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Category Archives: Eczema

Eczema – Home Remedies, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Diet

Posted: Published on August 17th, 2015

Topic Contents: advertisement Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can be caused by a number of different factors both internal and external. Eczema tends to affect children below the age of six primarily, but many people may suffer from recurring bouts of eczema throughout their lives. Eczema is an inflammatory condition but is not contagious and cannot be caught or transferred from one person to another. If left untreated, eczema can develop into more serious skin diseases such as herpes and impetigo. There are different types of eczema that vary in terms of causes and symptoms. The most common type of eczema is also referred to as atopic dermatitis. In fact, these two terms are often used interchangeably. Atopic dermatitis is caused by external factors and causes scratchy inflamed red patches of skin. These attacks flare up depending on allergens and other environmental factors. Contact dermatitis or eczema is caused when the skin comes in contact with a particular allergen or irritant. Contact eczema is highly localized and if you have a history of allergies, you are more likely to contract this type of eczema. Other types of eczema include seborrheic eczema (normally caused by dandruff). Nummular eczema results … Continue reading

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Rash 101: The Most Common Types of Skin Rashes

Posted: Published on August 8th, 2015

Rash facts Rash is not a specific diagnosis. Instead it means skin inflammation and discoloration that changes the way the skin looks. Common rashes include eczema, poison ivy, hives, and heat rash. Infections that cause rashes may be fungal, bacterial, parasitic, or viral. Over-the-counter products may be helpful treatments for many skin rashes. Rashes lasting more than a few days that are unexplained should be evaluated by a doctor. What are the causes, symptoms, and signs of common noninfectious rashes? Some common, noninfectious rashes are listed below. If you have a new rash and you have a fever or some other generalized illness associated with it, it would be best to see your doctor. Seborrheic dermatitis: Seborrheic dermatitis is the single most common rash affecting adults. It produces a red scaling eruption that characteristically affects the scalp, forehead, brows, cheeks, and external ears. Atopic dermatitis: Atopic dermatitis, often called eczema, is a common disorder of childhood which produces red itchy, weeping rashes on the inner aspects of the elbows and in back of the knees as well as the cheeks, neck, wrists, and ankles. It is commonly found in patients who also have asthma and hay fever. Contact dermatitis: Contact … Continue reading

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Eczema: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Posted: Published on August 2nd, 2015

Eczema is "a general term for any superficial inflammatory process involving the epidermis primarily, marked early by redness, itching, minute papules and vesicles, weeping, oozing and crusting, and later by scaling, lichenification and often pigmentation."1 It is also used specifically to refer to the condition atopic dermatitis. The word eczema comes from the Greek word ekzein meaning "to boil out"; the Greek word ek means "out," while the Greek word zema means "boiling." You will also see introductions at the end of some sections to any recent eczema developments that have been covered by MNT's news stories. Also look out for links to information about related conditions. Fast facts on eczema Here are some key points about eczema. More detail and supporting information is in the main article. The term 'eczema' is used in two different ways. It can be used widely to describe any rash-like skin conditions. It is usually used specifically to refer to the most common type of these skin conditions: atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition that commonly starts during infancy and continues through into childhood. Some people outgrow the condition while some people will continue to have it into adulthood. The word … Continue reading

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What Is Eczema | National Eczema Association

Posted: Published on July 22nd, 2015

There is no cure for eczema, but, in most cases, it is manageable. The word eczema comes from a Greek word that means to effervesce or bubble or boil over. This website will help you answer the question What Is Eczema? and help you understand it. Its important to remember that many people have eczema. Over 30 million American may have it. There is no need to be embarrassed by your eczema. You are not alone. Atopic Dermatitis (which is often called eczema) is an itchy, red rash. It can appear all over the body. Many people have it on their elbows or behind their knees. Babies often have eczema on the face, especially the cheeks and chin. They can also have it on the scalp, trunk (chest and back), and outer arms and legs. Children and adults tend to have eczema on the neck, wrists, and ankles, and in areas that bend, like the inner elbow and knee. People with eczema are usually diagnosed with it when they are babies or young children. Eczema symptoms often become less severe as children grow into adults. For some people, eczema continues into adulthood. Less often, it can start in adulthood. The … Continue reading

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Eczema: Definition, Causes, Treatments & Pictures

Posted: Published on July 19th, 2015

What Is Eczema? Eczema is a common skin condition marked itchy and inflamed patches of skin. It is also known as atopic dermatitis. It is more common in babies and young children. It occurs on the faces of infants, as well as inside the elbows and behind the knees of children, teenagers, and adults. It is caused by an overactive immune system. Up to 20 percent of children and one to three percent of adults develop atopic dermatitis, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. In rare cases, atopic dermatitis can first appear during puberty or adulthood. It affects males and females equally. When people refer to eczema, they usually mean atopic dermatitis, which is the common and chronic type of eczema. Other types include: Find out if you're eligible to participate in an atopic dermatitis clinical trial An eczema flare-up is when one or more eczema symptoms appear on the skin. The cause of eczema is not fully understood. It is thought to be triggered by an overactive immune system that responds aggressively to the presence of irritants. Eczema is sometimes caused in part by an abnormal response to proteins that are part of the body. Normally, the immune … Continue reading

