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Category Archives: Anatomy
Nasal Anatomy ARS Caregivers – American Rhinologic
Posted: Published on May 21st, 2017
Justin H. Turner, M.D., Ph.D. Devyani Lal, MD Jayakar V. Nayak, MD, PhD anatomy The nose is the organ of smell, and serves in breathing and airway function. The nasal cavity lies between the base of the brain (skull base) and above the oral cavity and palate below. The nasal cavity is surrounded by paired, air-filled chambers on each side, and these lie towards the sides and above the nose (the paranasal sinuses). These paired sinuses are the maxillary (lying in the cheek bones), frontal (lying between the eyebrows), ethmoid (between the eyes) and the sphenoid sinuses (between the center of the skull base and the nose). The paranasal sinuses drain into the nose, and their detailed anatomy is discussed in another Patient Education section. Smell is perceived through part of the roof of the nasal cavity (olfactory cleft) that is just next to the part of the brain responsible for smell (olfactory bulb and fossa). This bony partition in this area (cribriform bone) is pierced by numerous nerves (Olfactory nerves) on each side. These nerves supply the top parts pf the nasal septum, middle and inferior turbinates and carry smell sensations to the brain. In the nasal cavity, physical … Continue reading
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Knee Anatomy, Diagram & Pictures | Body Maps
Posted: Published on May 21st, 2017
The knee is a complex joint that flexes, extends, and twists slightly from side to side. The knee is the meeting point of the femur (thigh bone) in the upper leg and the tibia (shinbone) in the lower leg. The fibula (calf bone), the other bone in the lower leg, is connected to the joint but is not directly affected by the hinge joint action. Another bone, the patella (kneecap), is at the center of the knee. Two concave pads of cartilage (strong, flexible tissue) called menisci minimize the friction created at the meeting of the ends of the tibia and femur. There are also several key ligaments, a type of fibrous connective tissue, that connect these bones. The four key ligaments of the knee are: Damage to the ACL, such as a tear, is a common knee injury among athletes. Severe injuries to this important ligament typically involve reconstructive surgery Another common sporting injury is pulling or straining the hamstring tendons, two groups of string-like connective tissues at the back of the knee and thigh that connect some of the major muscles of the knee. A dislocated kneecap is yet another common knee condition. The kneecap slides along a … Continue reading
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Anatomy for Artists Online Course Scott Eaton
Posted: Published on May 21st, 2017
SPRING: in-progress SUMMER: June 23, 2017 REGISTER HERE AUTUMN: October 13, 2017 This course has been taught to artists from around the world including artists from leading animation, game, and visual effects studios Industrial Light & Magic, Blizzard, Pixar, Ubisoft, LucasArts, Disney, Warner Bros, Sony, Rhythm & Hues, Valve and many others. It has also helped build a solid anatomical foundation for students from art schools and academies including the the Florence Academy of Art, the School of Visual Arts (SVA), the Savannah College of Art and Design, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), and the Art Students League of New York. Ive been collecting anatomy books, DVDs and reference photos for over seven years. Scotts course is by far the best resource I have encountered during these years, it is the best of the best. If you are serious about your anatomy knowledge you owe it to yourself to attend. Peter Levius Artist and founder of The weekly lectures are broken down into the following topics. Click on the topic for a summary of the weeks lesson. Each week students get access to self-paced video lectures covering the regions of the body outlined above (2-2.5 hours of lecture … Continue reading
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Level 2 Ultrasound Anatomy Scan | What to Expect
Posted: Published on May 21st, 2017
These days, it's pretty much routine for women in their second trimester to be scheduled for a level 2 ultrasound, commonly called the 20-week anatomy scan. That's because practitioners have found that this special pregnancy ultrasound is a great way to see how a baby is developing and offer reassurance that everything is going exactly the way it should be. It's fascinating to get a sneak peek of your baby and fun to take home a souvenir photo to start the baby album. Noninvasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) Biophysical Profile Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) Glucose Screening and Glucose Tolerance Test Group B Strep Testing During Pregnancy Virtually all practitioners order an ultrasound anatomy scan for all their moms-to-be. Even if you had a first-trimester (level 1) sonogram to confirm or date your pregnancy, or as part of a first-trimester screening test, the more detailed level 2 sonogram is important because of all the additional valuable information it gives your practitioner about what's going on with your baby. Most anatomy scans are performed in the second trimester of pregnancy, typically at 20 weeks but they can be done anytime between 18 weeks and 22 weeks. If you have a condition that needs … Continue reading
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Carlos Gonzalez: Anatomy of a slump and why Rockies' slugger thinks he'll bust out of it – The Denver Post
Posted: Published on May 21st, 2017
CINCINNATI Carlos Gonzalez sat at his locker, flashing his bright CarGo smile. It seemed a bit out of place considering the topic at hand: a hitting slump that began with a 2-for-17 start and remained in place deep into May. Gonzalez, however, refuses to dwell on his ugly numbers. When you are going bad, its easy to get negative, but I just dont let myself go there, the three-time all-star right fielder said. You have to remind yourself that you can do damage at any time. And every time you come to the plate, you have to think, Im one step closer to getting hot. But when the Rockies arrived at Great American Ball Park Friday for a weekend series against the Reds, Gonzalez wasnt even lukewarm. He was hitting .210 with a .279 on-base percentage and just two home runs in 138 at-bats. Though hes hit mostly from the third or fourth spot until getting dropped to fifth in recent games, he had just 11 RBIs to show for it. Thats what happens when you hit .182 with runners in scoring position. But the Rockies, ever mindful of Gonzalezs ability to break out at any moment, are keeping the … Continue reading
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'Grey's Anatomy': Find out which doctor just left the show – USA TODAY
Posted: Published on May 20th, 2017
