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Category Archives: Chemistry
High hopes: the ups and downs of Leaving Cert 2014
Posted: Published on August 14th, 2014
Elementary: While Chemistry and Physics have relatively high failure rates, those with an aptitude for these subjects can score high grades Over the past three years, the numbers taking higher level maths have risen significantly, with students drawn by the carrot of 25 bonus CAO points for an honours grade. These extra points can make all the difference in securing the right college place although the effect of bonus points has been to drive up CAO points for the majority of courses. Progress has been made since 2013. This year, 14,326 students (27 per cent) sat the higher level maths paper, a proportionate rise of 1 per cent from last year. The overall honours rate has stayed reasonably steady, dipping from 72.9 per cent in 2013 to 72.6 per cent this year. In total, 13,660 students who secured an A, B, C or D will receive 25 bonus points today, which may in turn lead to a further rise in CAO points. Chemistry and Physics also have relatively high failure rates, at 10 and 8.3 per cent respectively. On the plus side, however, students who have an aptitude for these subjects can receive their just reward: 20.5 per cent of … Continue reading
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Chemistry professor opens Summit County yoga studio
Posted: Published on August 14th, 2014
Every move, every breath, every posture requires concentration in yoga. Likewise, every structure, every property and every possible reaction of carbon-based molecules, the building blocks of all earthly life, calls for deep analysis for the practitioner of organic chemistry. For Lisa Julian, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado at Denver, the blending of yoga and the science of lifes molecules is seamless. Not long after completing her post-doctoral research in organic chemistry, Julian began her professional career in the pharmaceutical industry. I used to sit in meetings with these big-wig executives, Julian said. At one meeting they were discussing the release of a new pill to fight obesity. You dont take a pill for obesity. Pills have a place in society, but I saw firsthand they were being overused. You dont just eat whatever you want and then just take a pill and expect to be healthy. You have to make lifestyle changes. She realized she wanted to pursue a different path. She knew a healthy body required a holistic approach. A child science prodigy, Julian completed high school early and enrolled at the University of California at Irvine at only 16. By 24 shed earned a doctorate … Continue reading
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Radio telescope’s 3D maps bring comet chemistry into focus, researchers say (+video)
Posted: Published on August 14th, 2014
Researchers using a new radio-telescope array high in Chile's Atacama Desert have made the most detailed maps yet of simple organic molecules in the halos of two comets. The 3D maps not only reveal the molecules present, but where in the halo, or coma, they appear. Their distribution offers clues about their origins either coming from the nucleus as it heats and the ices it harbors morph straight from ice to gas to form the coma and tail, or produced through chemical reactions in the coma itself. Such comet chemistry is of keen interest for researchers trying to uncover the conditions in the early solar system some 4.5 billion years ago, as the planets formed. Comets, especially those coming from a distant, extended reservoir of objects known as the Oort Cloud, are thought to harbor evidence of these early conditions in the dust, rock, and ice that make up their cores. Moreover, comets are thought to have delivered water as well as molecular building blocks for compounds important for the emergence of life on Earth. The observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) presented fresh insights on two levels, say the researchers involved in the study. "We wanted to … Continue reading
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Chemistry Basics – Dimensional Analysis – Video
Posted: Published on August 12th, 2014
Chemistry Basics - Dimensional Analysis Greg Reed Science Learning Specialist Marian University - Fond du Lac Introduction to the problem solving strategy Dimensional Analysis. By: Greg Reed … Continue reading
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In Depth: Atomic Mass Units | Chemistry for All | The Fuse School – Video
Posted: Published on August 12th, 2014
In Depth: Atomic Mass Units | Chemistry for All | The Fuse School Learn the basics about Atomic Mass Units. The atomic mass is used to find the average mass of elements and molecules and to solve stoichiometry problems. Find out more in this video! This... By: The Fuse School - Global Education … Continue reading
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Life cycle assessment | Chemistry for All | The Fuse School – Video
Posted: Published on August 12th, 2014
Life cycle assessment | Chemistry for All | The Fuse School Learn the basics about Life cycle assessment. What is the life cycle of a product (before it gets recycled or not) ? What stages does it go through? Find out more in this video! This Open... By: The Fuse School - Global Education … Continue reading
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Chemistry- Chemical Reactions and Mole Concepts-Part 1(What is a Chemical Reaction) KERALA Std X – Video
Posted: Published on August 12th, 2014
Chemistry- Chemical Reactions and Mole Concepts-Part 1(What is a Chemical Reaction) KERALA Std X Chemistry- Chemical Reactions and Mole Concepts-Part 1(What is a Chemical Reaction) KERALA SSLC Std X By: free tuition@SATC … Continue reading
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Organic Chemistry (Year Long in Hindi) for Class 11th by VKP Sir (JEE online coaching) – Video
Posted: Published on August 12th, 2014
Organic Chemistry (Year Long in Hindi) for Class 11th by VKP Sir (JEE online coaching) By: Etoos India … Continue reading
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Chemists develop MRI technique for peeking inside battery-like devices
Posted: Published on August 12th, 2014
A team of chemists from New York University and the University of Cambridge has developed a method for examining the inner workings of battery-like devices called supercapacitors, which can be charged up extremely quickly and can deliver high electrical power. Their technique, based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), establishes a means for monitoring and potentially enhancing the performance of such devices. The work, which appears in the latest issue of the journal Nature Communications, focuses on electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), a type of so-called supercapacitor. These are excellent options for powering systems where fast charging and power delivery are crucial, such as in regenerative braking (for use in trains and buses), camera flashes, and in backup computer memory. "The MRI method really allows us to look inside a functioning electrical storage device and locate molecular events that are responsible for its functioning," explains Alexej Jerschow, a professor in NYU's Department of Chemistry and one of the paper's senior authors. "The approach allows us to explore electrolyte concentration gradients and the movement of ions within the electrode and electrolyte, both ultimately a cause of poor rate performance in batteries and supercapacitors," adds co-author Clare Grey, a professor in the Department of … Continue reading
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Rosie O’Donnell ”Didn’t Want to Upset” Whoopi Goldberg During The View Chemistry Test, Plus Front Runners Revealed!
Posted: Published on August 12th, 2014
Bruce Glikas/FilmMagic Now that Sherri Shepherd and Jenny McCarthy have officially bid farewell to The View, the question on everyone's mind remains: Who will fill the show's empty seats?! Rosie O'Donnell, who was previously a host for one tumultuous season back in 2007, has already been confirmed to fill one of the vacant slots while moderator WhoopiGoldbergis the only co-host returning for Season 18. So who are the current front runners looking to snag the remaining chairs? And are Whoopi and Rosie already butting heads at the famous round table? Let the drama begin, ladies. VIDEO: Meredith Viera sounds off the The View's "tricky" changes E! News has learned that a chemistry test was recently conducted in front of an audience of around 75 people, which consisted of "regular people from off the street." "All the girls in line for the job were put in one room and then taken into the studio in pairs," a source tells E! News. "They teamed the girls up randomly and then had them discussing a variety of issues." The insider adds that the show's new executive producer "wants the show to have a more newsy tone," noting that the content "will be less … Continue reading
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