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Category Archives: Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormone replacement therapy, older age at menopause tied to hearing loss – Guardian (blog)
Posted: Published on May 29th, 2017
Hearing loss has been linked to several factors associated with menopause, a new study says. One factor is your age at menopause. An older age is tied to a higher risk of hearing troubles. And, a second factor is the use of oral hormone therapy to ease some of the symptoms of menopause. The researchers also found that the longer a woman used hormone therapy, the greater the odds of hearing issues. Hearing loss was already known to be more common in women after menopause, a time when natural hormone levels drop. Because of this, doctors had suspected that the use of oral hormone therapy might offer some protection against menopause-linked hearing loss, the researchers said. The finding from this observational study that women who underwent menopause at a later age and used oral hormone therapy had greater hearing loss was unexpected but should lead to more testing in a randomized, clinical trial, JoAnn Pinkerton, executive director of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), said in news release from the group. The current study can only show an association between hearing loss and hormone therapy or older age at menopause. It wasnt designed to prove a cause-and-effect relationship. The study … Continue reading
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Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Raise Your Risk of Hearing Loss? – Reader’s Digest
Posted: Published on May 26th, 2017
Image Point Fr/ShutterstockNo one wants to imagine going deaf, but hearing loss affects approximately 28 million Americans between the ages of 20 and 69, according to data from the National Institutes of Health. And as we age, our risk increases. Because womens natural hormone levels drop after menopause, it was previously believed that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) might help protect against age-related hearing lossin women. A new studycalls that theory into question. The study, published in Menopause: The Journal of The North American Menopause Society indicates that women who take HRT for menopause symptoms actually increase their risk of hearing loss, and the longer a woman uses HRT, the higher the risk. The study also demonstrated that the older a woman is at the time of menopause, the higher her risk of her hearing being affected by the HRT. The finding from this observational study that women who underwent menopause at a later age and used oral hormone therapy had greater hearing loss was unexpected, JoAnn Pinkerton, executive director of the North American Menopause Society told Medline on behalf of the researchers. For the study, Sharon Ellen Curhan, MD, an Instructor in Medicine at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston, … Continue reading
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Studies find certain migraines, hormone therapies could increase stroke risk – NJTV News
Posted: Published on May 26th, 2017
By Briana Vannozzi Correspondent After suffering from migraines most of her life, Amelia Cintron says it reached a peak when she began hormone-replacement therapy in preparation for IVF treatments. I started getting really severe migraine headaches where I would kind of lose vision or have blurred vision, she said. Cintron, who happens to be NJTVs makeup artist, was having severe side effects from the estrogen treatment. She was hospitalized for stroke-like symptoms, though never officially diagnosed. My coworkers noticed that one side of my face was drooping and I lost feeling in my right hand, my right arm and the right side of my face, said Cintron. So we know the migrainers are at least twice the risk of having the stroke than the regular population, said Jawad Kirmani, director of the Stroke and Neurovascular center at JFK Medical Center. Whats more, recent research suggests the risk for stroke is even greater if those migraine patients suffer from visual symptoms called auras. And as Kirmani explains, women taking oral contraceptives or hormone-replacement medications containing estrogen are 30 percent more likely to suffer a clot-based stroke. People think of migraines headaches as just headaches. Migraine is a phenomenon of the blood … Continue reading
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Hormones and periodontal disease in menopausal women – MultiBriefs Exclusive (blog)
Posted: Published on May 25th, 2017
Hot flashes, mood changes and fatigue are just a few of the many symptoms commonly associated with menopause. Physicians can recognize its telltale signs based on a patient's medical history and age. When symptoms interfere with the enjoyment of everyday life, doctors can prescribe hormone replacement therapy to help women adjust to these sudden changes. This therapy is more commonly prescribed today than in the past, as doctors see its additional benefit to prevent osteoporosis and other significant medical problems. According to the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, estrogen deficiency may be to blame for the development of periodontal disease in menopausal or post-menopausal women. Physicians often see osteoporosis and bone loss in women around this age, which can also include the alveolar bone. Loss of bone mineral density in the alveolar bone is also related to periodontal ligament loss, which causes tooth loss with age. Dentists usually become aware of a hormone problem when periodontal disease presents in those who have no previous history of the disease. Dentists who notice a marked difference in bone density in and around the teeth in older females should inquire about the patient's last menstrual cycle. Furthermore, dental professionals need to ask about … Continue reading
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Research Report and Overview on Hormone Replacement Therapy Market, 2017-2027 – MilTech
Posted: Published on May 25th, 2017
Hormone Replacement Therapy is any form of hormone therapy where in the patient, in course of medical treatment, receives hormones, either to supplement a lack of naturally occurring hormones, or to substitute other hormones for naturally occurring hormones. Menopause, is the time in most womens lives when menstrual periods stop permanently, and the woman is no longer able to have children. Menopause typically occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. Medical professionals defined by a decrease in hormone production by the ovaries. In those who have had surgery to remove the uterus but still have ovaries, menopause generally occurs at the time of the surgery or when hormone levels fall. Following the removal of the uterus, symptoms typically occur earlier at the average of 45 years of age. Estrogen and progesterone are female hormones that play important roles in a womans body. Falling levels cause a range of physical and emotional symptoms, including hot flushes, mood swings and vaginal dryness. The aim of hormone replacement therapy is to restore female hormone levels, allowing the body to function normally again. Request Report Sample@ Hormone Replacement TherapyMarket: Drivers and Restraints The prime drivers of hormone replacement therapy are increased demand … Continue reading
