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Category Archives: BioEngineering

Biotechnology and Bioengineering News — ScienceDaily

Posted: Published on September 8th, 2015

Regulatory, Certification Systems Creating Paralysis in Use of Genetically Altered Trees Aug. 20, 2015 Myriad regulations and certification requirements around the world are making it virtually impossible to use genetically engineered trees to combat catastrophic forest threats, according to a new ... read more Aug. 14, 2015 Another barrier to commercially viable biofuels from sources other than corn has fallen with the engineering of a microbe that improves isobutanol yields by a factor of ... read more New Information Changes Few Opinions on GMOs, Global Warming June 2, 2015 First impressions are critical. So much so that for many people, even when they are given scientific information, they won't change their minds. This is particularly true for issues such as ... read more May 29, 2015 The roots of a plant are constantly growing, so that they can provide the plant with water and minerals while also giving it a firm anchor in the ground. Responsible for these functions are ... read more Scientists See a Natural Place for 'Rewilded' Plants in Organic Farming May 28, 2015 One key element of organic agriculture is that it rejects unpredictable technologies, such as genetic engineering. But what if adding a gene from … Continue reading

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SSOE – Bioengineering

Posted: Published on August 3rd, 2015

Bioengineering, Chemical & Petroleum PITTSBURGH (July 16, 2015) Steven Little , Associate Professor, CNG Faculty Fellow and Chair of the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh's Swanson School of Engineering, has been elected a Class of 2015 Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) . Founded in 1968, BMES is an interdisciplinary professional society for biomedical engineering and bioengineering. Fellow status is awarded to Society members who demonstrate exceptional achievements and experience in the field of biomedical engineering, and a record of membership and participation in the Society. Dr. Little holds eight US patents and provisional applications for patents including new methods to fabricate controlled release vehicles in a high throughput fashion; dissolvable synthetic-vasculature; novel complex delivery vehicles; and a description of the first degradable, artificial cell. He has authored/co-authored 70 articles in highly prestigious archival journals in his fields of specialization (controlled release, biomimetic materials, tissue engineering/regenerative medicine and drug delivery). "Dr. Little's election as BMES Fellow recognizes his seminal contributions to bioengineering education and research during his academic career," noted Harvey Borovetz , Distinguished Professor and Former Chair of Bioengineering and the Robert L. Hardesty Professor of Surgery at Pitt, and BMES Fellow … Continue reading

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Bioengineering (B.S.) | Majors | Clemson University, South …

Posted: Published on July 18th, 2015

Freshmen who major in engineering at Clemson are initially admitted into our general engineering program, where youll have a year to explore many different engineering disciplines, meet faculty from each of our engineering departments and discover which major fits your personal interests and talents. On the admissions application, you will apply as a general engineering major. Once into your core bioengineering curriculum, your classes will combine a solid background in engineering with the study of life sciences. From class to the lab, research is integral to a bioengineering career, and our students are encouraged to get involved in research projects as soon as possible. Classes include the study of EKG simulation, tissue engineering of heart valves, medical technology in the developing world and orthopaedic implants to name a few. Bioelectrical Concentration If you opt to go the bioelectrical route, you will become skilled in inventing, improving and maintaining the machines that allow physicians and technicians to perform procedures with greater accuracy and precision and less invasion. Biomaterials Concentration If you choose to specialize in biomaterials, youll study tissue engineering and appliances that can physically improve patient health. Some examples include artificial hips and growing new body parts with patient cells. … Continue reading

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bioengineering |

Posted: Published on July 2nd, 2015

bioengineering,the application of engineering knowledge to the fields of medicine and biology. The bioengineer must be well grounded in biology and have engineering knowledge that is broad, drawing upon electrical, chemical, mechanical, and other engineering disciplines. The bioengineer may work in any of a large range of areas. One of these is the provision of artificial means to assist defective body functionssuch as hearing aids, artificial limbs, and supportive or substitute organs. In another direction, the bioengineer may use engineering methods to achieve biosynthesis of animal or plant productssuch as for fermentation processes. Before World War II the field of bioengineering was essentially unknown, and little communication or interaction existed between the engineer and the life scientist. A few exceptions, however, should be noted. The agricultural engineer and the chemical engineer, involved in fermentation processes, have always been bioengineers in the broadest sense of the definition since they deal with biological systems and work with biologists. The civil engineer, specializing in sanitation, has applied biological principles in the work. Mechanical engineers have worked with the medical profession for many years in the development of artificial limbs. Another area of mechanical engineering that falls in the field of bioengineering is the … Continue reading

