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Category Archives: Embryology

How did we get to today’s debate on “three-parent babies”?

Posted: Published on February 3rd, 2015

MPs will today decide whether mitochondrial donation allowing IVF babies to be born with DNA from three different people should be made legal. The technique involves replacing DNA in an egg in order to prevent inherited mitochondrial diseases. But the route to todays debate has been a long-time coming. 2000: The Chief Medical Officers expert group report Stem Cell Research: Medical Progress with Responsibility recognises the future potential use of mitochondrial replacement techniques in treatment. 2005: The Science and Technology Select Committee publishes the report Human Reproductive Technologies and the Law, supporting further research in the area. 2005: The University of Newcastle obtains a licence to work with human oocytes (eggs). 2008: Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act passed, updating the previous 1990 Act. It allowed researchers to investigate methods of preventing the transmission of mitochondrial diseases, but did not make such treatments lawful. See more here: How did we get to today's debate on "three-parent babies"? … Continue reading

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The Quran and Modern Science – 877-WHY-ISLAM You …

Posted: Published on February 3rd, 2015

by Dr. Maurice Bucaille (Edited by Dr. A. A. Bilal Philips) Table of Contents Editors Foreword Introduction Religion & Science Authenticity Of Quran Creation Of The Universe Astronomy The Sun and Moon. Stars and Planets Orbits The Day and Night The Solar Apex Expansion of the Universe Conquest of Space Geology Biology Embryology Fertilization Implantation Embryo Bible, Quran And Science Creation Age of the Earth The Flood The Pharaoh EDITORS FOREWORD This booklet by Dr. Maurice Bucaille has been in circulation for the past nineteen years and has been a very effective tool in presenting Islam to non-Muslims as well as introducing Muslims to aspects of the scientific miracle of the Quran. It is based on a transcription of a lecture given by Dr. Bucaille in French. In this reprint, I decided to improve its presentation by simplifying the language and editing the text from an oral format to a pamphlet format. There were also passing references made by the author to material in his book, The Bible, the Quran and Science, which needed explanation. I took the liberty of including explanatory portions from his book where more detail was necessary. A few footnotes were also added for clarity and … Continue reading

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UK MPs to vote on ‘3-parent’ babies

Posted: Published on February 3rd, 2015

Britain could become the first country in the world to permit the creation of IVF babies with DNA from three different people. British MPs on Tuesday will have a free vote at the end of the 90-minute debate on a controversial amendment to the 2008 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act. If they back the change, mitochondrial donation techniques aimed at preventing serious inherited diseases will be legalised. The debate has divided opinion between experts and charities backing the treatments and opponents who say the move marks the start of a slippery slope towards "designer" babies. Research has shown that mitochondrial donation could potentially help almost 2,500 women of reproductive age in the UK. All are at risk of transmitting harmful DNA mutations in the mitochondria, tiny rod-liked power plants in cells, onto their children and future generations. Mitochondrial donation would allow children - described by critics as "three parent babies" - to be conceived with genetic material from a three people. As well as receiving normal "nuclear" DNA from its mother and father, a child would also have a minuscule amount of healthy mitochondrial DNA (mDNA) from a woman donor. Mitochondrial diseases can be devastating, affecting major organs and causing … Continue reading

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Embryology Lecture by Dr.Khaled Milad – Video

Posted: Published on February 1st, 2015

Embryology Lecture by Dr.Khaled Milad Embryo Fetal membranes placenta by Dr.Khaled Milad. By: Ahmed Abusetta … Continue reading

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Church concerns over pioneering Newcastle three-parent technique mitochondrial

