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Category Archives: Aesthetic Surgery
Cell Medicine – Cognizant Communication Corporation
Posted: Published on August 1st, 2014
Aims & Scope Cell Medicine informs society about original, peer-reviewed research and review articles on the subject of cell therapy and its translational application to human diseases. A wide range of topics involving the use of cells, engineered cells and stem cells derived from a multitude of different sources, covering aspects of physiological, medical, tissue engineering, and device-oriented manipulation of the nervous system, endocrine, cardiac, bone, skin, muscle and other organs, with the ultimate aim of clinical translation are acceptable. To provide complete coverage of this revolutionary field, Cell Medicine reports on relevant technological advances and their potential for translational medicine. Rigorous peer review is applied to all articles published in Cell Medicine to ensure only high quality contributions from all areas of translational research are accepted. While the journal Cell Transplantation, issued by the same publishers, is primarily restricted to articles that directly relate to cell transplantation, Cell Medicine also encompasses other forms of cellular study that are expected to ultimately result in a translational therapy and so is not limited to cellular transplantation. Cell Medicine is an online Open Access journal. This allows your work to be disseminated to a wider audience and also entitle you to a … Continue reading
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Cell's recycling center implicated in division decisions
Posted: Published on August 1st, 2014
PUBLIC RELEASE DATE: 28-Jul-2014 Contact: Catherine Kolf 443-440-1929 Johns Hopkins Medicine Most cells do not divide unless there is enough oxygen present to support their offspring, but certain cancer cells and other cell types circumvent this rule. Researchers at The Johns Hopkins University have now identified a mechanism that overrides the cells' warning signals, enabling cancers to continue to divide even without a robust blood supply. In the process, the researchers found that lysosomes the cell's protein "recycling centers" help govern cell division decisions. They also uncovered new evidence that certain drugs can halt the growth of tumors that have high levels of the protein HIF-1alpha. A summary of their findings will be published the week of July 28 in the journal PNAS. Low levels of oxygen stimulate the production and activation of HIF-1alpha, which protects cells in two ways. Primarily, it turns on several genes for proteins that help the cells adapt to the lack of oxygen. It can also stop the duplication of DNA, which prevents cells from dividing and adding more oxygen-using cells to an already harsh environment. Knowing that some cells ignore the warnings of HIF-1alpha and divide anyway, Gregg Semenza, M.D., Ph.D., and his … Continue reading
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232 Tiny 'Toothlets' Removed from Teenager in India
Posted: Published on July 30th, 2014
A team of oral surgeons reportedly removed 232 teeth from the mouth of a 17-year-old boy in India on July 21. The boy was diagnosed with a condition called complex composite odontoma, a rare type of tumor that affects the jaw or gums, his doctors said. Ashik Gavai was admitted to JJ Hospital in Mumbai with swelling in his right jaw, Dr. Sunanda Dhiware, head of the hospital's dental department, told BBC News. The boy had been experiencing discomfort from the swelling for 18 months, Dhiware said. His father, Suresh Gavai, told the Mumbai Mirror that his son began complaining of severe pain a month ago. In people with complex composite odontoma, a tumor grows in the jaw and contains tooth-like structures, as well as blobs of enamel and dentin, the tissues that make up teeth. "Once we opened [the tumor], little pearl-like teeth started coming out, one-by-one," Dhiware told the BBC. "Initially, we were collecting them, they were really like small white pearls. But then we started to get tired. We counted 232 teeth." However, these pearl-like objects, aren't really teeth in the truest sense of the word, according to Dr. J. David Johnson an associate professor at the … Continue reading
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International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery publiceert cijfers over cosmetische ingrepen wereldwijd
Posted: Published on July 29th, 2014
