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Category Archives: Hypertension

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

Posted: Published on October 13th, 2018

What IsBlood Pressure? We allneed blood pressure to live. Without it, blood can't flow through our bodies and carry oxygen to our vital organs. But when blood pressure gets too high a condition called hypertension it can lead to serious medical problems. Hypertension is usually more of a problem for adults, but teens and kids also can have it. Even babies can have high blood pressure. The good news is that hypertension can be treated. Blood pressure is basically how hard your heart needs to pump to move blood around your body. It's the result of two different forces: Blood pressure rises with each heartbeat and falls when your heart relaxes between beats, but there is always some pressure in the arteries. Blood pressure can be affected by: High blood pressure means a person'sheart and arteries must work harder than they normally would. Over time, the added stress can damage them. When the heart and arteries don't work as well as they should,other body parts (likethe kidneys, eyes, and brain) may suffer. Having high blood pressure makes people more likely to have strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, kidney failure, or loss of vision. People can have high blood pressure for … Continue reading

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Hypertension Treatment & Drugs | Hypertension Causes …

Posted: Published on September 30th, 2018

About Hypertension Theheart pumps blood to various organs with a force, which exerts pressure on the walls of the arteries. Hence, blood pressureis defined as the pressure exerted by the blood flow upon the walls of the blood vessel andis measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg).120/80 mmHg is considered as the normal reading for blood pressure, where 120 is the pressure when the heart beats to pump out blood (systolic pressure) and 80 is the pressure when the heart rests between beats (diastolic pressure). A person is said to have hypertension when the blood pressure readings are 140/90 mmHg or higher. Read about 10 myths about hypertension. Hypertension or high blood pressure still remains an uncontrolled problem in India, mainly because the condition develops silently and remains undetected for a long time. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), one in every three individuals above the age of 18 years has high blood pressure.Here are10 ways hypertension or High BP affects your body. Primary hypertension:High blood pressure that has no identifiable cause. Secondary hypertension:High blood pressure resulting from an underlying condition likekidney disease,diabetes, blocking of arteries, irrational use of medicines likepainkillers, supplements, thyroid problems, heavy alcohol intake andsleep disorders. Malignant … Continue reading

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Essential hypertension – Wikipedia

Posted: Published on September 30th, 2018

Essential hypertension (also called primary hypertension or idiopathic hypertension) is the form of hypertension that by definition has no identifiable cause. It is the most common type of hypertension, affecting 95% of hypertensive patients,[1][2][3][4] it tends to be familial and is likely to be the consequence of an interaction between environmental and genetic factors. Prevalence of essential hypertension increases with age, and individuals with relatively high blood pressure at younger ages are at increased risk for the subsequent development of hypertension.Hypertension can increase the risk of cerebral, cardiac, and renal events.[5] A recent classification recommends blood pressure criteria for defining normal blood pressure, prehypertension, hypertension (stages I and II), and isolated systolic hypertension, which is a common occurrence among the elderly. These readings are based on the average of seated blood pressure readings that were properly measured during 2 or more office visits. In individuals older than 50 years, hypertension is considered to be present when a person's blood pressure is consistently at least 140mmHg systolic or 90mmHg diastolic. Patients with blood pressures over 130/80mmHg along with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, or kidney disease require further treatment.[6] Resistant hypertension is defined as the failure to reduce blood pressure … Continue reading

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2014 Guideline for Management of High Blood Pressure

Posted: Published on September 29th, 2018

Hypertension is the most common condition seen in primary care and leads to myocardial infarction, stroke, renal failure, and death if not detected early and treated appropriately. Patients want to be assured that blood pressure (BP) treatment will reduce their disease burden, while clinicians want guidance on hypertension management using the best scientific evidence. This report takes a rigorous, evidence-based approach to recommend treatment thresholds, goals, and medications in the management of hypertension in adults. Evidence was drawn from randomized controlled trials, which represent the gold standard for determining efficacy and effectiveness. Evidence quality and recommendations were graded based on their effect on important outcomes. There is strong evidence to support treating hypertensive persons aged 60 years or older to a BP goal of less than 150/90 mm Hg and hypertensive persons 30 through 59 years of age to a diastolic goal of less than 90 mm Hg; however, there is insufficient evidence in hypertensive persons younger than 60 years for a systolic goal, or in those younger than 30 years for a diastolic goal, so the panel recommends a BP of less than 140/90 mm Hg for those groups based on expert opinion. The same thresholds and goals are … Continue reading

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Vitamin D and hypertension

Posted: Published on September 8th, 2018

Summary Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated. High blood pressure causes your arteries to stretch beyond normal. There are risk factors that can increase your chances of developing hypertension. Some of these risk factors are based on your lifestyle and can be controlled, like your diet. Other risk factors cant be controlled, such as age or gender. Research shows that there is a link between vitamin D and hypertension. People with higher vitamin D levels tend to have lower blood pressure and are less likely to develop hypertension. Some studies show that taking a vitamin D supplement may help people lower their blood pressure. However, the research has been inconsistent, meaning that we cant say for sure whether or not taking vitamin D supplements would reduce your chances of developing hypertension or reduce your blood pressure. If you have hypertension or you are trying to prevent hypertension and want to take vitamin D, it is unlikely to make your hypertension worse or cause you any harm, as long as you take less than 10,000 IU per day. However, we also cant say for sure if … Continue reading

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Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Charts, Symptoms, Diet …