Jerrika Hinton took to Instagram to express just how grateful she is. USA TODAY Spoiler alert! The following contains spoilers from Thursday's season finale ofGrey's Anatomy,"Ring of Fire." Another doctor is leaving Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. In a bombastic finale to the show's 13th season, it was revealed that Dr. Stephanie Edwards (Jerrika Hinton) was alive after last week's cliffhanger, but also that she is leaving the hospital, and the show, after enduring burns during a traumatic night. We'll miss you, Edwards!(Photo: Richard Cartwright, ABC) Last week's episode found a rapist loose in the hospital, who first holds Edwards at knife-point, then sets a fire to attempt to escape the hospital and even takes a young girl hostage. Edwards is able to save the girl but suffers severe burns in the process. In the finale, confined to her hospital bed, Edwards tells her mentorDr. Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr.), "I quit." And though Edwards will be missed, her method of exit is rare on a show known for its tragic deaths. In a goodbye note on her Instagram, Hinton noted how great it was that Edwards got to choose her own path. "I am eternally thankful for five seasons of … Continue reading
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Grey's Anatomy Firefighter Spin-Off: 6 Title Suggestions – Today's … – TV Guide (blog)
Posted: Published on May 20th, 2017
Now Playing Grey's Anatomy Is Spinning Off Into the Fire Department Thirteen seasons in, Grey's Anatomy is still hot -- so hot that it's getting its second spin-off next season focused on Seattle's finest (and probably horniest) firefighters. Details are scarce on the project, but what we do know: It received a straight-to-series order and will debut sometime next year. And in lieu of Shonda Rhimes, Grey's executive producer Stacy McKee will serve as showrunner -- which makes sense since she penned Thursday's fiery Season 13 finale. That's probably what sparked the idea! (#sorrynotsorry) The show's currently untitled, but don't worry, Shondaland, we've got some suggestions for you. Add the new Fall shows to your Watchlist now! 1. Sea(ttle) of Flames Look, anything like Seattle Fire is too easy and Rhimes is going to want to distance herself as much as possible from comparisons to Dick Wolf's One Chicago franchise, which she's already halfway to replicating. Sea(ttle) of Flames covers a lot of territory: The fire element, duh, the city, and the city's wet reputation. I'll refrain from the low-hanging "Why do we need firefighters anyway with the rain?" joke. 2. Scarlett's BlazeThis is ideal if Shondaland wants to continue … Continue reading
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The anatomy of ad copy relevance: The new Google standard – Search Engine Land
Posted: Published on May 20th, 2017
Recently, enterprise-focused Google representatives have been encouraging a metric called Relevance, which is believed to be one of the three main factors that make upQuality Score. Relevance is a metric which evaluates how pertinent your ad creative is to your account structure and keywords. At AdBasis, we have spent Q1 speaking with enterprise-level advertisers about changes being implemented to account structures and to ad units (creative) in order to improve their relevancy scores as recommended by Google. This often means that advertisers need to implement hyper-specific ads to every ad group in their accounts. As a result, we have seen the demand for scaled ad implementations, ad unit management and creative optimization grow dramatically. This article is designed to give you a standard for what your creative should look like within every ad group. Im going to dissect the anatomy of ad structure, showcase some best practices and provide some additional commentary. AdWords accounts are growing larger and larger. I am not talking about overall spend I am talking about the number of campaigns and ad groups within a single AdWords account.Whether youre using Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs) or something close to it, chances are the number of ad … Continue reading
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Anatomy of an Upfront: Behind the Scenes of NBCU's Road to Radio City –
Posted: Published on May 20th, 2017
Every spring the big TV networks mount elaborate stage shows to promote their new seasons to ad buyers, trying to establish the best possible position before beginning talks for all the upcoming commercial time. Some buyers may just as soon skip the spectacle, but networks still consider them a key tool for framing their offering. For NBC Universal, the stakes are some $6 billion in ad commitments that Linda Yaccarino, chairman of advertising sales and client partnerships, will negotiate in the weeks following the presentation. NBC's show at Radio City Music Hall ultimately included 10 confetti cannons, six pyrotechnics cannons and over 100 hours of rehearsal. It left out the planned dancing football players and trampoline artists when John Shea, creative director of the event, cut them at 10 p.m. the night before. Ad Age followed NBC Universal's team for the three months leading up to the annual pitch to see firsthand what it takes to pull it all off. Watch the video for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look. By Jeanine Poggi, Nate Skid and David Hall. See the original post here: Anatomy of an Upfront: Behind the Scenes of NBCU's Road to Radio City - … Continue reading
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Anatomy of a failed political hit job on AG Adam Laxalt – Las Vegas Review-Journal
Posted: Published on May 19th, 2017
If youre having trouble falling asleep, go listen to Wednesdays hearing on the secret recording made of Attorney General Adam Laxalt. Liberals built it up to be the event that would end Laxalts all-but-announced campaign for governor. Instead, it was hard to stay awake as lawyers discussed legal strategies and non-lawyers struggled to understand legal procedures. The only substantive takeaway was learning why lawyers get paid so much. Theyre the only ones crazy enough to want to work daily with such boring stuff. So how did liberals get it so wrong? Lets look at the anatomy of a failed political hit job. Start with motive. Liberals are on a mission to destroy Laxalt for being both a successful conservative elected official and Republicans likely 2018 gubernatorial nominee. Next came opportunity. The news that Gaming Control Board Chairman A.G. Burnett had surreptitiously recorded a conversation with Laxalt discussing a case involving Las Vegas Sands Corp. and its CEO, Laxalt donor Sheldon Adelson, would have been enticing enough. Finding out that Burnett sent the tape to the FBI, even though the FBI said no crime had been committed, had liberals writing Laxalts political obituary before even hearing the tape. They couldnt pass … Continue reading
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