-- In 2013 werden ruim 23 miljoen cosmetische ingrepen uitgevoerd NEW YORK, 29 juli 2014 /PRNewswire/ --Wereldwijd werden in 2013 ruim 23 miljoen cosmetische, chirurgische en niet-chirurgische behandelingen uitgevoerd. Dat blijkt uit de cijfers die vandaag werden bekendgemaakt door de International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), de vooraanstaande internationale vereniging voor esthetische plastische chirurgie waarvan meer dan 2.700 gecertificeerde plastische chirurgen, verspreid over 95 landen, lid zijn. Brazili verslaat voor de eerste keer de Verenigde Staten voor wat betreft het aantal uitgevoerde chirurgische ingrepen en voor wat betreft het hoogste aantal algemene uitgevoerde cosmetische behandelingen, staan behandelingen met botulinum toxine bovenaan de lijst. Logo - Klik hier voor een volledig verslag van de ISAPS-cijfers, een persbericht en een overzicht van de Quick Facts. ISAPS bereidt zich voor op diens gastrol tijdens het 22e Biennial Congress dat in september in het Braziliaanse Rio de Janeiro plaatsvindt. Deze nieuwe cijfers zullen de discussie op gang brengen onder de uit 75 verschillende landen afkomstige chirurgen die het congres bezoeken om nieuwe technieken uit te wisselen en te discussiren over het laatste nieuws binnen dit groeiende vakgebied. "Sinds ons laatste onderzoek, hebben we onze strategie om gegevens te verzamelen verbeterd en baseren … Continue reading
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A International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery divulga estatsticas sobre procedimentos cosmticos em todo o mundo
Posted: Published on July 29th, 2014
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (PRNewsFoto/ISAPS) -- Mais de 23 milhes de procedimentos cosmticos foram realizados em 2013 NOVA YORK, 28 de julho de 2014 /PRNewswire/ --Mais de 23 milhes de procedimentos cosmticos cirrgicos e no-cirrgicos foram realizados em todo o mundo em 2013, de acordo com as estatsticas divulgadas hoje pela ISAPS - International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Sociedade Internacional de Cirurgia Plstica Esttica), a principal sociedade internacional de cirurgia plstica esttica com mais de 2.700 cirurgies plsticos estticos certificados, membros em 95 pases. Pela primeira vez o Brasil ultrapassa os Estados Unidos em termos do nmero de procedimentos cirrgicos realizados e a Toxina Botulnica assume o primeiro lugar no nmero total de procedimentos cosmticos realizados. Logo - Para acessar o relatrio completo sobre as estatsticas da ISAPS, juntamente com o comunicado imprensa e um guia de referncia com Informaes Rpidas, clique aqui. Enquanto a ISAPS se prepara para realizar a 22a. edio de seu Congresso Bienal no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil em setembro, estes novos dados iro promover debates entre os cirurgies de 75 pases que se reuniro para compartilhar novas tcnicas e discutir as informaes mais atuais sobre este campo em expanso. "Desde a … Continue reading
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Die International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery verffentlicht Statistiken zu kosmetischen Behandlungen weltweit
Posted: Published on July 29th, 2014
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (PRNewsFoto/ISAPS) -- ber 23 Millionen kosmetische Behandlungen 2013 NEW YORK, 28. Juli 2014 /PRNewswire/ --ber 23 Millionen chirurgische und nichtchirurgische Behandlungen wurden 2013 weltweit vorgenommen; dies geht aus einer Statistik hervor, die heute von der International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) verffentlicht wurde, dem fhrenden internationalen Verband fr plastische Schnheitschirurgie, dem mehr als 2.700 zugelassene Schnheitschirurgen in 95 Lndern angehren. Erstmals bertrifft Brasilien die Vereinigten Staaten in der Anzahl durchgefhrter chirurgischer Eingriffe, und das Botulinum-Toxin nimmt den ersten Rang unter allen vorgenommenen kosmetischen Behandlungen ein. Logo - Klicken Sie hier fr den vollstndigen Bericht zu den ISAPS-Statistiken zusammen mit einer Pressemitteilung und einer Kurzinfo mit Fakten. ISAPS bereitet derzeit seinen 22. Zweijahreskongress in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien im September vor, und diese neuen Daten werden die Debatte unter den Chirurgen beleben, die aus 75 Lndern zusammenkommen, um sich zu den neuesten Techniken und Informationen auf diesem wachsenden Gebiet auszutauschen. Seit unserer letzten Umfrage haben wir unsere Strategie zur Erfassung neuer Daten anhand statistisch aussagekrftiger Methoden verbessert", bemerkte Carlos Uebel, MD, Prsident der ISAPS. Unser Verband hat diese Anstrengung unternommen, um unsere Umfragemethodik weiter zu optimieren und auszuweiten", fuhr er fort. Die Lnder … Continue reading
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La International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery pubblica le statistiche mondiali sugli interventi estetici
Posted: Published on July 29th, 2014