Posted: Published on September 2nd, 2018

What is high blood pressure? What is normal blood pressure? It is beneficial to add potassium to the diet. Studies show that people who consume more potassium have lower blood pressures. Good sources of potassium include: Along with lowering salt in the diet, a balanced eating plan that also reduces cholesterol intake and fatty foods is recommended. The TLC Diet (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes) often is recommended to lower blood cholesterol. What do blood pressure readings mean? (blood pressure readings chart) Blood pressure readings can vary in a single person throughout the day depending on the situation. Factors such as stress, anxiety, foods eaten (caffeine or salt intake), smoking, or exercise can cause pressure to rise. The American Heart Association defines a normal blood pressure as less than 120/80. Elevated blood pressure ranges between 120/80 and 129/80, and high blood pressure is 130/80 and higher. In pregnancy normal blood pressure should be below 120/80. If your blood pressure reaches into the high range, you should see your doctor about lifestyle changes, and possibly medication especially if you have other risk factors, such as diabetes or heart disease. High blood pressure (for example, 180/110 or higher) may indicate an emergency situation. If … Continue reading

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List of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Medications (259 …

Posted: Published on July 26th, 2018

lisinopril Rx D N 418reviews 5.0 Generic name:lisinopril systemic Brand names: Prinivil, Zestril, Qbrelis Drug class: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors For consumers: dosage, interactions, For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information 4.0 Generic name:amlodipine systemic Brand name: Norvasc Drug class: calcium channel blocking agents For consumers: dosage, interactions, For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information 5.0 Generic name:losartan systemic Brand name: Cozaar Drug class: angiotensin receptor blockers For consumers: dosage, interactions, For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information 6.0 Generic name:metoprolol systemic Brand names: Metoprolol Succinate ER, Lopressor, Metoprolol Tartrate, Toprol-XL, Kapspargo Sprinkle showall Drug class: cardioselective beta blockers For consumers: dosage, interactions, For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information 5.0 Generic name:hydrochlorothiazide systemic Brand names: Aquazide H, Esidrix, Microzide Drug class: thiazide diuretics For consumers: dosage, interactions, For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information 4.0 Generic name:amlodipine systemic Drug class: calcium channel blocking agents For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects For professionals: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information 7.0 Generic name:olmesartan systemic Drug class: angiotensin receptor blockers For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects For professionals: Prescribing Information 6.0 Generic name:metoprolol systemic Drug class: cardioselective beta … Continue reading

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European Society of Hypertension

Posted: Published on July 7th, 2018

THE MONTHLY ESH GUIDE THROUGH PUBLICATIONS JUNE 2018Edited by Costas Tsioufis and Alex Kasiakogias We have enjoyed another great ESH meeting in Barcelona, with the presentation of the new European Hypertension Guidelines being undoubtedly its highlight! Lets have a look at the recent research that came out in the meantime. Giuseppe Mancia, has been appointed Editor in Chief of the Journal of Hypertension for a period of three years. The Journal of Hypertension is the official journal of the European Society of Hypertension and International Society of Hypertension with a slight increased new Impact Factor of 4.092. Congratulations to the new Editor and we look forward to the continuing success and development of the Journal under his editorship. Join a network of over 1600 hypertension professionals dedicated to scientific research and knowledge and to improving hypertension prevention, treatment and control. Membership Benefits: Eligibility to apply for ESH Hypertension Specialist status Eligibility to serve in a leadership capacity in an ESH Excellence Center Reduced Member registration fee for the ESH Annual Meeting Subscription to the Journal of Hypertension In 2015 the ESH Excellence Centres celebrated 10 year of excellence in hypertension and cardiovascular prevention. The rationale for the ESH Excellence Centres … Continue reading

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Homeopathy Hypertension Remedies | High Blood Pressure …

Posted: Published on July 5th, 2018

Homeopathic remedies for high blood pressurecan normalize your blood pressure by stimulating your own body. It has no side effect, because of a negligibly small dosage used. A homeopathic remedy is effective in hypertension treatment; additionally, you can followhypertension home remediesfor blood pressure lowering. You can take high-pressure homeopathic remedies along withhypertension herbs,blood pressure yoga,high BP acupressure, andhigh blood pressure massage. If you are new to Homeopathy medicine and want to try out with a maximum benefit, then we advise you to read. Your blood pressure abnormality can be due to physical or mental spheres. Homeopathy considers both physical & mental symptoms, and thus provides effective treatment to normalize high blood pressure. Lower the blood pressure reduces the rate of the heart and increases the systole length, a heart remedy. Rheumatoid, flying pains, associated with heart disease. Cardiac asthma. Suggested dosage is - First to thirtieth potency. Homeopathy materia medica -Lycopus virginicus This hypertension remedy can be useful if blood pressure rises with anxiety and nervousness. Stage fright or anticipation of a stressful event can bring on dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and a pounding pulse. This remedy is for warm-blooded peoples, imaginative, impulsive, claustrophobic, and have strong cravings for sweets and … Continue reading

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10 Causes of Hypertension – A Diet High In Salt Content

Posted: Published on June 21st, 2018

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a chronic medical condition that affects one in three adults in the US, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Also called as the silent killer, it is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is abnormally elevated.In most of the cases, the condition takes years to develop and people do not notice any symptoms initially. Most people find out about hypertension only when they suffer a heart attack or get a medical check-up done.Clyde Yancy, MD, chief of cardiology in Chicago, Illinois says that hypertension is simply unavoidable as a person ages. As you hit the 55 age mark, you become 90% susceptible to hypertension. Moreover, sustained hypertension for a long period can put you at a risk of coronary artery disease, chronic kidney disease, stroke, and hypertensive heart disease.The causes resulting in hypertension vary from person to person and can be extremely difficult to identify. In over 90% cases, doctors arent able to find one clear-cut cause of the condition and mostly suspect numerous issues at play. Factors which can result in hypertension and put you at a greater risk of developing the condition have been discussed … Continue reading

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