a.m., three burglars cut a hole in the roof of Norman's Pharmacy, 2105 S. Day St., and quickly slid to the floor where they stayed - for the most part - to evade the store's motion sensor alarm system.

The plan worked.

"While doing so (laying low), they would reach up and now and then and pull it (drugs) down," said Corporal Chris Jackson of the Brenham Police Department. "They were methodical on what they were doing.'

The crooks pilfered Schedule C drugs that included Oxycodone, Alzapam, Adderall and Viagra, and also made off with a undetermined amount of cash.

They were equally adept at hiding their identities.

"They were wearing masks and long sleeves so you can't make out their race, gender or ethnicity," Jackson said. "It seemed as if they maybe had some experience with alarm systems, based on their movements and their actions."

The thieves made their getaway though the hole in the roof, or through the back door of the business, police said.

The trail may be getting cold, but Brenham police are hoping that another law enforcement agency will help to warm it up again.

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Brenham pharmacy burglary like something out of 'Mission Impossible'

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