Cardiology Associates of Central CT, LLC

Posted: Published on November 15th, 2016

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Founded in 1988, Cardiology Associates of Central CT is a recognized leader in cardiac care and is the only practice in the Meriden-Wallingford area dedicated solely to the practice of cardiology. Our five cardiologists, Drs. Farrell, Golub, Spivack, Wilkes and Dinklerandone mid-level provider, provide the full spectrum of cardiac services, including non-invasive testing and interventional cardiology with expertise in coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy (heart failure), arrhythmia andpreventative care. Our nuclear cardiology, echocardiography and vascular testinglabs are all nationally accredited.

Weprovide our patients and the community with prompt and effective care for the prevention and treatment of heart disease in a variety of practice settings. In addition to our office and testing center, located at the Landmark Building in Wallingford, CT, our group practices at MidState Medical Center, Hartford HealthCare/Hartford Hospital, Masonic Home and Hospital and Gaylord Hospital.

In honor of American Heart Month, Dr. George Spivackdiscusses several tests that can be done to help determine if someone is at risk for heart disease.

OurWallingford, CTlocation specializes inExercise Stress Test,Stress Echocardiogram,StressTest with Nuclear Imaging,Pharmacologic Nuclear Imaging,Echocardiogram,Carotid Duplex , Ultrasound,Ankle Brachial Index(ABI),Holter and Event Monitors,Blood Pressure Monitoring,Electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG),Catheterization/Angioplasty,Transesophageal Echo(TEE),Electrophysiology Study,Pacer/ICDTesting, CRT. We also provideMobile Testing Services

Our physicians and staff are dedicated to providing the highest quality care in a compassionate and friendly manner to all the membersin our community. Excellence in treatment and patient satisfaction has been our goal for over 25 years.

Wehope that this website will enhance our communication with our patients and their families, as well as our referring physicians and theirstaff. The website provides information about each of our cardiology services, forms you will need when coming for your initial and follow-up visits and background on our staff. Your comments and suggestions on how we can make our site more engaging and useful to you are greatly appreciated.

We want to be sure we are providing the best service. Let us know how we're doing.

Click here to take our patient survey!

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Cardiology Associates of Central CT, LLC

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