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Category Archives: Cerebral Palsy
12-Year-Old with Cerebral Palsy Meets His ‘Hero’ John Cena: ‘My Heart Melts,’ Says Dad –
Posted: Published on March 31st, 2017 12-Year-Old with Cerebral Palsy Meets His 'Hero' John Cena: 'My Heart Melts,' Says Dad John Cena made one 12-year-old fan's dream come true. After spotting Payton, who has cerebral palsy, at a WWE event in Johnson City, Tennessee, and tossing him a T-shirt and wristband, John Cena met with him backstage. Payton is super excited about ... WWE's John Cena meets young fan with cerebral palsyDaily Mail The most memorable kiss in WWE history! - Our Road to WrestleMania: John and NikkiYouTube all 138 news articles » Go here to see the original: 12-Year-Old with Cerebral Palsy Meets His 'Hero' John Cena: 'My Heart Melts,' Says Dad - … Continue reading
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Norfolk family’s video of son with cerebral palsy goes viral –
Posted: Published on March 31st, 2017
Parents of a young boy who has Cerebral Palsy created a video about him and the disorder in order to raise awareness about CP. Elise Brown, WVEC 12:46 PM. EDT March 30, 2017 Croiffee Croiffee (Photo: 13News Now) NORFOLK, Va. (WVEC) -- Cerebral palsy affects thousands of people each year. March marks Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. One Norfolk family is trying to create awareness and acceptance with a video getting thousands of online views. Patrick and Chanita Croiffee are proud parents of Caleb and Carter. Caleb, who is almost 2, was born early and didn't get enough oxygen. Doctors would later diagnose him with cerebral palsy. "The first sign was that he had a seizure, which was not typical to happen right after a birth, obviously," said Chanita. "It was a trying time, but one thing about it, we fought through it, and we prayed throughout the whole situation," said Patrick. Caleb sees doctors and therapists to help with his developmental process. The disorder can impact muscle control, speech and intellect. "I don't count him out, there. He's definitely aware, he definitely knows us, he knows his sister," said Chanita. "He spends time in his stander, and that strengthens his … Continue reading
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Cavs ticket winner gives prize to 10-year-old with cerebral palsy –
Posted: Published on March 30th, 2017
Please enable Javascript to watch this video STOW, Ohio - Sometimes you don't have to say a word for your spirit to shine. "Mason misses out on a lot of stuff," said his mom Jodi Del Ferraro wiping tears from her eyes. "So for something to make him so happy, and he gets to go too, is pretty special." Mason Del Ferraro, 10, is a triplet who doesn't always get to do everything his brothers can. Mason has cerebral palsy. This weekend he's doing something he's never gotten to dobefore: attend a Cleveland Cavaliers game. ***watch the video above for the moment Mason realizes he's going to the game*** Tickets to the game came as a surprise.Mason's cousin tried to win a school competition but lost. Then the winner stepped up, giving up the two tickets so Mason could cheer on the Cavs. "He's such a special boy and it was done out of love and I know how much it means to him," said Del Ferraro fighting back tears. Mason will go to the game with his dad. The entire Del Ferraro family isbig Cavs fans. Their house is decked out in Cavaliers gear, especially the boys' room. "We … Continue reading
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Youngstown news, Taekwondo helps 13-year-old with cerebral palsy – Youngstown Vindicator
Posted: Published on March 30th, 2017
Published: Wed, March 29, 2017 @ 10:55 p.m. Cody Piver, 13, does quite well in Tae Kwon do, he also has cerebral palsy but doesn't let that slow him down. BOARDMAN Cody Piver just started tae kwon do lessons in the fall, but hes already breaking ground. A viral video of Cody breaking boards has garnered 2.1 million views, and he brought two gold medals home from the Ohio State Taekwondo Associations 2017 state championship in March. These are achievements most parents would be proud of, but Codys mother, Michelle Carroll-Piver, has a special appreciation for her sons success. Its been inspirational, she said. Everything we get out of him is something great. Thats because Cody was born three months premature and suffered a Grade IV hemorrhage in his brain. This left him with epilepsy and cerebral palsy. When I was born, they told my mom I would never be able to walk [or] talk. I would have a very short life, Cody said. Look at me. 13 years old. He attends seventh-grade at Canfield Village Middle School, which is where he first encountered martial arts. Master Justin Taylor, of Junior Tae Kwon Do School in Boardman, taught an after-school … Continue reading
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Man born with Cerebral Palsy thanks Michael Phelps for teaching … –
Posted: Published on March 30th, 2017
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOTV) Johnny Agaris a Rockford native born with Cerebral Palsy.He currently attends Aquinas College studying sports management and business administration.Recently, hismom made a video to thank one of the greatest athletes of all time,28 Olympicmedalist,Michael Phelps. Johnny says he looks up to athletes likePhelps,because they tend to face adversity. He says that he looks up to Phelps, because hes the best of the best and faced adversity along the way. Johnny took part in anIronman triathlon in Hawaii last year with his father. His mom says she hopes that Phelps will see the video so that he knows how much he inspired Johnny through the race and in life. Dad inspires me just as much as Michael Phelps. Johnny The video is out on social media and getting national attention. **Watch full video below to learn a little more about Johnnys story. Continue reading here: Man born with Cerebral Palsy thanks Michael Phelps for teaching ... - … Continue reading
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Cerebral palsy children’s home receives a face-lift – Rising Sun Overport
Posted: Published on March 30th, 2017
