Cape Breton University chemistry prof pulls in research funding

Posted: Published on August 19th, 2014

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

SYDNEY A Cape Breton University professors love of chemistry is translating into research dollars.

In the past year, Matthias Bierenstiel has secured about $200,000 in funding for scientific projects.

I like chemistry because you can do so much stuff and do minute changes that have really big impacts, said Bierenstiel, a native of Germany who holds a PhD in inorganic chemistry.

I really enjoy that aspect of it, and the compounds that we make are completely new. Nobody has ever made made them in the world, not even nature.

In May, as part of his year-long sabbatical, Bierenstiel patented a series of new compounds with antibiotic properties that was tested against six organisms, including E. coli.

While it did little to treat the bacterium, it showed positive results in treating Staphylococcus aureus, which causes staph infections.

For that project, Bierenstiel received $35,000 from Springboard Atlantic, a regional commercialization and industry liaison network.

Im in talks with some pharmaceutical companies (to see) whether they would like to take this further, he said.

Further testing is needed, said Bierenstiel, including determining what human side-effects, if any, might be produced.

About two years ago, his research compelled the university to acquire an $800,000 instrument, which he said uncovers the composition of compounds.

Read the rest here:
Cape Breton University chemistry prof pulls in research funding

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