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Category Archives: Drugs
'Decriminalise Drugs, Including Heroin And Cocaine'
Posted: Published on January 15th, 2013
Cannabis and ecstasy should be sold in licensed shops, with the possession and use of all illegal drugs should be decriminalised, an inquiry by a group of cross-party peers has found. A system for testing the safety of new drugs should be introduced with low-risk substances, which could be called "Class D" sold with labels detailing their risks, like cigarette packaging, members of the all-party parliamentary group for drug policy reform said. While the supply of the most dangerous substances should remain banned, users caught with a small quantity of any drug should not be penalised, the Inquiry found. The controversial proposals are likely to irk the Prime Minister who recently rejected calls by MPs to set up a royal commission to consider the decriminalisation of illegal drugs. A panel of nine Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Labour and Crossbench peers from the all-party group conducted a parliamentary inquiry into new psychoactive substances. Presenting the Inquiry findings, chair Baroness Meacher, who is also a chair of an NHS trust, said: "The Misuse of Drugs Act is counter-productive in attempting to reduce drug addiction and other drug harms to young people." Baroness Meacher told The Times that it would be "daft" for Class … Continue reading
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Baroness Meacher: Taking drugs is like having a cup of coffee, says peer who wants ecstasy sold in chemists
Posted: Published on January 15th, 2013
Crossbencher Baroness Meacher calls for heroin, ecstasy and crack cocaine to be decriminalised She heads cross-party group which says licences could be issued to allow drug dealers to sell so-called 'legal highs' Senior police officer says arresting drug users was often pointless By James Slack and Jack Doyle PUBLISHED: 08:44 EST, 14 January 2013 | UPDATED: 19:16 EST, 14 January 2013 Crossbench peer Baroness Meacher said that like illegal drugs, her morning coffee was not safe Youngsters should be encouraged to switch from drinking alcohol to taking drugs, the head of a powerful parliamentary group said yesterday. Baroness Meacher also compared taking banned substances to drinking coffee. The former social worker insisted some drugs are a good deal safer than tobacco and alcohol and said it may be a very good thing if teenagers stopped getting drunk and took some types of legal highs instead. Her comments came the day after the All Party Parliamentary Group for Drug Policy Reform, of which she is chairman, called for the possession and use of heroin, ecstasy and crack cocaine to be decriminalised altogether, which would relegate it to the status of a minor driving offence. The report suggested that giving criminal records … Continue reading
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AUDIO: Current drugs system 'dangerous'
Posted: Published on January 15th, 2013
Anyone caught with any drug should not be penalised, if its for their own use - according to a group of peers from all parties. They conducted an inquiry into new legal highs but have ended up proposing a complete overhaul of our drugs laws as they say the 40-year-old Misuse of Drugs act is counter-productive in attempting to reduce drug addiction. The chair of the committee, Baroness Meacher, told the Today programme: "At the moment we have a situation where all drugs are either in the hands of criminal gangs or, in the case of legal highs, in the hands of very dubious scientists. "There's nowhere that young people can go where they can get really good information about what is in the drugs, how safe they are, how much they should take, how they should take it and so on. "Therefore the current system is, in our view, dangerous. So what we're looking at is a safer system to protect young people." First broadcast on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme on Monday 14 January 2012. Read more from the original source: AUDIO: Current drugs system 'dangerous' … Continue reading
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Drugs hope for cancer risk women
Posted: Published on January 15th, 2013
Women with a family history of breast cancer could be offered preventative medication on the NHS under new plans outlined by the health regulator. Officials are examining whether women who are at "high risk" of developing the disease should be offered hormone therapy to prevent breast cancer. Charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer said the consultation is an "historic step" for the prevention of the disease which claims the lives of 12,000 people in the UK each year. The National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) has launched a draft consultation to see whether drugs tamoxifen or raloxifene should be offered to high-risk post-menopausal women in England and Wales. A previous clinical trial found that tamoxifen, taken for five years, reduced the risk of developing invasive breast cancer by about 50% in post-menopausal women who were at increased risk of getting the disease. Another trial found that five years of raloxifene reduces breast cancer risk in such women by about 38%. Under the new plans, high risk post-menopausal women could be offered the drugs for a period of five years unless they have a history of thromboembolic disease or endometrial cancer. The new Nice guidelines on familial breast cancer could also … Continue reading
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Scots 'orphan drugs' fund launched
