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Category Archives: Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone Replacement Therapy –

Posted: Published on September 10th, 2016

Hormone Replacement Therapy: Balance Your Hormones for a Better Life Whether you are just beginning to experience symptoms of hormone decline or have been experiencing hormonal changes for a long time, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) may be the answer for you. Bio- Identical hormone replacement therapy is highly individualized. The medical professionals at Beverly Hills Rejuvenation specialize in BHRT and are trained to properly test, evaluate and prescribe treatment specific to each patient needs. Symptoms of hormone imbalance can overlap, and the risk of no treatment or improper treatment is great without a medical professional with real expertise in BHRT. Done right, BHRT can give you back health, vitality and that skip in your step you once had. Preparations of BHRT may include the following hormones: Bio-identical EstrogenThe balance of estrogen is closely tied to presence of progesterone in the body, as the two work hand in hand. Too much estrogen without enough progesterone is called estrogen dominance and can cause headaches, bloating, weight gain, breast tenderness and may be linked with breast and uterine cancer. Other estrogen imbalances, as caused by post-menopause, can produce decreased sexual function and libido, as well as osteoporosis, hot flashes, weight gain and … Continue reading

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Fem Support – Menopause Alternative Treatment

Posted: Published on September 10th, 2016

Ive been taking this for about a month now and really notice a difference. My cycle is back to normal, pain is tolerable, and I generally do feel better. So Im ordering another months worth and see how things go. I havent lost a lot of weight, just a few pounds, but Ive noticed some of the puffiness in my middle is going down. So this stuff was definitely worth the try for me. 10/23/13 This product really helped me so much in the last month since I ordered it. I was reading the reviews and realized that I might be having some menopause problems. Every day around 2pm, I would crash, couldnt get energy to exercise, and couldnt sleep. I was having a subtle warm body temperature, unusual for me. It straightened out all of that. My mental health also seems to be better.10/28/13 Tired ofhormone replacement therapy (HRT)? Try FemSupport! Supportive for menopausal women. And without the side effects associated with prescription medications. WithFemSupportNatural Menopause Supportyou just take 2 capsules daily near mealtime. The capsules are very small and easy to swallow. If youre seeking natural menopause support from night sweats, hot flashes, and mild mood changes associated … Continue reading

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy For Young Men – Thumotic

Posted: Published on September 7th, 2016

If you havent yet started thinking about Testosterone Replacement Therapy, you will soon. In the near future, I predict an explosion of young North American men developing an interest in the use of anabolic steroids, and I plan to be among them. But wait: Wont steroids kill you / turn you into an angry rape machine / shave years off your life / make your balls shrink / [insert whatever other horror stories youve heard] ? To these questions, the answers range from No to Only if you use them like an idiot. The truth is that testosterone supplementation will have nothing but positive effects on a large number of men. For most others, artificial testosterone offers massive benefits with only minor risks. Even heavy and irresponsible use of anabolic steroids is probably safer than you think. What are the benefits of higher testosterone levels? The list reads like a letter to Santa from every man, everywhere: More energy, more focus, more strength, more power, more dominance, better sex, more drive, less anxiety, better mood, more muscle, less fat. In short, you will shit diamonds and carve your name into them with the tip of your dick. Via Danger and … Continue reading

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DHEA Restoration Therapy – Hormone Replacement, Estrogens, Androgens …

Posted: Published on September 6th, 2016

The natural steroid hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) was first introduced to Life Extension supporters four decades ago at a time when the medical community was largely unaware of the scientific data supporting this hormones multifaceted benefits. Fast forward to today, when more than 3700 papers have evaluated the scientific effects of DHEA upon many different cells and tissues of the body. This multifunctional hormone and its metabolite dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) provide critical hormonal benefits in both men and women (Traish 2011; Savineau 2013). As a precursor to androgens (male hormones) and estrogens (female hormones), DHEA plays a fundamental role in the maintenance of hormonal balance and youthful vitality. It also modulates a variety of pathways throughout the body involved in various aspects of health and disease via direct actions independent of its role as a precursor to androgens and estrogens (Samaras 2013; Traish 2011; Savineau 2013). Aging disrupts hormonal balance, with the levels of several critical hormones dramatically reduced in comparison with youthful levels, and DHEA is no exception. By age 80, levels of DHEA fall by as much as 80%90% compared to what they were during young adulthood (Samaras 2013). The gravity of this becomes clear after understanding the roles … Continue reading

