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Category Archives: MS Treatment

Multiple Sclerosis Pictures: MS Brain Lesions, Symptoms …

Posted: Published on July 18th, 2015

What Is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? MS is a chronic disease that damages the nerves in the spinal cord and brain, as well as the optic nerves. Sclerosis means scarring, and people with MS develop multiple areas of scar tissue in response to the nerve damage. Depending on where the damage occurs, symptoms may include problems with muscle control, balance, vision, or speech. Nerve damage can cause: These symptoms may lead to frequent tripping or difficulty walking. More than half of people with MS experience a vision problem called optic neuritis. This inflammation of the optic nerve may cause blurred vision, loss of color vision, eye pain, or blindness, usually in one eye. The problem is usually temporary and tends to improve within a few weeks. In many cases, vision problems are the first sign of MS. Although less common than vision problems, some people with MS develop slurred speech. This happens when MS damages the nerves that carry speech signals from the brain. Some people also have trouble swallowing. MS can take a toll on mental sharpness. Some people may find it takes longer to solve problems. Others may have mild memory loss or trouble concentrating. Most people with MS … Continue reading

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Natural Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis | Elana’s Pantry

Posted: Published on July 14th, 2015

Linda S. says March 22, 2012 at 4:05 am Dear Elana, Im sorry to learn that you have multiple sclerosis. However Im delighted to read about your remedies. I was diagnosed with ms in 2008 and immediately afterwards I started searching for information on how to take care of myself. 5 Months after the diagnosis I started on my gluten- and dairy-free diet. I was also very strict with sugar and saturated fats and noticed improvements after 1 month on the diet. Like you I also started taking fish oil and vitamin D. Until this day (almost 4 years) I havent had another excacerbation, although neurologists predicted that I was to expect one appr. every 1.5 years. I could go on and on about the positive influence of my lifestyle -I dont call it a diet anymore- but I wont. Just want to thank you for sharing this with so many people, it is the most important information anyone can get. For me, being a scientist, it was easy finding literature about all the aspects of diet and disease, but for so many people out there it is just too difficult. Thanks again and take care! Linda (from Amsterdam, simply … Continue reading

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Beat Multiple Sclerosis with a Paleo Diet –

Posted: Published on July 11th, 2015

By Dr. Mercola Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, degenerative disease of the nerves in your brain and spinal column, caused through a demyelization process. Myelin is the insulating, waxy substance around the nerves in your central nervous system. When the myelin is damaged by an autoimmune disease or self-destructive process in your body, the function of those nerves deteriorate over time, resulting in a number of symptoms, including: MS may progress steadily, or acute attacks may be followed by a temporary remission of symptoms. In the video above, Dr. Terry Wahls tells the inspiring story of how she reversed multiple sclerosis after seven years of deterioration on the best conventional treatments available -- simply by changing her diet! Through her research into MS, Dr. Wahls discovered that, for some unknown reason, in addition to the commonly known symptoms, MS patients' brains also tend to shrink. This roused her curiosity, and led her to research other diseases that have similar brain shrinkage, namely Huntington's, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's disease. One common denominator is poorly functioning mitochondria. Mitochondria are like little "batteries" in your cells that manage the energy supply to the cell, and unless you consume the correct nutrients, eventual mitochondrial … Continue reading

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Multiple Sclerosis: Hope Through Research: National …

Posted: Published on July 8th, 2015

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common disabling neurological disease of young adults. It most often appears when people are between 20 to 40 years old. However, it can also affect children and older people. The course of MS is unpredictable. A small number of those with MS will have a mild course with little to no disability, while another smaller group will have a steadily worsening disease that leads to increased disability over time. Most people with MS, however, will have short periods of symptoms followed by long stretches of relative relief, with partial or full recovery. There is no way to predict, at the beginning, how an individual persons disease will progress. Researchers have spent decades trying to understand why some people get MS and others don't, and why some individuals with MS have symptoms that progress rapidly while others do not. How does the disease begin? Why is the course of MS so different from person to person? Is there anything we can do to prevent it? Can it be cured? This brochure includes information about why MS develops, how it progresses, and what new therapies are being used to treat its symptoms and slow its progression. … Continue reading

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MS-UK | MS News and research

Posted: Published on July 3rd, 2015

This page documents breaking multiple sclerosis news and research stories as they occur during the month. For news and research for the previous 12 months please use the links on the menu on the left. The news stories are taken from external sources and as such, MS-UK does not verify, endorse or accept responsibility for their content. Some of these pages have been written for medical professionals and this can be reflected in the complexity of language and content. If you have any issues relating to the topics here, please call the MS-UK Helplineon 0800 7830 518. Americas National Multiple Sclerosis Society has provided a grant to a Wayne State University School of Medicine professor to explore a new model of MS pathology. Alexander Gow, Ph.D., the Charles H. Gershenson Distinguished Fellow Professor and associate director of the WSU Centre for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, will use the three-year, $663,959 grant for his study Neurodegeneration Associated With Metabolic Stress In Oligodendrocytes. From the early-mid phases of MS, Dr Gow said, the clinical symptoms are caused by damage to the brain in the forms of autoimmune lesions, atrophy in the white matter and grey matter of the brain and cognitive deficits. … Continue reading