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BTS Bioengineering | Home

Posted: Published on May 30th, 2015

Information pursuant to Legislative decree N. 196/2003 on protection of Privacy In compliance with current laws, we would like to inform you that in accordance with Legislative Decree n.196 of 30 June 2003 (and subsequent amendments) the data you provide shall be processed always taking into account the obligations and in compliance with the laws indicated above. Pursuant to article 4, paragraph 1, letter A, of Legislative Decree n. 196 of 30 June 2003 (commonly referred to as the Privacy Code) processing shall be considered as: any operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction. Data controller The data controller of the data you provide is BTS S.p.A. with headquarters in viale Forlanini 40, 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI). Purposes of the processing In accordance with Legislative Decree n. 196 of 30 October 2004, we would like to inform you that by filling out and submitting this form the following will be accepted: The data collected by means of this form shall be used by … Continue reading

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Bioengineering – Temple University

Posted: Published on May 29th, 2015

Temple University's Bioengineering Department offers students access to the merging worlds of engineering and biological sciences. Bioengineering at Temple University Bioengineers graduating from our program will be individuals with a solid foundation in not only engineering but also physical and life sciences. Students and researchers going through our department will acquire a strong sense about translational biomedical research as well. Our students and trainees will be exposed to both basic and applied knowledge from diverse areas of engineering and sciences, such as thermodynamics, biomechanics, bioinformatics, bioimaging, bioprocessing, fluid mechanics, polymer chemistry, biomaterials, and cellular, molecular and regenerative engineering. This knowledge will enable our graduates to join and lead interdisciplinary teams of engineers, scientists and clinicians to solve fundamental problems in the world around us. These problems include the design of innovative smart biomaterials, tissue constructs, medical devices and diagnostic technologies,and other areas that improve the quality of global health care and the standard of living throughout the world. Temple's Bioengineering Department has a strong focus in understanding human biology and associated diseases and injuries to ultimately invent engineering solutions to improve our status quo. Please refer to our undergraduate and graduate program websites (accessible in the left column and below) … Continue reading

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SSOE – Bioengineering Research Overview

Posted: Published on May 11th, 2015

Abramowitch, Steven Bioengineering Elucidating the processes of injury, disease, and healing of connective tissues through an understanding of tissue mechanics and the complex relationships between composition, structure, and function. Aizenstein, Howard Psychiatry Using functional MRI to relate depression in the elderly to neuroanatomy. Almarza, Alejandro Dental Medicine-Oral Biology Temporomandibular Joint Cartilage and Bone Regeneration and Biomechanics. Functional tissue engineering techniques; development of novel bioreactors; identifying appropriate stem cell sources; genetic manipulation of cells to promote regeneration; and quantification of joint movement. Anderson, Carolyn Pharmacology and Chemical Biology Development of novel molecular imaging agents that target cancer and cancer metastasis. Clinical interests include translating novel PET agents for cancer imaging into humans. Antaki, James CMU/Bioengineering Implantable prosthetic organs, instruments for minimally invasive surgery. Ataai, Mohammad Chemical/Petroleum Engineering Bioprocess engineering, cell culture, viral vectors for gene therapy. Badylak, Stephen Surgery Tissue engineering and wound healing, biomaterial/tissue interactions. Bae, Kyong Tae Radiology Research focuses on quantitative and physiologic imaging and computer applications in diagnostic imaging. Bai, Mingfeng Med-Radiology/Bioengineering In vitro and in vivo biomedical imaging of cancers and Alzheimer's disease Balaban, Carey Otolaryngology Anatomy, neurophysiology and neurochemistry of vestibular function. Banerjee, Ipsita Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Stem cell differentiation, tissue engineering, systems biology, … Continue reading

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KU School of Engineering 3D Printing in Bioengineering – Video

Posted: Published on May 4th, 2015

KU School of Engineering 3D Printing in Bioengineering Stefan Lohfeld, a Marie Curie Fellow visiting the KU School of Engineering from NUI Galway in Ireland, is part of an effort to revolutionize the process for creating cartilage implants. He's... By: JayhawkEngineering … Continue reading

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BIO-ENGINEERING 2014 Fall Chapter 02 What bioengineering is? – Video

Posted: Published on May 2nd, 2015

BIO-ENGINEERING 2014 Fall Chapter 02 What bioengineering is? (Subject)) Bio-Engineering ((School)) Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems (IPS), Waseda University ((Term)) 2014 Fall semester ((Lecturer)) Prof. Takafumi MATSUMARU ... By: brhmlab waseda … Continue reading

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Bioengineering 2 – Video

Posted: Published on April 21st, 2015

Bioengineering 2 By JH, KK, BL, and JH. By: Science ARMS … Continue reading

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