Posted: Published on February 1st, 2015

A pioneering technique developed in Newcastle to make babies out of three people would not be responsible church bosses have warned. A leading Church of England figure is today making a stand against proposed changes to the law that would allow IVF babies to be born with DNA from three different people. MPs are to debate the controversial issue of mitochondrial donation in the House of Commons on Tuesday, with experts welcoming the move which could result in the UK becoming the first country in the world to approve the treatments. If approved, medics in Tyneside hope they would get the green light to carry out the first technique by the end of this year. The treatment seeks to replace defective mitochondrial in a birth mothers egg with healthy mitochondrial from another woman in order to limit hereditary mitochondrial diseases. New research from The Wellcome Trust Centre team, based in Newcastle, has suggested it could potentially help almost 2,500 women of reproductive age in the UK. But the Rev Dr Brendan McCarthy, medical ethics adviser to the Church of England, warned against any change in legislation. The Archbishops Council, which monitors this issue, does not feel that there has been … Continue reading

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Embryology In The Quran, Scientific miracle in the Quran,Leech – Video

Posted: Published on January 30th, 2015

Embryology In The Quran, Scientific miracle in the Quran,Leech Allah's Apostle, the true and truly inspired said, "(as regards your creation), every one of you is collected in the womb of his mother for the first forty d... By: Christian Prince … Continue reading

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Nabeel Qureshi on the Scientific Miracles of the Quran: Embryology and Semen – Video

Posted: Published on January 30th, 2015

Nabeel Qureshi on the Scientific Miracles of the Quran: Embryology and Semen Nabeel Qureshi comments briefly on the so called Scientific Miracles of the Quran: Embryology and Semen video by: By: JesusOrMuhammad … Continue reading

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Behind the scenes: what goes on in the embryology lab? City Fertility Centre Adelaide – Video

Posted: Published on January 30th, 2015

Behind the scenes: what goes on in the embryology lab? City Fertility Centre Adelaide Embryologist Cheryl Ayres gives you a sneak peek into the embryology lab and shares some of her most rewarding moments. Watching this will give you an insigh... By: City Fertility Centre … Continue reading

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Catholic and Anglican church leaders oppose ‘three parent babies’

Posted: Published on January 30th, 2015

On Tuesday 3 February, MPs will vote to amend the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008. BothCatholic and Anglican church leaders have expressed their grave concern over Mitochondrial Donation. Bishop John Sherrington, from the Bishops Conference department for Christian Responsibility and Citizenship, said in a statement: "Many people are rightly concerned about the profound implications of Parliament passing regulations under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act to licence the creation of human embryos using the DNA of three people. These are regulations for the transfer of 'nuclear DNA' into an egg or an embryo to modify its genetic identity. No other country has allowed this procedure and the international scientific community is not convinced that the procedure is safe and effective. It seems extraordinary that a licence should be sought for a radical new technique affecting future generations without first conducting a clinical trial. There are also serious ethical objections to this procedure which involves the destruction of human embryos as part of the process. The human embryo is a new human life, and it should be respected and protected from the moment of conception. This is a very serious step which Parliament should not rush into taking. Bishop John … Continue reading

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Urgent call to action on GM babies

Posted: Published on January 30th, 2015

The Government laid the Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Mitochondrial Donation)Regulations on the 17th December 2014.The Regulations permit two new techniques which seek to replace diseasedmitochondria while allowing a mother to have a genetically related child.The Regulations will be debated within the next couple of weeks. WHY ARE THESE TECHNIQUES OBJECTIONABLE? The techniques permit 1. The germ-line modification of human beings; 2. The creation of human life only to be destroyed; 3. The creation of human beings with at least three, and up to four, genetic'parents'; 4. The selection of human beings with more desirable characteristics (eugenics). WHY ARE MANY SCIENTISTS OPPOSING THE REGULATIONS? 1. Many scientists are concerned that not enough preclinical work has been doneto ensure that the techniques are safe. This includes the head adviser to the UnitedStates Food and Drugs Administration, Professor Evan Snyder.It is noteworthy that the last time one of these techniques was tried in humans, itresulted in three fetal deaths and prompted China to impose a blanket ban. Read the rest here: Urgent call to action on GM babies … Continue reading

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