Study gave children with epilepsy a medicinal liquid form of marijuana Drug reduced number of seizures by an average of 53% across the group Children had severe types of epilepsy that hadn't responded to treatment However, 10% of children had to stop taking drug due to its side effects
By Madlen Davies for MailOnline
Published: 15:00 EST, 13 April 2015 | Updated: 16:21 EST, 13 April 2015
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Cannabis could offer hope for children with severe epilepsy, a new study suggests.
A medicinal liquid form of marijuana shows promise as a treatment for children with a severe form of the condition, researchers found.
They discovered that treating epilepsy with the cannabis-derived drug led to an average 53 per cent reduction in seizures.
However, 10 per cent of children in the study had to stop taking the drug due to side effects including tiredness, diarrhoea and decreased appetite.
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CANNABIS could treat children with severe epilepsy