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Category Archives: Aesthetic Surgery
Plastic Surgery: The Latest Aesthetic Laser Treatment Options
Posted: Published on November 11th, 2014
Los Angeles (PRWEB) November 10, 2014 On October 30, 2014, W Magazine posted an online report titled Beam Me Up that details the authors experience with dermal filler injections and aesthetic lasers treatments. The author provides information on a few of the latest innovations for treating acne, nasolabial folds, and unwanted tattoos. The report concludes with a description of laser bars that offer consumers multiple laser treatment options in one location. (see: I appreciate that W Magazine isnt a scientific journal, but I believe this article does a disservice to its readers," says Dr. Simon Ourian, Medical Director of Epione Beverly Hills. One of the treatments described is performed by only one physician in the entire U.S. Another treatment is hoping to get FDA approval in 2015. According to the W Magazine report, there is a doctor in California offering a treatment aimed at tightening the nasolabial folds by aiming the laser at the underlying tissue inside the mouth. To treat acne, another company is seeking FDA approval to use fine, gold-plated sand rubbed into the skin in conjunction with a hair-removal laser. Picosecond lasers that pulse light more quickly than older generation lasers are the latest innovation for … Continue reading
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Elsevier Announces the Launch of Open Access Journal: JPRAS Open
Posted: Published on November 10th, 2014
LONDON, November 10, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, is pleased to announce the launch of a new, online-only open access journal, JPRAS Open . As a sister journal of Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery,JPRAS Open is similarly dedicated to publishing case reports, short communications, and full-length research papers on topics relating to plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. It seeks to broaden understanding and perspective on these topics including among others, improve surgical care by providing highlights in general reconstructive surgery. cleft lip, palate and craniofacial surgery; head and neck surgery; skin cancer; breast surgery; hand surgery; lower limb trauma; burns; and aesthetic surgery. Editor-in-Chief, Stefan Hofer, University of Toronto, said of the launch, "There is always a need to continually improve surgical care by highlighting peer-reviewed, cutting-edge research. JPRAS Open will quickly peer review and publish the most current source of information and references in our specialty. As an open access journal, papers will be available to all, without a subscription." Andrew Berin, Publishing Director of Elsevier's Surgery journals added, "We are thrilled to expand our publishing relationship with the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic … Continue reading
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Cosmetic surgery to fix ear "tribal piercings" on the rise
Posted: Published on November 7th, 2014
HIGH WYCOMBE, England - Liam Palmer says his dream is to serve in the British Army. But the military won't accept the 21-year old with gaping holes in his earlobes from ear piercings, followed by stretching the skin with plugs. "I don't regret it. [Wearing ear plugs] was just a part of who I was," Palmer says about his younger counter-culture days of gelled hair, skinny jeans and ear plugs - also known as ear gauges or "tribal" ear piercings. Doctors says once ears like Palmer's are stretched past half-an-inch in diameter, they won't shrink back or close up. Cutting away the excess skin is the only way to fix them. So Palmer had cosmetic surgery to reshape his earlobes. Plastic surgeon Adrian Richards says the procedure involves removing the excess stretched ear tissue and using internal and external stitches in the earlobe to recreate a more normal shape. Surgeons numb the ear for the approximately 40-minute operation, but the patient stays awake. Cosmetic techniques can vary, but doctors say patients end up with a well-hidden scar along the natural contour of the reconstructed earlobe. Palmer isn't the only one going under the knife. Richards, who performed Palmer's operation, says … Continue reading
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Aesthetic Surgery Centre – Video
Posted: Published on November 7th, 2014
Aesthetic Surgery Centre Aesthetic Surgery Center is a full-service cosmetic enhancement facility. Whether you are... By: dexknowsvideo19 … Continue reading
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Breast Augmentation In India – Video
Posted: Published on November 7th, 2014
Breast Augmentation In India,Breast-Augmentation,/search.html - Most women only dream of a natural-looking breast augmentation. Why won't you make your dream come true? One of the... By: placidways … Continue reading
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Allure Plastic Surgery of Miamis Onelio Garcia Jr., M.D. Publishes New Medical Texts
Posted: Published on November 5th, 2014
Miami, FL (PRWEB) November 05, 2014 Co-owner and Associate of Allure Plastic Surgery of Miami, Dr. Onelio Garcia Jr., continues to contribute to the field of plastic surgery with two new publications. The first, an article titled Histologic Characterization of Acellular Dermal Matrices in a Porcine Model of Tissue Expander Breast Reconstruction, will be published in an upcoming issue of the Tissue Engineering Journal. The second is a chapter titled Liposuction of the Upper and Lower Extremities, which will be featured in a textbook titled The Art of Body Contouring: A Comprehensive Approach that is scheduled for publication in early 2015. These works, like all of Dr. Garcias textbook chapters and journal articles are intended for practicing plastic surgeons and those in training. Many surgeons use them as reference texts to review certain techniques they may not be familiar with or to review certain procedures they may not have performed recently. Plastic surgeons, during residency training, commonly use these textbooks to prepare for their plastic surgery board examinations, which they must pass in order to become accredited as a board certified plastic surgeon. Certification is a voluntary process and requires completion of an accredited plastic surgery residency, a process that … Continue reading
