Carbios Strengthens Its Scientific Board, Reinforcing the Companys Strategy

Posted: Published on February 5th, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Henri Cramail received his engineering degree from ENSCPB (Ecole Nationale Suprieure de Chimie et de Physique de Bordeaux) in 1987 and obtained his PhD from the University of Bordeaux 1 in 1990. Following post-doctoral work at the University of Durham, U.K., he became an Assistant Professor of Polymer Chemistry at the University of Bordeaux 1 and, in 1999, was appointed Professor at the same university. Dr. Cramail has been Director of the Chemistry Laboratory of Organic Polymers (LCPO) since 2007 and currently leads their Biopolymers and Bio-based Polymers team. His research concerns the development of green pathways to bio-based polymers from renewable resources (vegetable oils, carbohydrates, terpenes, CO2).

Philippe Dubois, Ph.D. in Science, is a full professor at the University of Mons (UMONS, Belgium) and Director of the Center for Innovation and Research in Materials & Polymers (CIRMAP, 165 employees). Prof. Dubois is Scientific Director at Materia Nova ASBL Research Center in Mons and former President of the Belgian Royal Chemical Society. His expertise covers organic chemistry, macromolecular chemistry, catalysis in polymer materials, and melt (reactive) processing/engineering of nanocomposite and nanohybrid materials, including biodegradable and bio-sourced polymers. He is currently adjunct professor in the Chemical Engineering Faculty at Michigan State University in Lansing, Michigan (USA), visiting professor at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KAUST, in Saudi Arabia, and guest professor at the National Key-lab of Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.

Rolf Schmid studied chemistry at the Universities of Munich and Freiburg, where he obtained a doctorate degree in 1970. After post-doctoral training in Gif-sur-Yvette, France and at the University of Texas in Austin, Texas (USA) he began working at Henkel in Dusseldorf. He went on to pursue his career at the German National Center for Biotechnology in Braunschweig, and became a Director of the Center for Bioprocess Engineering in Stuttgart. His professional focus is on enzyme design and industrial biotechnology. In 2007, he obtained an MBA degree from the University of Reutlingen and founded the consulting company Bio4Business, Throughout his career, he has carried out activities and projects in Japan and in China. He is an Honorary Professor at Nanjing University of Technology and, since 2009, has been Coordinator for the Bilateral Cooperation of the State of Baden-Wurttemberg in the field of biotechnology with the state's Asian partners in China and Japan.

About Carbios

Carbios is a young, innovative green chemistry company whose mission is to find biological solutions to the environmental and sustainable development issues faced by industrial businesses today. Carbios acquired the rights to research that was conducted over a number of years by various public and private sector laboratories. By leveraging the unique properties of biological catalysts (enzymes), it has used this research as the foundation for developing innovative industrial bioprocesses that optimize the technical, economic and environmental performance of polymers (thermoplastic materials and synthetic or food-based fibers). The company has focused its efforts on a strategic application sector: plastics. Carbios growth strategy is based on a clear business model of industrial value creation that targets attractive markets, develops innovative and competitive bioprocesses and licenses them to major industrial stakeholders for commercialization. Carbios benefits from the financial support of the leading European venture capital firm Truffle Capital. Carbios was founded in 2011 and has been managed, since its inception, by the Holding Incubatrice Chimie Verte fund. Carbios was granted the label Young Innovative Company by Bpifrance (former OSEO) and is eligible for investments by private equity mutual funds (FCPIs).

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Next press release: 2014 annual results on March 5th 2015 (after market).

Carbios is eligible for the PEA-PME, a government program allowing French residents investing in SMEs to benefit from income tax rebates.

Continued here:
Carbios Strengthens Its Scientific Board, Reinforcing the Companys Strategy

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