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Category Archives: Mental Health
Mental Health – Harvard Health
Posted: Published on July 26th, 2018
Everyone feels worried or anxious or down from time to time. But relatively few people develop a mental illness. What's the difference? A mental illness is a mental health condition that gets in the way of thinking, relating to others, and day-to-day function. Dozens of mental illnesses have been identified and defined. They include depression, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and many more. Mental illness is an equal opportunity issue. It affects young and old, male and female, and individuals of every race, ethnic background, education level, and income level. The good news is that it can often be treated. Signs and symptoms of mental illness depend in part on the illness. Common symptoms include In some people, symptoms of a mental illness first appear as physical problems such as stomach aches, back pain, or insomnia. Individuals with a mental illness can often ease their symptoms and feel better by talking with a therapist and following a treatment plan that may or may not include medication. Continue reading here: Mental Health - Harvard Health … Continue reading
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Mental Health UK :: Home
Posted: Published on July 26th, 2018
Following the phenomenal success of our #GetTheInsideOut advertising campaign with Lloyds Banking Group in February, we are very excited to see the ad back on our tv screens again this summer. The February campaign had a huge impact on social media, with well-known people like James McVey, Ruby Wax, Olly Murs and Helen Lederer taking part. We are also grateful to Professor Green, Victoria Pendleton, Jeremy Paxman, Alex Brooker, Rachel Riley, Alastair Campbell and Gizzy Erskine who feature in the ad itself. Help support people affected by mental illness. This year Mental Health UK launched atwo yearpartnership with Lloyds Banking Group. The Group have already raised enough for us to develop and launchMental Health & Money Advice- the UKs first advice service designed to help people understand, manage and improve their financial and mental health. The service has now launched and will provide helpful information and advice written by experts and professionals, tools, calculators and personal stories designed to help anyone with mental health and money problems. Find out what welfare benefits youre entitled to, how to apply or make an appeal; tips and tools to help you manage your money and deal with debt; what mental health treatment youre … Continue reading
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Mental Health : NPR
Posted: Published on July 26th, 2018
Mental Health : NPR Mental Health NPR covers mental health, happiness, depression, and treatment options. Subscribe to the RSS feed. The conversation around gun violence in the U.S. usually focuses on homicides, urban crime and mass shootings. But the overwhelming majority of gun deaths are suicides. Nicole Xu for NPR hide caption Having more than one child is associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's, research finds, as is starting menstruation earlier in life than average and menopause later. Ronnie Kaufman/Blend Images/Getty Images hide caption Girard Children's Community Garden in Washington, D.C. was created on a vacant lot and is now a thriving community space for neighborhood kids, many of whom are from low-income communities of color. Pearl Mak/NPR hide caption Young people who drink heavily may be at risk of fatal liver disease. South_agency/Getty Images hide caption Each Re-New home is furnished to meet the needs and tastes of families. Jay Shah/WPLN hide caption A homeless man in Denver draws heroin into a syringe. Treatment centers in the city say patterns of drug use seem to be changing. While most users once relied on a single drug typically painkillers or heroin or cocaine an increasing number now also use … Continue reading
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Mental Health |
Posted: Published on July 26th, 2018
It is normal for children and youth to experience various types of emotional distress as they develop and mature. For example, it iscommon for children to experience anxiety about school, or youth to experience short periods of depression that are transient in nature. When symptoms persist, it may be time to seek professional assistance. While most youth are healthy, physically and emotionally, one in every four to five youth in the general population meet criteria for a lifetime mental disorder and as a result may facediscrimination and negative attitudes.1As with physical health, mental health is not merely the absence of disease or a mental health disorder. It includes emotional well-being, psychological well-being, social well-being2and involves being able to The presence or absence of various combinations ofprotective and risk factorscontribute to the mental health of youth and efforts can be undertaken topromote positive mental healthandprevent or minimize mental health problems. Youth with mental health disorders may facechallengesin their homes, school, community, and interpersonal relationships. Despite these challenges, for most youth, mental health distress is episodic, not permanent, and most can successfully navigate the challenges that come from experiencing a mental health disorder withtreatment, peer and professional supports and services, and a … Continue reading
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Mental Health
Posted: Published on June 23rd, 2018
An important part of good mental health is the ability to look at problems or concerns realistically. Everyone has days when they feel sad, stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed by lifes challenges. If you continue to struggle for several weeks or longer or your symptoms begin interfering with your daily lifeat home, work, school, or in your relationshipsseek help. Talk to someone you trust, such as a family member, friend, bishop, or mental health professional. Addressing mental health concerns early can prevent a crisis in the future. Struggling with your mental health does not indicate a weakness in your character or spirit. Elder Neil L. Andersen reminded us that while ones earthly situation may not be ideal, [ones] spiritual DNA is perfect because ones true identity is as a son or daughter of God (Whoso Receiveth Them, Receiveth Me,EnsignorLiahona, May 2016, 50). (Some of the resources listed below are not created, maintained, or controlled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but are provided as additional resources.) See the original post: Mental Health … Continue reading
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