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Category Archives: IVF Treatment

IVF Success Statistics Can Be Misleading

Posted: Published on July 22nd, 2014

A nurse points out the image of a three-month-old fetus during a sonogram scan for Nancy Yin at a clinic in central China's Shaanxi province on Dec. 13, 2010. Image: Ng Han Guan/Associated Press After reading a recent Hard Evidence piece about whether fertility "drops off a cliff" at 35, I feel that some hard evidence about the chance of having a baby with IVF is needed. Some of the figures quoted in the article seem overly optimistic as does reporting on IVF at times and this may be because it is not clear what the denominator is. For example, the statement that "pregnancy rates are fairly stable (30-35%) for each embryo transferred up to the age of 30, but fall to 20% by 40 and are only 5% by 45" warrants examination. IVF treatment involves a number of steps: fertility drugs to develop a number of eggs; retrieving the eggs; adding sperm to the eggs in the hope that embryos develop; and finally an embryo transfer (ET) procedure where an embryo is placed in the uterus in the hope that it will implant and grow into a baby. Unfortunately, there is a risk that things go wrong in each … Continue reading

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New IVF treatment offers safer, less complicated pregnancies to women

Posted: Published on July 21st, 2014

Within in-vitro fertilization (IVF), one of the most common complications women have is known as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This may lead to kidney failure in about five percent of patients who go through IVF, and can often times prove fatal on the fetus. Now, scientists have revealed a new type of IVF that is more natural and less hazardous, which could possibly change the face of IVF in the future. OHSS can cause ovarian swelling, which can affect any woman without regard to her health. This can lead to infertalization and life-threatening reactions. The new treatment uses the hormone kisspeptin, which is more natural than the traditional methods, reports The Independent. The trials began last January at Imperial College London, and since then there have been a total of 12 healthy babies from the 53 original volunteers. According to Science 2.0, kisspeptin is a naturally occurring hormone within the body, and it is much easier to use kisspeptin to stimulate reproductive hormones. "Our study has shown that kisspeptin can be used as a physiological trigger for egg maturation in IVF therapy," said Professor Waljit Dhillo, who led the study. "It's been a joy to see 12 healthy babies born … Continue reading

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Growing numbers of British parents going to US for IVF to choose sex of child

Posted: Published on July 21st, 2014

Selecting baby's sex before birth is currently banned in the UK Many believe nature should decide and fear a populationimbalance But US doctor says couples have the right to choose and more are He sees 10 patients a month fly from UK for the treatment in the US 80 per cent of parents opt for a baby girl and 20 per cent want a boy By Richard Spillett Published: 23:35 EST, 20 July 2014 | Updated: 03:04 EST, 21 July 2014 54 shares 35 View comments Controversial: Dr Daniel Potter runs a clinic in the US which allows couples to choose the sex of their baby in treatment costing 7,600 Increasing numbers of British parents are flying to the US for a controversial IVF treatment which allows them choose the sex of their baby, a leading expert has revealed. Dr Daniel Potter, who runs the largest fertility clinic on the West Coast of America, has delivered 750 babies to UK mothers since he started in 1997. Visits from UK women have risen by 20 per cent year on year to the IVF specialist, which allows them to choose the sex of their baby using a process currently banned in Britain. … Continue reading

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Kisspeptin triggers egg maturation in women undergoing IVF treatment – Video

Posted: Published on July 20th, 2014

Kisspeptin triggers egg maturation in women undergoing IVF treatment This video describes the results of research carried out by Professor Dhillo's team at Imperial College which has shown for the first time in women with infertility that the novel hormone kisspepti... By: Imperial College London … Continue reading

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Researchers make IVF safer for women

Posted: Published on July 20th, 2014

Researchers could have just made IVF - an assisted fertilisation therapy - treatment safer for women after successfully using a new method to stimulate ovulation. "Our study has shown that natural hormone 'kisspeptin' can be used as a physiological trigger for egg maturation in IVF therapy, said Waljit Dhillo, a professor in endocrinology and metabolism at London's Imperial College. The team have given the gift of life to 12 couples using a new injection of the natural hormone 'kisspeptin' to make their eggs mature. Currently doctors use the hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), but there is a risk that this can over-stimulate the ovaries and threaten the mother's life. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) affects around a third of IVF patients in a mild form, causing symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Less than 10 percent of patients experience moderate or severe OHSS which can cause kidney failure. "OHSS is a major medical problem. It can be fatal in severe cases and it occurs in women undergoing IVF treatment who are otherwise very healthy. We really need more effective natural triggers for egg maturation during IVF treatment, and the results of this trial are very … Continue reading

