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Category Archives: Brain Injury Treatment

TBI: What is Traumatic Brain Injury | Brain Injury …

Posted: Published on December 27th, 2018

Traumatic brain injury, often referred to as TBI, is most often an acute event similar to other injuries. That is where the similarity between traumatic brain injury and other injuries ends. Continue reading

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Head Injury (Traumatic Brain Injury) Symptoms & Treatment

Posted: Published on December 27th, 2018

How is a head injury diagnosed? As with most injuries and illnesses, finding out what happened to the patient is very important. Continue reading

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International Brain Injury Association – IBIA

Posted: Published on December 27th, 2018

Following acute TBI rehabilitation there have been a limited number of strategies that have been used in the treatment of cognitive disorders. These methods have included restorative cognitive rehabilitation procedures that utilize stimulation and practice (e.g., of vigilance with a computer intervention); strategy cognitive rehabilitation (e.g., utilizing visualization, creating associations), compensatory cognitive rehabilitation strategies; and medications (e.g., cognitive enhancing medications directed at arousal, attention and/or memory) Continue reading

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Brain Injury Diagnosis | Traumatic Brain Injury | Brain …

Posted: Published on December 27th, 2018

Anyone with signs of moderate or severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) should receive medical attention as soon as possible. Little can be done to reverse the brain damage caused by an accident or injury, but healthcare workers try to keep the injured person's condition stable and prevent further injury. If you or a loved one has a TBI, your healthcare team will work to: Imaging tests help to diagnose TBI. Continue reading

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Brain Injury Statistics | Northern British Columbia …

Posted: Published on December 20th, 2018

Here are a few brain injury statistics that reveal just how enormous of an issue brain injury has become, locally, provincially, nationally and internationally. Of all types of injury around the world, injuries to the brain are among the most likely to result in death or permanent disability Continue reading

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Traumatic Brain Injury | Symptoms & Treatments

Posted: Published on December 10th, 2018

Traumatic brain injury results from an impact to the head that disrupts normal brain function. Traumatic brain injury may affect a persons cognitive abilities, including learning and thinking skills. Falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injury for all ages. Continue reading

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Traumatic Brain Injury Rehab & Treatment …

Posted: Published on November 21st, 2018

Traumatic brain injury causes a number of minor to serious complications that typically require both immediate and ongoing, long-term treatment. While the first stages of treatment for TBI involve sustaining life and preventing further injury, chronic care requires a combination of rehabilitation programs and assistive technologies. Most rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury is aimed at overcoming, minimizing or working through disabilities so patients can live as independently as possible. Immediately after the incident that has caused traumatic brain injury (which can include physical abuse or a serious fall), patients are generally rushed to the hospital for immediate, acute treatment of TBI. During acute treatment, medical professionals will: At these specialized care facilities, medical staff will fully evaluate the patients impairments, disabilities and probability of recovery. Additionally, doctors will outline a course of appropriate treatments, helping patients and their families build the right team of medical professionals necessary for rehabilitation and chronic TBI treatment. Although most traumatic brain injury patients enter subacute treatment centers in shock or a state of post-traumatic amnesia, they leave these facilities ready to live independently, live with home care or move onto to long-term care centers. Patients with mild to moderate TBI spend little, if no … Continue reading

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Is CBD for Brain Injury a Treatment Option of the Future?

Posted: Published on November 12th, 2018

Is it possible that CBD, a compound found in the cannabis plant, could protect us against the long-term effects of brain injury? Scientists seem to think so, as they research how CBDs neuroprotective and antioxidative effects might reduce the brain damage caused by strokes, traumatic brain injury and even oxygen deprivation during birth. So is CBD for brain injury a treatment option of the future? Lets take a look. CBD, otherwise known as Cannabidiol, is never out of the news these days thanks to its effects as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and neuroprotectant. But for the United States Government, CBD for brain injury has been on their radar for a while. Back in 2001 they filed the now infamous U.S. Patent 6630507 entitled Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants, singling out compounds like CBD for their neuroprotectant potential in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma. The US Federal Government - which, by the way, to this day still classifies the cannabis plant as having no therapeutic use - wouldnt take out a patent-based on hearsay and hot air. They have consulted an ever-growing body of evidence, suggesting CBD and other cannabinoids could play a significant role in … Continue reading

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Treatment in the Hospital | Brain Injury Association of America

Posted: Published on November 12th, 2018

As recovery progresses following brain injury, it is likely the individual will see a change in the level of care and in the treatment setting. Since individuals do not always progress in a linear fashion, they will not always advance through the continuum of care in strict order. Treatment in a hospital following a brain injury can range from a quick neurological assessment to longer-term, inpatient care. The length of one's stay in the hospital will vary depending on the severity and implications from the brain injury. It is likely one will first visit the Emergency Department, or Emergency Room (ER), following a brain injury. Oftentimes the decisions in the ER must be made quickly and without explanation. The treatment team focuses on saving lives. Measures to protect the brain from further injury or damage will be taken. After receiving emergency medical treatment, persons with a moderate to severe brain injury may be admitted to a hospitals Inpatient Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The goal in ICU is typically medical stability, management, and prevention of medical crisis. Those receiving treatment in the ICU for their brain injury may be unconscious, in a coma, and/or medically unstable. Many tubes, wires, and pieces … Continue reading

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Types and Levels of Brain Injury – Brain Injury Alliance of Utah

Posted: Published on November 12th, 2018

Types of Brain Injury All brain injuries are unique. The brain can receive several different types of injuries depending on the type of force and amount of force that impacts the head. The type of injury the brain receives may affect just one functional area of the brain, various areas, or all areas of the brain. Traumatic Brain Injury Acquired Brain InjuryLevels of Brain Injury Even a concussion can cause substantial difficulties or impairments that can last a lifetime. Whiplash can result in the same difficulties as head injury. Such impairments can be helped by rehabilitation, however many individuals are released from treatment without referrals to brain injury rehabilitation, or guidance of any sort. Penetrating injury to the brain occurs from the impact of a bullet, knife or other sharp object that forces hair, skin, bones and fragments from the object into the brain. Acquired Brain Injury, (ABI), results from damage to the brain caused by strokes, tumors, anoxia, hypoxia, toxins, degenerative diseases, near drowning and/or other conditions not necessarily caused by an external force. Anoxic Brain Injury occurs when the brain does not receive any oxygen. Cells in the brain need oxygen to survive and function. Types of Anoxic … Continue reading

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