Posted: Published on January 15th, 2013
14 January 2013 Last updated at 13:25 ET A 21m fund has been launched to help improve access to treatment for people with rare medical conditions. Scottish Health Secretary Alex Neil said the move would help meet the cost of so-called orphan medicines. These are drugs used to treat illnesses affecting fewer than one in 2,000 people. The new fund will only cover the cost of medicines whose routine use has been rejected by the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC). This could include drugs such as Kalydeco - also known as ivacaftor - which was rejected for use in Scotland by the SMC on Monday largely on the grounds of cost. The NHS in England decided to provide funding for Kalydeco from 1 January this year. Mr Neil said it was only right that Scottish patients with rare conditions had access to innovative medicines which were clinically justified, and that they were not disadvantaged due to the very high cost of these treatments. For some individual patients with rare conditions, there is a need for further support He added: "I am therefore pleased to confirm today that the Scottish government will establish a fund which will ensure that the cost of … Continue reading
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Generic HIV drugs 'less effective'
Posted: Published on January 15th, 2013
14 January 2013 Last updated at 23:01 ET Any rise in the use of cheaper, non-branded HIV drugs could see more patients with treatment failure, doctors warn. Soon-to-be available generic medicines could save the US health care system nearly $1bn a year, they say in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. But trial data suggests generic drugs might be slightly less effective. And they require users to take three daily pills instead of one, increasing the risk some patients may miss doses. The doctors calculate reduced treatment efficacy could result in 4.4 months of life lost per patient lifetime. At the same time the lifetime financial savings would be $42,500 (26,500) per patient, say the Massachusetts General Hospital investigators. The currently recommended treatment for newly diagnosed patients is a single pill (Atripla) taken daily that combines three brand-name antiretrovirals - tenofovir (Viread), emtricitabine (Emtriva) and efavirenz (Sustiva). A generic form of a drug that has a similar mechanism of action to emtricitabine became available in January 2012, and a generic version of efavirenz is expected in the relatively near future. Patients could soon take these two less expensive generic drugs alongside the brand drug tenofovir. Link: Generic HIV drugs 'less … Continue reading
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Beautiful Black Women. – Video
Posted: Published on January 14th, 2013
Beautiful Black Women. Sharing the dating practices in 1960-1970. The marriages and the male and female relationships. Respect was the name of the game for big mama, muhdear, and elders. We are here from the lives thst were lost, I do dream a world of respect, responsibility, and love for all. We generate the , "bad mouth", if we live any other way. God is not happy, so always live like God is watching, amd leave drugs alone! respect By: acajudi100 … Continue reading
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Love and Other Drugs – Episode 9 – Video
Posted: Published on January 14th, 2013
Love and Other Drugs - Episode 9 The "Love Other Drugs" series is presented by Motown's own recording artists "MPrynt" Today you'll get to hear some of the industry noise that MPrynt has already started to make with live feedback from award winning writers producers such as: Jessyca Guordan, The Justice League, Elijah Blake, August Rigo, Balewa Subscribe....Watch....Comment Enjoy!!! Follow us on twitter/instagram: @MPrynt @Tyceofmprynt @Fahofmprynt @Buddaofmprynt @Raelofmprynt Like the FB Bandpage: By: MPrynt … Continue reading
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Conor's Question Corner w/ Conor, Ethan, Cody, and Sukhi Ep:4 Fruit Shoes (Black Ops 2) – Video
Posted: Published on January 14th, 2013
Conor's Question Corner w/ Conor, Ethan, Cody, and Sukhi Ep:4 Fruit Shoes (Black Ops 2) This is episode 4 of Conor's Question Corner or better known as the KKK. Conor will be asking all of us hypothetical questions and you will hear our hilarious responses to them. Hope you enjoy! Remember to Like, Favorite, Comment, and Subscribe! Love you! Episode 3: Meat Armor Episode 2: Drugs Episode 1: Musical Instruments Sukhi as SukhiWii (1st person view) Conor as SandwichMagic Ethan as KhineseKid Cody as KhineseKid(1) By: Oddsody … Continue reading
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"FREE YOURSELF" from the Gangs
Posted: Published on January 14th, 2013
"FREE YOURSELF" from the Gangs the Cops. A new start with RingsPower - Traveling rings NWA vers. This new reel music / video with Bruno Angelico has a specific goal: To get black youngsters out of drugs, gangs or whatever serious trouble they can get into. To find focus and recreate themselves thru the Traveling rings. To become God's free spirit and get a new start. Please support these videos. I'm not here to be be politically correct or get people from church at the rings. Whether you understand what I'm trying to do or not, whether you like the choice of music or even the images! It's not about you, it's not about me... It's about them. If this video can only save "one life", then mission accomplished. Thank you. By: BrunoAngelico … Continue reading
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