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (PRNewsFoto/ISAPS) -- Eseguiti oltre 23 milioni di interventi estetici nel 2013 NEW YORK, 28 luglio 2014 /PRNewswire/ --Oltre 23 milioni di interventi estetici chirurgici e non sono stati eseguiti nel mondo nel 2013, secondo le statistiche pubblicate oggi dalla societ internazionale di chirurgia plastica estetica, ovvero dalla International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), la principale a livello internazionale avente come membri oltre 2.700 chirurghi specializzati in plastica estetica iscritti al relativo albo in 95 Paesi. Per la prima volta, il Brasile raggiunge gli Stati Uniti in termini di numero di interventi chirurgici eseguiti e la tossina botulinica prima per numero complessivo di interventi estetici effettuati. Logo - Per il rapporto completo sulle statistiche della ISAPS con comunicato stampa e guida di riferimento con notizie in breve, si prega di cliccare qui. Mentre la ISAPS si prepara a ospitare il suo ventiduesimo congresso biennale che si terr a Rio de Janeiro, in Brasile, a settembre, questi nuovi dati animeranno il dibattito fra i chirurghi provenienti da 75 Paesi che si riuniranno per condividere nuove tecniche e discutere di dati avanguardistici inerenti questo settore in espansione. "Dal nostro ultimo sondaggio condotto, abbiamo migliorato la … Continue reading
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Divino Plastic Surgery Receives Best Cosmetic Surgeon Award Nomination for the 2014 San Diego's Best Union Tribune …
Posted: Published on July 28th, 2014
San Diego, CA (PRWEB) July 28, 2014 Dr. Carlos Chacon, Chief Surgeon with Divino Plastic Surgery of San Diego, was recently nominated for the 2014 San Diego's Best Award in the Cosmetic Surgeon category with the San Diego Union Tribune. The San Diego Union Tribune is a daily print and online news source distributed throughout San Diego County with a daily circulation of nearly 400,000 subscribers. Every year the local news publication holds an online contest called San Diego's Best, in which readers nominate and vote for businesses and professionals in every industry throughout the County. Dr. Carlos Chacon received initial nomination for this award, and was included in the Healthy Living industry category under Cosmetic Surgeon (Individual). Of all the plastic and cosmetic surgeons throughout the greater San Diego County, Dr. Pousti was one of only 10 surgeons nominated for this award. The public online voting process is open from June 1st through June 29th, 2014. With an overwhelming positive following and prestigious online and offline professional reputation in the plastic surgery industry, Dr. Carlos Chacon was pleased and excited to be nominated for the 2014 San Diego's Best Award. Carlos Chacon, M.D., M.B.A. is advanced fellowship trained in … Continue reading
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NeoGraft Hair Restoration Explained – Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery – Dr. Joel Beck – Video
Posted: Published on July 28th, 2014
NeoGraft Hair Restoration Explained - Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery - Dr. Joel Beck Why NeoGraft? Least invasive procedure for hair transplantation Patients feel little to no discomfort No stitches or staples No unsightly linear scar No numb... By: Bay Area Aesthetic Surgery: Dr. Joel B. Beck, MD … Continue reading
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Khongkwan Clinic inks pact with medical centres in 6 markets
Posted: Published on July 25th, 2014
The move is aimed at cashing in on the implementation of the Asean Economic Community, which comes into effect next year, and to contribute to the country's potential of being a hub for medical services in the region. Under the cooperation pact - signed with medical service centres and beauty clinics in South Korea, Germany, Italy, France, Singapore and the US - Thailand can be promoted as a global medical hub within the next three years, thanks to its lower cost of medical treatment and post-surgery rehabilitation, said Dr Khongkwan Fujitnirun, laser surgeon and managing director of Khongkwan Clinic. The deal will increase the number of foreign patients at the company's beauty clinics, she added. "With this cooperation, we will be able to share special skills on aesthetic medical services with our partners in other countries. South Korea, for example, has very strong expertise in cosmetic surgery, and Germany in live-cell treatment. "For Khongkwan Clinic, we aim to increase our foreign patient contribution from just 10 per cent currently to about 35 per cent by the end of next year," said Khongkwan. Celebrating its eighth anniversary this year, Khongkwan Clinic has 14 outlets, of which 13 are in Thailand - … Continue reading
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