Deputy mayor, Cllr Fawzia Peer, Ghazala Moosa, Mr Razak Moosa, Mrs Shereen Moosa and Belinda Naidoo, general manager of Natal Settler's Memorial Homes. Sounds of jubilation and ecstasy were felt after a philanthropic family made a generous donation to 41 children living with cerebral palsy at Natal Settlers Memorial Homes. Over 50 guestsattendedthe grand opening of a special needs playground and specialised wheelchair handover at the Umbilo homes on Saturday, March 25. The guests includedlocal business leaders andspecial guest of honour,deputy mayor,CllrFawziaPeer. The eventwashosted byphilanthropist, AbdulRazakMoosaand ShereenMoosa,on behalf of their daughter, Ghazala, who has also had to overcome many obstacles living with cerebral palsy. The guests were welcomed bynon-profit organisation,Helping Hands 786, who partnered with Moosato facilitate the project. Deputy mayor,Cllr Peer and theMoosafamily,then cut the ceremonious ribbon, officially opening the playground for the children. Seeing the joy the specially adapted flatbed swings and roundabout brought to the children, Moosacalled upon the business leaders in attendance to support institutions such as Natal Settlers. Its important to share your financial success with those less fortunatein the spirit of nation building and Ubuntu. There is so much need to help the less fortunate and disabled, so that people from all spheres of … Continue reading
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Living with cerebral palsy, he’s also become ‘The Dude’: a food critic – MyAJC
Posted: Published on March 30th, 2017
CHARLOTTE, N.C. If you go online to read one of Alex Jenkins reviews of Charlotte restaurants, you might notice a few things. Theres the type of restaurants he likes small, local places with mid-range prices. Theres the kind of food he prefers heavy on ribs, stuffed potatoes, cheese-steak sandwiches and cream-topped desserts. Theres the writing less precious gushing about trendy ingredients and curated cocktails, more detail on handicapped accessibility and how a waiter acted when Alex asked for his food to be cut up. Jenkins is the same as a lot of aspiring young writers. His blog, Food With the Dude, is his attempt to find a career, to turn something he loves into a life for himself. Theres one big difference: Alex, 25, is doing it with cerebral palsy. Hes doing it with limited use of his hands and one of his legs, with food allergies that limit what he can eat, with an inability to drive that means someone has to take him everywhere. Problems with his facial muscles make it hard to tell whether hes smiling or glowering. Problems with his diaphragm mean he talks softly, often running out of air before he reaches the end of … Continue reading
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uOttawa students engineer foot-controlled TV converter for man with … – Ottawa Citizen
Posted: Published on March 30th, 2017
For Ottawas Jorge de Almeida, watching television can be an exercise in frustration particularly when he wants to change the channel. Almeida lives with cerebral palsy and controls both his wheelchair and his TV remote with his left foot. But it can take five minutes or more to manipulate the remote control with his toes and find his favourite shows: CSIand the evening news. So he beamed Wednesday when University of Ottawa engineers unveiled a new TV remote they designed and built for him using the schools 3D printer. Its a mountable unit, the size of a textbook, with six large buttons that Almeida can easily control with his foot. Great work, Almeida announced after testing the device. (He communicates with a chair-mounted keypad that he also controls with his left foot.) The TV remote was one of more than 100 engineering solutions on display Wednesday at the universitys second annual Design Day showcase. The event is the brainchild of uOttawa professor Hanan Anis, who holds a national research chair in engineering design. Anis said the design competition is part of the universitys drive to ensure that its engineers graduate with the ability to create and deliver useful products. Employers … Continue reading
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Montrose cerebral palsy sufferer reaches impasse with Angus Council – Montrose Review
Posted: Published on March 30th, 2017
11:31 Thursday 30 March 2017 A Montrose gardener has reached an impasse with Angus Councils planning department over plans to extend his property. Graham Henderson, who runs his own gardening firm, has cerebral palsy and has put in for permission to extend his home, allowing him to accommodate a hot tub in his wet room. The hut tub helps relax his muscles, which tighten as a result of his condition, but it is currently outdoors meaning he cant use it in the colder months, when it would be most beneficial. Hydrotherapy treatment was recommended by Capability Scotland, who did a full medical, but the nearest pool for treatment was in Perth. Graham explained: Capability Scotland recommended the hydro pool but they said Id need 18 visits each year. Its 50 a visit, and it would be for the rest of my life. Thats when I came up with the hot tub idea. I put the application in and the planners said if I got letters from the doctors and occupational therapy or physiotherapy they would waive the planning and building warrant, The physiotherapist and GPs gave me letters in support but planning asked for one from occupational therapy who wrote … Continue reading
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Life’s Equation Book Signing for National Cerebral Palsy Month – FOX31 Denver
Posted: Published on March 28th, 2017
FOX31 Denver Life's Equation Book Signing for National Cerebral Palsy Month FOX31 Denver March is National Cerebral Palsy Month, so Frank Daidone, the author of "Life's Equation," and Mark Whistler, the owner of The Goods Restaurant are teaming up for a great fundraising event this at the restaurant this Thursday, 3/30/17, from 5-9pm. 10 ... Visit link: Life's Equation Book Signing for National Cerebral Palsy Month - FOX31 Denver … Continue reading
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