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Facts About Menopausal Hormone Therapy – NHLBI, NIH

Posted: Published on August 18th, 2016

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BodyLogicMD – Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

Posted: Published on August 15th, 2016

Hormone therapy programs aren't only for women. Men experience a more gradual loss of hormones, mainly testosterone. The result is andropause, known as the "male menopause." Andropause can make daily life feel like an uphill battle, and because men are living longer, more active lives they are seeking and finding relief from the serious symptoms of hormone imbalance with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men. The signs of andropause and related hormonal issues include: This personalized, medically supervised program includes natural HRT for men, as well as customized fitness and nutrition programs for millions of men suffering from hormonal imbalance. These expert bioidentical hormone doctors provide a natural treatment for the symptoms of andropause, helping men regain their health and confidence. Hormonal imbalances in men are at the root of many chronic health problems and can increase the risk of serious disease. BodyLogicMD affiliated physicians have developed customized hormone replacement therapy for men that has proven successful in supporting men's health and a healthy hormonal balance. Individual male hormone replacement treatment programs includes: To determine your hormonal needs, BodyLogicMD affiliated physicians thoroughly evaluate your symptoms using state-of-the-art diagnostic tests, such as, saliva, urine and/or blood tests to determine your hormone … Continue reading

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Estrogen and Progestin (Hormone Replacement Therapy): MedlinePlus Drug …

Posted: Published on August 7th, 2016

Keep all appointments with your doctor and the laboratory. You should have a complete physical exam, including blood pressure measurements, breast and pelvic exams, and a Pap test at least yearly. Follow your doctor's directions for examining your breasts; report any lumps immediately. If you are taking hormone replacement therapy to treat symptoms of menopause, your doctor will check every 3 to 6 months to see if you still need this medication. If you are taking this medication to prevent thinning of the bones (osteoporosis), you will take it for a longer period of time. Before you have any laboratory tests, tell the laboratory personnel that you take hormone replacement therapy, because this medication may interfere with some laboratory tests. Do not let anyone else take your medication. Ask your pharmacist any questions you have about refilling your prescription. It is important for you to keep a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription (over-the-counter) medicines you are taking, as well as any products such as vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information … Continue reading

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Hormone Replacement in Houston, TX – Bariatric Surgery Houston

Posted: Published on August 4th, 2016

Home Hormone Replacement Men and women alike experience a lower production of vital hormones as they age. This can lead to a number of conditions, including osteoporosis, sleep difficulty, and a lack of energy. Hormone replacement therapy could be the answer for Houston-area patients, who can obtain the results they desire by visiting board certified general surgeon Dr. Matthew St. Laurent. Hormone replacement therapy involves the use of pellet-sized bio-identical hormones to help alleviate the symptoms of menopause in women and andropause in men. Tiny implants containing these pellets are placed underneath the skin, where they consistently release small amounts of either estrogen or testosterone. It is considered a safe and effective method of increasing normal hormone levels without the side effects noticed from synthetic hormones. You will first be given a local anesthetic to numb the area being treated. Dr. St. Laurent will then make a tiny incision in your skin so the pellets can be placed. Tiny pellets approximately the size of a grain of rice are inserted underneath the skin, which is then bandaged shut. Although they may be placed anywhere in the body, they are most commonly inserted into the lateral buttocks. They are then left … Continue reading

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Hormone Replacement Therapy Booklet –

Posted: Published on July 30th, 2016

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Defective Drugs Parker Waichman LLP

Posted: Published on July 25th, 2016

Just Because a Doctor Prescribes a Drug Doesn't Mean It's not Dangerous or Defective Today, the pharmaceutical industry is producing drugs aimed at just about every ailment known to man, adding years to nearly everyones life, if not outright saving them. They also enable us to live a better-quality lifestyle for a much longer period of time. Regrettably, some of the drugs these companies manufacture can ultimately prove to be defective, as well as dangerous and even deadly. Sometimes it may take years for the side effects to even emerge which means that ultimately some drugs on the market may end up doing more harm than good. Like any other for-profit corporate entity, pharmaceutical companies are motivated, in varying degrees, by profit. Sometimes profits are more important than people. Anyone who reads the newspaper knows this to be a fact. In many a lawsuit, a pharmaceutical company will be charged with having known full well about some harmful side effect tied to its flagship billion-dollar powerhouse drug in some instances, many years in advance of this facts public disclosure. Companies hide clinical evidence that a drug may be defective in order to gain the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)s … Continue reading

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