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Category Archives: Genetics
Genetics Introduction(with commentary)! – Video
Posted: Published on January 19th, 2013
Genetics Introduction(with commentary)! This is our first commentary so please tell us what to improve. LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed! GeNe Meiji's Channel GeNe Hefty's Channel By: TheGeneticsClan … Continue reading
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Atossa Genetics: a focused pure play breast health testing company with huge potential to grow
Posted: Published on January 3rd, 2013
Atossa Genetics: a focused pure play breast health testing company with huge potential to grow By Grant Zeng, CFA Atossa Genetics (NasdaqCM:ATOS) is a medical diagnostics company focused on the prevention of breast cancer through the development and commercialization of diagnostic tests that can detect precursors to breast cancer, and through the research, development, and ultimate commercialization of treatments for pre-cancerous lesions. To download a free copy of the full ATOS initiation report, please click here. Atossas diagnostic tests consist of patented medical devices cleared by the FDA that can collect fluid samples from the breast milk ducts (nipple aspirate fluid, NAF), where over 85% of breast cancers arise. These samples are processed at the Companys wholly-owned National Reference Laboratory for Breast Health, which has been certified pursuant to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (:CLIA), has been licensed in the states of California, Florida, Maryland, Rhode Island, and Washington, and is in the process of obtaining a license to accept testing samples from New York. CLIA certification is legally required to receive reimbursement from federal or state medical benefit programs, like Medicare and Medicaid, and is a practical requirement for most third-party insurance benefit programs. Atossas CLIA-certified laboratory examines the … Continue reading
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