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Multiple Sclerosis. Medical information about MS | Patient

Posted: Published on June 15th, 2015

What is multiple sclerosis (MS)? MS is a disease where patches of inflammation occur in parts of the brain and/or spinal cord. This can cause damage to parts of the brain and lead to various symptoms (described below). Many thousands of nerve fibres transmit tiny electrical impulses (messages) between different parts of the brain and spinal cord. Each nerve fibre in the brain and spinal cord is surrounded by a protective sheath made from a substance called myelin. The myelin sheath acts like the insulation around an electrical wire, and is needed for the electrical impulses to travel correctly along the nerve fibre. Nerves are made up from many nerve fibres. Nerves come out of the brain and spinal cord and take messages to and from muscles, the skin, body organs and tissues. MS is thought to be an autoimmune disease. This means that cells of the immune system, which normally attack germs (bacteria, viruses, etc), attack part of the body. When the disease is active, parts of the immune system, mainly cells called T cells, attack the myelin sheath which surrounds the nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord. This leads to small patches of inflammation. Something may … Continue reading

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Should Biogen Be Afraid of This Upstart?

Posted: Published on April 14th, 2015

Biogen (NASDAQ: BIIB) is a biotech Goliath that is best known for its dominant leadership in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. The company's top-selling MS drugs rack up sales of $7.9 billion per year, which makes it the market share leader in the $17 billion market for MS therapies. Although Biogen's MS franchise isn't likely to lose its luster anytime soon, a new drug in development at Receptos (NASDAQ: RCPT) could eventually pose a threat, so let's take a closer look. A huge market Spending on MS medicine per patient is estimated to total $52.36 per year, and that means MS is the second most costly specialty indication behind inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Spending on MS therapy is high in part because of the large number of people that are diagnosed with the disease, but also because the cost of MS medications can run into the tens of thousands of dollars per year. Globally, roughly 2.5 million people have MS, including more than 400,000 people in America and the average cost per MS prescription has been estimated to be $4,510 in 2014, which is up 9.2% from 2013. Over the past decade, one of the globe's top-selling therapies … Continue reading

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Gilenya data at AAN to highlight Novartis leadership in innovation with new MS assessment methods to benefit patients …

Posted: Published on April 13th, 2015

New analysis will confirm high efficacy of Gilenya in achieving 'no evidence of disease activity' (NEDA4) in previously-treated highly-active RMS patients Separate analyses will show adding brain shrinkage to an existing assessment tool enhances ability to predict disability progression in relapsing MS (RMS) Early data on a novel method to assess motor function in patients with MS and its potential clinical application will also be presented at AAN Basel, 13 April 2015 - Novartis announced today new Gilenya analyses to be presented at the 67th American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, USA from April 18-25, 2015, showing how Novartis is advancing methods assessing the impact of relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS) for patients and physicians. Data will show how adding brain shrinkage (brain volume loss) to an existing tool to assess MS disease activity (m-Rio) will give a more precise prediction of the likelihood of future disability progression. Accurate assessment of disease activity is key to guide treatment decisions in RMS. A pooled analysis from the two-year phase III FREEDOMS and FREEDOMS II trials will further confirm Gilenya's high efficacy in previously-treated patients with highly-active RMS in achieving 'no evidence of disease activity' (NEDA4) across four key … Continue reading

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Post Lemtrada MS treatment :) – Video

Posted: Published on April 12th, 2015

Post Lemtrada MS treatment 🙂 via YouTube Capture. By: lookirl … Continue reading

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Study of processing speed impact on cognitive training

Posted: Published on April 12th, 2015

Kessler Foundation researchers published a subanalysis of their MEMREHAB trial, which shows that treatment with the modified Story Memory Technique (mSMT) may be affected by cognitive dysfunction. Investigators looked at the influence of processing speed on benefits of the mSMT, a 10-session cognitive intervention protocol shown to improve new learning and memory in individuals with MS. The influence of cognitive dysfunction on benefit from learning and memory rehabilitation in MS: A subanalysis of the MEMREHAB trial, was published online ahead of print on February 6 by Multiple Sclerosis Journal. The authors are John DeLuca, PhD, and Nancy Chiaravalloti, PhD, of Kessler Foundation. Deficits in processing speed, which are common in MS, have been shown to adversely affect cognitive and everyday functioning. "This evidence supports the need to investigate the influence of processing speed in performance on cognitive interventions," said Nancy Chiaravalloti, PhD, director of Neuroscience & Neuropsychology and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Research at Kessler Foundation." The MEMREHAB trial included 85 participants with MS; 45 received the intervention and 40 were controls. Half were found to have processing speed deficits; all had memory impairment as a criterion for participation in the trial. Among the participants with deficits in processing speed, … Continue reading

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