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Category Archives: Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy: A look back at THAT bomb scene –
Posted: Published on April 20th, 2017
One of the tensest events in the history of Greys Anatomy is the infamous scene from As We Know It, which premiered following Super Bowl XL in 2006, the second half of a two-part episode. After surgically removing a bomb from a mans torso, Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) hands it over to defuser Dylan Young (Kyle Chandler) and it blows up before he even makes it out of the ER. Executive producer Shonda Rhimes, Pompeo, and episode director Peter Horton recall the details. SHONDA RHIMES: I remember having to talk it through with [then ABC Entertainment Group president] Stephen McPherson.It was a big deal that we were doing the Super Bowl episode, so I wanted to make sure it was something they wanted to do. He seemed fine with it. PETER HORTON: It was a very ambitious proposition. There were a number of long days because of that. When that explosion scene came up, the only way you get through it is with a tremendous amount of prep. We worked on how we wanted to do it, what walls we wanted to collapse, what lights we wanted to fall. RHIMES: I always knew the [bomb] moment was going to involve … Continue reading
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'Filled with hate, filled with anger': Anatomy of a shooting allegedly fueled by hatred of white people – Los Angeles Times
Posted: Published on April 20th, 2017
Fresno police said they believe a shooting rampage downtown Tuesday that left three white men dead was racially motivated. Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said the suspect, Kori Ali Muhammad, gave very specific, detailed information to police that led officers to believe this was a hate-motivated crime, but did not elaborate on what those statements were. If in fact hes lashing out at white people white males in this case that would constitute a hate crime, Dyer said. We believe it is a hate crime, definitely a hate crime. The chief said investigators dont believe Muhammad worked with anyone else in the attack, calling him an individual that is filled with hate, filled with anger. Family members said Muhammad had spoken of a war going on between blacks and whites in America. Heres a rundown of what happened: Police believe Muhammad killed a Motel 6 security guard, Carl Williams. The unarmed 25-year-old was shot outside the motel on North Blackstone Avenue. Muhammad cut off his braids and shaved his face, significantly changing his appearance, after Fresno police put out a news release about that killing. After being aware of that media release, Muhammad made a decision to himself that he … Continue reading
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The unmistakable anatomy of a President Trump flip-flop – Chicago Tribune
Posted: Published on April 20th, 2017
President Donald Trump took to Fox News on Tuesday morning to defend his flip-flop on labeling China a currency manipulator. And what we got was a perfect little illustration of a president who believes his campaign-trail promises mean basically nothing. Here's the exchange with "Fox and Friends" host Ainsley Earhardt: TRUMP: Somebody said "Currency manipulation." What am I going to do? In the middle of him talking with North Korea, I'm going to hit them with currency manipulation? This is the fake media that just does a number. Think of it: He's working so nicely, many coal ships have been sent back, fuel has been sent back, they're not dealing the same way. Nobody's ever seen it like that. Nobody's ever seen such a positive response on our behalf from China, and then the fake media goes, "Donald Trump has changed his stance on China." I haven't changed my stance. China's trying to help us. I don't know if they are going to be able to or not, but do I want to start heavy, heavy trade or currency manipulation statements against someone who's out there trying to stop what could be a very bad situation? You understand that. EARHARDT: … Continue reading
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Anatomy of a Sarin Bomb Explosion (Part II) – bellingcat
Posted: Published on April 20th, 2017
Introduction Part I describes the basic behaviour and intended function of an air-delivered gravity bomb containing Sarin, designed along US/USSR cold war lines. When we left off in Part I, a well-crafted gravity bomb will have dispensed its Sarin broadly along this distribution: Sarin, also commonly known by its old NATO nickname GB, is one of a family of chemical warfare agents known as nerve agents. It was invented by German scientists in 1938-1939 who were performing research on organophosphorous pesticides led by Dr. Gerhard Schrader. Sarin was named by the team of researchers who invented it. It is in a family of chemicals known as organophosphates. There are other chemicals within this family, including the chemical warfare agents Tabun, Soman, VX, and the pesticides Malathion, Parathion, and Amiton. All of the nerve agents affect the human bodys nervous system. The human nervous system requires a delicate balance of chemicals to regulate itself. Nerve agents bind to a chemical known as acetylcholinesterase and, in doing so, disrupt the electrochemical reactions required for the body to operate properly. The binding of acetylcholinesterase leads to a build-up of acetylcholine, which then in turn leads to a syndrome called a cholinergic crisis. In … Continue reading
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New edition of Gray's Anatomy released – The Hindu
Posted: Published on April 20th, 2017