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Remedy For Scalp Eczema, Dandruff and Seborrhoeic …

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2015

Scalp ezcema, seborrhoeic dermatititsand dandruff is a condition that plagues many people, young or old.. Scalp eczema can start in children as young as one year old and can continue well into adulthood. This is particularly distressing for the childs confidence and self-esteem. Other children who may not understand the condition may bully or make fun of the child; other parents, ignorant about it, may think its contagious and exclude the afflictedchild from their own kids social events. In addition, the parents may experience disapproving looks from other parents or adults who think Tut, tut that child is neglected by his/her parents. Why cant the parents do something about it? The eczema produces reddened inflammed sores that periodically ooze, build up of dry scales, persistent itching, painful lesions, severe scarring and permanent damage to the hair follicles resulting in hair loss. It is not a pretty sight to see a young child walking around with patches of hair on their head. Eczema is an illness caused by toxaemia not surprising given the amount of preservatives, hormones and additives in modern diet & processed foods. . Children and adults who suffer from scalp eczema should have their hair treated like fine … Continue reading

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Dyshidrotic Eczema Pictures, Causes, Home Remedies …

Posted: Published on July 7th, 2015

What is Dyshidrotic Eczema? This is a skin problem which is also known as dyshidrosis, or pompholyx. This skin condition creates fluid-filled, small blisters or vesicles on the soles of the feet or palms of the hands or both. These blisters occurring in dyshidrotic eczema normally last around 3 weeks and causes extreme itching. When these blisters dry, cracks and groves or fissures develop, which are very painful. Management for dyshidrotic eczema most often requires topical creams, ultraviolet light or wet compresses to improve the appearance as well as ease symptoms. The cause of dyshidrotic eczema is not known. But, it can be linked with a similar disorder of the skin known as atopic dermatitis as well as allergic conditions, for instance asthma and hay fever known as allergic rhinitis. Eruptions can be seasonal in individuals with allergies. With dyshidrotic eczema, the affected areas of the skin come to be inflamed. Because of this, the connections between the cells of the skin open and this allows fluid or serum to seal these spaces. Physicians denote this development as spongiosis since when viewed under microscope; the skin appears sponge-like with these numerous fluid-filled spaces. Signs or symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema include: … Continue reading

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Allergy/Eczema in Ears leaking clear fluid – Ear, Nose …

Posted: Published on July 5th, 2015

Looking for a solution to a malady that seems to befuddle the best minds the VA Hospital doctors have to offer, brought me to this site. I first came across it about a three months ago and read every posting at that time. Long story short I have suffered from the same symptoms all of you have for about three years. Swollen ear canals, crusty scabs, peeling skin and a clear sticky fluid flowing from the ear that just wont heal. I am in my late fifties and never have had allergies of any kind or immune system issues. Really havent been sick much as a matter of fact. This curse just appeared one day and just never went away. When I first brought it to the attention of the VA doctors they just hoohaaed and said it was just some irritation that has scabbed because you picked at it. I explained that even if I dont touch it, it will scab, fall off and then rescab over and over. Over time it spread throughout the ear canal (left ear) and even moved out to my outer ear. Huge pieces of skin would just peel off and leave raw skin … Continue reading

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How to Treat Nail Eczema (6 Steps) | eHow

Posted: Published on July 3rd, 2015

Eczema is a type of atopic dermatitis that results in red, irritated skin that may ooze and crust over causing the skin to appear scaly, according to the Australasian College of Dermatologists. Eczema of the fingernails occurs under and around the nail beds and occurs when the skin becomes irritated or is exposed to chronic moisture, such as when a child repeatedly sucks his thumb. There are several ways to treat nail eczema to clear up the unwanted redness and irritation. Moisturizing lotion Cold compress Avoid over-exposure to water. This means staying out of the pool for extended periods of time and wearing rubber gloves when cleaning and doing the dishes. This will cut down on the dryness that will make nail eczema worse. Apply moisturizing lotion to the nail beds at least once a day. This will keep the skin supple and can be used to treat eczema all over your body to help seal in moisture. Identify what triggers your eczema and attempt to avoid it. According to Mayo, common eczema triggers include stress, contact with certain household cleaners, sweating and harsh soaps and perfumes. Place a cold compress on the affected finger or toe nails when … Continue reading

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Atopic Eczema: What climate is best, dry or humid …

Posted: Published on July 3rd, 2015

I have a three year old son who has recently showed signs of becoming sensitized, to possibly everything. He has been diagnosed with ATOPIC ECZEMA. I have been researching all over, I understand there is some questions between dermatologists and allergists on what the cause for such a severe condition could be. Me his mother, being the genetic donor of such a horrible affliction, knows the condition first hand. I strongly believe this condition has several parts to it. One being an immune issue, the second being allergies, and the third part extremely dry and sensitive skin. So with a sliver of knowledge, I am taking aim to improve his condition without the use of the enormous amount of drugs dermatologists have prescribed him at 3 years old. We are working closely with a wonderful allergist who has the patience and knowledge to deal with my family. My question is we now live in Albuquerque, NM. He has been through two RAST tests (blood tests to check for IgE levels), and a patch test which had no results for us to read. He, according to the RAST test has low and moderate levels to most allergic foods (wheat, dairy, corn, … Continue reading

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