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Research Report and Overview on Hormone Replacement Therapy Market, 2017-2027 – satPRnews (press release)
Posted: Published on May 24th, 2017
Hormone Replacement Therapy is any form of hormone therapy where in the patient, in course of medical treatment, receives hormones, either to supplement a lack of naturally occurring hormones, or to substitute other hormones for naturally occurring hormones. Menopause, is the time in most womens lives when menstrual periods stop permanently, and the woman is no longer able to have children. Menopause typically occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. Medical professionals defined by a decrease in hormone production by the ovaries. In those who have had surgery to remove the uterus but still have ovaries, menopause generally occurs at the time of the surgery or when hormone levels fall. Following the removal of the uterus, symptoms typically occur earlier at the average of 45 years of age. Estrogen and progesterone are female hormones that play important roles in a womans body. Falling levels cause a range of physical and emotional symptoms, including hot flushes, mood swings and vaginal dryness. The aim of hormone replacement therapy is to restore female hormone levels, allowing the body to function normally again. Request Report Sample@ Hormone Replacement TherapyMarket: Drivers and Restraints The prime drivers of hormone replacement therapy are increased demand … Continue reading
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Testosterone Pellets Help Women Face Age-Related Conditions, Improve Sex Drive – PR Newswire (press release)
Posted: Published on May 24th, 2017
"The ovaries produce both estrogen and testosterone. Testosterone is about energy, memory, mood, strength and libido," Savage said. "Many women, as they get older, complain about mood swings, memory loss, weight gain, and a decline in sexual desire. This therapy is the safest and most natural way to slowly release hormones into the body." The procedure is quick, painless, and doesn't require stitches. The pellets are inserted under the skin just above the hip, and will last three to four months. Forbes recently reported on several studies regarding the effects of adding testosterone pellets to conventional hormone replacement therapy.Researchers found that women taking testosterone have reduced incidences of breast cancer, and that testosterone can suppress breast cell proliferation and improve the common symptoms of menopause. Stacy Miller, 44, had surgically induced menopause through a hysterectomy when she was 35. "I would say truthfully I felt a little dead inside," she said. "Nothing seemed fun anymore. I slept a lot. I had spurts of memory loss. I was just miserable." Miller has been receiving both testosterone and estrogen pellets for nearly six years, and said it's changed her life. "After the pellets are inserted, within 48 hours, I will wake up, … Continue reading
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Pluses and minuses for women taking HRT – Belfast Telegraph
Posted: Published on May 23rd, 2017
Pluses and minuses for women taking HRT Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can have a hugely beneficial effect on unpleasant menopause symptoms, reducing hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings for many of the one million UK women who take it. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can have a hugely beneficial effect on unpleasant menopause symptoms, reducing hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings for many of the one million UK women who take it. But there are fears about the therapy's side effects, with the latest research suggesting HRT - which usually involves the replacement of oestrogen and sometimes progesterone - could be associated with an increased risk of hearing loss in postmenopausal women. Past studies have claimed HRT increases the risk of breast cancer, although more recent reviews have shown the association was exaggerated. Then there's cardiovascular disease; some studies say HRT is protective, others say it increases the risks. Confused? Here's an outline of current thinking on some of the benefits and risks of HRT. DOES HRT INCREASE THE RISK OF BREAST CANCER? There was a sharp decline in the number of menopausal women taking HRT following a 2002 study by the US Women's Health Initiative … Continue reading
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3D-printed ovaries successfully produce healthy mice pups – Engadget
Posted: Published on May 23rd, 2017
While their creation is far from being the first biosynthetic ovary, it's the first one made of 3D-printed gelatin scaffolding. They simply loaded the structures with immature egg cells before implanting them into their test subjects. Previous efforts used gel substances to encapsulate egg cells, but they were unfortunately prone to breaking down and collapsing upon themselves. The scaffolding provided a much more stable environment that gave the follicles a higher rate of survival. According to assistant professor and team member Ramille Shah, the secret lies in the temperature they used while 3D printing the structure: "...we found a gelatin temperature that allows it to be self-supporting, not collapse, and lead to building multiple layers. No one else has been able to print gelatin with such well-defined and self-supported geometry." It'll take a long, long time before before the team's biosynthetic ovaries can even be considered for use in humans, though that's definitely their end goal. They specifically want to help women who've undergone cancer treatment and/or survived childhood cancer. It could be used to trigger hormone production in teen cancer survivors who'd typically need to go through hormone replacement therapy, and it could replace IVF for some of those … Continue reading
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Oral HRT Increases Postmenopausal Hearing Loss Risk – Endocrinology Advisor
Posted: Published on May 22nd, 2017
Endocrinology Advisor Oral HRT Increases Postmenopausal Hearing Loss Risk Endocrinology Advisor "The finding from this observational study that women who underwent menopause at a later age and used oral hormone therapy had greater hearing loss was unexpected but should lead to more testing in a randomized, clinical trial," JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, ... See the article here: Oral HRT Increases Postmenopausal Hearing Loss Risk - Endocrinology Advisor … Continue reading
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