The Hindu New edition of Gray's Anatomy released The Hindu Gray's Anatomy for Students- First South Asia edition was released by S.C. Parija, Director of Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (Jipmer) here on Wednesday. Published by Elsevier, the first South Asian adaptation ... and more » Originally posted here: New edition of Gray's Anatomy released - The Hindu … Continue reading
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Aspen Princess: Anatomy of a meltdown – Aspen Times
Posted: Published on April 20th, 2017
I honestly don't even know where to begin. Do I start with how I was robbed on the street in Miami and my purse was stolen with my laptop in it so I am now typing this column on my old computer, the one with a little plastic nub where the letter "R" key fell off so I get a blister on the tip of my finger? Or a compelling opener might be an excerpt from a dinner conversation at the Naples Beach Hotel where everyone in my crazy extended family was comparing what dosage Zoloft they're on. Do I write about what it was like to travel with a toddler who was getting over the flu, and how, even though he was cleared to travel by his pediatrician, puked all over me, himself, his car seat, and his grandparents the night before we left? Or how I got, like, four minutes of sleep before my 5 a.m. wake-up call because I was up all night worrying, wondering if I should travel with him? Maybe I could explain how, even on a good day, traveling with a 400-pound diaper bag o' tricks that bottomless pit of diapers, wipes, sippy cups, … Continue reading
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From Anatomy to 3D Printing: Art Inspires Life – American Council on Science and Health
Posted: Published on April 19th, 2017
Oscar Wilde believed Life imitates art far more than art imitates life. Upon viewing the accompanying video animation of the anatomical relationships of Pectoralis Major and Minor created by Dr. Raf Ratinam, I became truly inspired. Inspired to write an article, even two. Inspired by the mastery of the complexity of the human formand, an artists understanding of it. Inspired to explore the possibilities of the endless meaningful and powerful ways to impact my chosen field of medicine. Ways that involve navigating traditional and outside-of-the-box realms. All carrying the potential to change the world. So, I will let you be the judge of whether life influenced art or art influenced life. Isnt that the purpose of such endeavors anyway? To question. To propel. To push the envelope and advance thought. To spark innovation. Anatomy is complex. Its intricate labyrinth is the source of our capacity to grasp and turn a door knob. Walk down the street. Carry on conversation. Compete in escalating physical and intellectual endeavors. Each well-positioned nerve, vessel and organ permits our ability to function and thrive. Comprehension of 3D planes and a firm grasp of spatial relations is requisite to depicting it let alone performing advanced surgeries. … Continue reading
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Anatomy of a winning streak: How the Yankees have become MLB's hottest team –
Posted: Published on April 19th, 2017
The New York Yankees are the hottest team in baseball. Monday night they beat the Chicago White Sox (NYY 7, CWS 4) for their eighth consecutive win, which is the longest winning streak by any team in baseball this season -- no other club has won more than five games in a row -- and New York's longest winning streak since a 10-gamer in June 2012. Thanks to this winning streak, the Yankees currently boast a plus-23 run differential, the best in baseball. They rank second among all teams in runs scored per game (5.15) and fourth in runs allowed per game (3.38), so they're playing well in both phases. This eight-game winning streak has had a real impact on their postseason chances. From FanGraphs: Coming into the season the Yankees had a 15.9 percent chance to make the postseason, according to the projections and depth charts at FanGraphs. Two weeks in, they are up to 39.9 percent, fourth highest in the American League. Improving your odds 24 percentage points in two weeks is pretty great. No, the Yankees won't keep winning forever, but these eight wins are in the bank. They can't be taken away. What, exactly, has propelled … Continue reading
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Grey's Anatomy: Every Reason We Have to Believe Cristina Will Return – POPSUGAR
Posted: Published on April 19th, 2017
How has Grey's Anatomy managed to survive without badass cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Cristina Yang for the last three seasons? Well, the popular medical drama has devoted quite some time to exploring Meredith's often precarious yet devoted sisterly bonds to Maggie and Amelia. As much as we love this new dynamic, there's no one quite like Mer's unapologetic soul sister or "person," as Mer puts it. From the pilot episode to Cristina's departure in season 10, Meredith and Cristina grow together, rising through the ranks from clueless interns to fearless attendings as they support each other through the worst of times. And we really do mean the worst of times: shootings, plane crashes, you name it. Last Summer, Sandra Oh, the talented actress behind Cristina, sparked some hope in Grey's fans. She tweeted a picture with her Grey's Anatomy ex-husband Kevin McKidd, who plays trauma surgeon Dr. Owen Hunt, and former Grey's Anatomy screenwriter Tony Phelan. Was it a merely a benign gathering of old chums, or were they discussing some Grey's business? It's most likely the former, but no one ever really knows when it comes to Shondaland. After all, the show has featured cameos from past main cast actors, … Continue reading
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How 'Grey's Anatomy' Brings Dream Weddings to the Small Screen (PHOTOS) – Wetpaint
Posted: Published on April 19th, 2017
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