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Plastic Surgery Photos –
Posted: Published on November 5th, 2014
Blog Readers!!! here are some cases i found over the internet, all sound sad, but its the truth, there ARE risks involved in cosmetic surgeries.... I got my Nose operated, not just because esthetical reasons, but also because of my sinuses and ease nose Breathing. But something went wrong- I can feel it while I am breathing through nose. What should I do? Should I demand reparation of nose? A woman had breast-reduction operation. After the procedure she was in constant pain due to a gaping hole inside her left breast. She suffered from what is called "wound breakdown". She has managed to recover after five months, but is physically and emotionally scarred by the experience. One other Plastic surgeon said that he spends nearly 60% of his time operating on patients who are dissatisfied with previous cosmetic surgery. I am not sure who to blame, unskilled surgeons? Promises like "lunchtime lift", "no bruising" and "no swelling" are unreal; these operations are in fact exceptionally complicated. Ive heard for another case that went wrong where the woman ended up with serious burns after a laser resurfacing procedure. I personally think that it is the doctor's duty to ensure the patient … Continue reading
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La ISAPS emite una advertencia a los pacientes sobre los mdicos sin licencia
Posted: Published on November 5th, 2014
-- La International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) emite una advertencia a los pacientes sobre mdicos sin licencia y el turismo mdico -- La organizacin dedicada a promover la seguridad del paciente pide defensa y cambios a la legislacin global NUEVA YORK, 5de noviembre, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --La International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) ha emitido una advertencia a todas las personas que buscan procedimientos quirrgicos estticos menos caros, especialmente fuera de su pas y en manos de mdicos sin licencia que operan sin certificacin del colegio de medicina. A raz de los dos fallecimientos recientes de ciudadanos britnicos que viajaron a otros pases para operarse por mdicos no autorizados, la ISAPS pide cambios globales en la legislacin para abordar estas muertes trgicas e innecesarias en un esfuerzo por asegurar un mayor nivel de seguridad del paciente. Vdeo - Logo - "La ciruga plstica en el extranjero puede ser de muy alto riesgo ya que los estndares varan de un pas a otro. Es esencial que los pacientes consulten con cirujanos plsticos colegiados, independientemente de donde vayan a operarse", seal Susumu Takayanagi, MD, director general de la ISAPS. "La seguridad del paciente es nuestra primera prioridad. La … Continue reading
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Noted American Plastic Surgeon Charles K Herman MD to Lecture as Faculty Member at the 41st Annual International …
Posted: Published on November 5th, 2014
New York, NY (PRWEB) November 05, 2014 Noted American plastic surgeon Dr. Charles K. Herman will join faculty members from Mexico, United States, Peru, Brazil, Spain, and Italy, as a lecturer on the topic of modern techniques in body contouring at the 41st Annual International Symposium on Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, November 10 to 15, 2014. Dr. Herman will discuss the importance of vectors in modern facelift surgery and an algorithmic approach to arm lift surgery. The meeting will also include presentations on abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), liposuction, breast augmentation, fat grafting, and buttock lift from surgeons all over the world who are considered leaders in their field. The meeting will feature addresses from the Presidents of the major Mexican plastic surgery societies and the Commissioner of the Jalisco Medical Arbitration Commission. The Chair of the meeting is Dr. Jose Guerrerosantos, Professor of Surgery at University of Guadalajara and President of the Jalisco Institute of Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Herman states that facelift techniques in the past 10 years have shifted their focus from removing excess tissue to restoring volume and shape to the face. He will discuss how specific vectors are used during surgery to lift tissues that … Continue reading
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Waking Up During Surgery: Nightmare or Reality?
Posted: Published on November 5th, 2014
It doesnt happen often, but a new study shows that when patients find themselves awake during surgery, pain is not the worst part: Pain was something they understood, but very few of us have experienced what its like to be paralyzed, lead author Jaideep Pandit of Oxford University Hospitals told New Scientist. They thought they had been buried alive. Awareness After Death? Study Hints It Exists Drugs given to relax muscles account for the feeling of paralysis. I thought I was about to die, said a patient who woke up during a dental operation when she was 12 years old, according to New Scientist. It felt as though nothing would ever work again as though the anesthetist had removed everything apart from my soul. Video: Simulating the Human Brain The good news is that the new research shows the phenomenon is lower than previous studies indicated: about 1 in 19,000 patients who get general anesthesia report waking up, usually before or after the actual surgery. The new study analyzed 300 cases in 2012 in the UK and Ireland by asking an anesthetist at every hospital to record every incident in which a patient told someone they had been awake during … Continue reading
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