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First babies born from safe new IVF technique

Posted: Published on July 20th, 2014

"We took part because we wanted to pay it forward in return for the people who made it possible for us to have a child through IVF," said his mother Alison Harper, 31, of Hertfordshire. "I went through several cycles of IVF previously but the one in the trial was the least uncomfortable - it was less painful and I felt less swollen. One in six couples in the UK experiences infertility, and 48,147 women underwent IVF treatment in 2011. Scientists tested the new method in 53 healthy volunteers at Hammersmith Hospital in London last year. Kisspeptin is a naturally occurring hormone that stimulates the release of other reproductive hormones inside the body. Unlike HCG, which remains in the blood for a long time after an injection, kisspeptin is broken down more quickly, meaning the risk of overstimulation is lower. The women in the study had a single injection of kisspeptin to induce ovulation. Mature eggs developed in 51 out of 53 participants. Forty-nine women had one or two fertilised embryos transferred to the uterus, and 12 became pregnant, which is a good outcome compared to standard conventional IVF therapy. Professor Waljit Dhillo, from the Department of Medicine, said: It's … Continue reading

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New trigger for ovulation could make IVF safer

Posted: Published on July 20th, 2014

Researchers have successfully used a new and potentially safer method to stimulate ovulation in women undergoing IVF treatment. Twelve babies have been born after their mothers were given an injection of the natural hormone kisspeptin to make their eggs mature. Doctors normally administer another hormone, hCG, for this purpose, but in some women, there is a risk that this can overstimulate the ovaries, with potentially life-threatening consequences. Scientists at Imperial College London and clinicians at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust tested the new method in 53 healthy volunteers at Hammersmith Hospital in London. The study, funded by the Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research and the Wellcome Trust, is published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. One in six couples in the UK experiences infertility, and 48,147 women underwent IVF treatment in 2011. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) affects around a third of IVF patients in a mild form, causing symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Less than 10 per cent of patients experience moderate or severe OHSS, which can cause kidney failure. Professor Waljit Dhillo, from the Department of Medicine at Imperial College London, who led the study, said: "OHSS is a major medical problem. It can … Continue reading

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New method for stimulating ovulation may make IVF safer, study says

Posted: Published on July 20th, 2014

British researchers have found a new method of stimulating ovulation that may provide a safer and more effective option for women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). In a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, researchers found that the hormone kisspeptin can be used to induce ovulation in IVF treatment, without the side effects of currently used methods. Typically, doctors use HCG, which is also a naturally occurring hormone, to stimulate ovulation during IVF. However, because the hormone directly targets the ovaries, use of HCG puts women at risk for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) and potentially life-threatening side effects. OHSS can lead to painful and swollen ovaries and side effects can include vomiting, rapid weight gain and kidney failure. One of the biggest problems in IVF is excessive stimulation of ovaries, study author Waljit Dhillo, a professor in endocrinology and metabolism at Imperial College London, told Each year, healthy women end up in the hospital and there are a number of deaths each year. Researchers at Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London studied a group of 53 women, each of whom underwent a single injection of kisspeptin to induce ovulation. Mature eggs … Continue reading

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07/18/2014 THAILAND – CHINA – HONG KONG Chinese couples flock to Bangkok to choose unborn childs sex: a multi-million …

Posted: Published on July 18th, 2014

07/18/2014 THAILAND - CHINA - HONG KONG Chinese couples flock to Bangkok to choose unborn childs sex: a multi-million dollar business Thailand is the only country in Asia where IVF treatment offers this possibility. And at a much lower cost than in the United States and South Africa. A turnover of over 150 million dollars and a 20% increase in demand per year. Catholic sources tell AsiaNews they hope the Church will speak out clearly on this matter. Bangkok (AsiaNews) - Every year hundreds of women from China, Hong Kong and Australia arrive in Bangkok, to undergo a particular type of IVF - In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer - which allows them choose the sex of their unborn child. The expectant mothers have the opportunity to discard ova or embryos of the undesired sex; and, as always happens, these are mostly women (and couples) who want to have sons. One example among many is that of a 26 year old woman, originally from Hong Kong, who arrived in the Thai capital with her husband to try for a second child, male. To be sure of the sex, the couple paid at least 9 thousand dollars: "For the Chinese tradition … Continue reading

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Dr Tozer IVF Treatment explained – Video

Posted: Published on July 16th, 2014

Dr Tozer IVF Treatment explained IVF fertility treatment. By: Amanda Tozer … Continue reading

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