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Category Archives: Parkinson’s Treatment
Wearable devices to support Parkinson's disease research
Posted: Published on August 14th, 2014
The Michael J Fox was created in 2000, after the actor was diagnosed with Parkinson's The devices collect more than 300 observations per second from each patient on measurable features of Parkinson's, including slowness of movement, tremor and sleep quality. This data can be transmitted to the researchers' computers over the internet in real time 24 hours a day, seven days a week helping them to detect patterns and make new discoveries. "Data science and wearable computing hold the potential to transform our ability to capture and objectively measure patients' actual experience of disease, with unprecedented implications for Parkinson's drug development, diagnosis and treatment," said Todd Sherer, chief executive of The Michael J Fox Foundation. The partnership follows a trial of the technology earlier this year. Sixteen Parkinson's patients and nine control volunteers wore the devices during two clinic visits and at home continuously over four days. "I know that many doctors tell their patients to keep a log to track their Parkinson's," Bret Parker, 46, of New York, who is living with Parkinson's and participated in the study. "I am not a compliant patient on that front. I pay attention to my Parkinson's, but it's not everything I am … Continue reading
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Michael J Fox Foundation uses big data to monitor Parkinson's disease
Posted: Published on August 14th, 2014
The Michael J Fox Foundation is using big data techniques in an attempt to cure Parkinson's disease, in collaboration with chip manufacturer Intel. The two organisations will join forces in a research study using a new big data analytics platform designed to detect patterns in data collected from wearable sensors on Parkinson's sufferers. "Nearly 200 years after Parkinson's disease was first described by Dr James Parkinson in 1817, we are still subjectively measuring Parkinson's disease largely the same way doctors did then," said Todd Sherer, PhD, CEO of The Michael J Fox Foundation. "Data science and wearable computing hold the potential to transform our ability to capture and objectively measure patients' actual experience of disease, with unprecedented implications for Parkinson's drug development, diagnosis and treatment," he added. "The variability in Parkinson's symptoms creates unique challenges in monitoring progression of the disease," said Diane Bryant, senior vice president and general manager of Intel's Data Center Group. "Emerging technologies can not only create a new paradigm for measurement of Parkinson's, but as more data is made available to the medical community, it may also point to currently unidentified features of the disease that could lead to new areas of research," she said. … Continue reading
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Parkinson's and depression: A deadly combination for Robin Williams?
Posted: Published on August 14th, 2014
Robin Williams wife Susan Schneider released a statement Thursday revealing that the late actor had recently been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, prior to taking his life earlier this week. Those who suffer with Parkinsons disease produce too little dopamine in parts of the brain. The deficiency of dopamine leads to problems with movement, including rigid muscles and tremors. Parkinsons disease and major depression sometimes coexist and, when they do, they can make one another worse. People with both conditions, for example, tend to be more plagued with anxiety than either, alone. And people with both conditions can have even more trouble with movement than those with either, alone. The ability to concentrate may decline precipitously. Interestingly (and, perhaps, tragically) a medication called ropinirole, which stimulates dopamine receptors in the brain, not only helps many people with early stage Parkinsons disease, but also helps some people with depression, when more traditional medications (like Prozac or Cymbalta) havent done an adequate job. If Williams had had the time to be adequately treated for his Parkinsons disease, it might have also helped his symptoms of depression. Psychologically, of course, being diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, while already battling a history of substance dependence and … Continue reading
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Intel's Big Data to Fight Parkinson's Disease
Posted: Published on August 14th, 2014
NEW YORK Intel is collaborating with the Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) to use big data analytics in research and treatment for Parkinson's disease. A multi-phase study used the specially created analytics platform to detect patterns in participant data collected from wearable technologies used to monitor symptoms. In conjunction with New Yorks Mount Sinai Hospital and Tel Aviv Medical Center, Intel and MJFF used an undisclosed smartwatch tethered to a smartphone to track physiological symptoms such as tremors from 16 Parkinson's patients and nine control volunteers. Participants wore the devices during two clinic visits and at home continuously over four days as an alternative to traditional tracking methods. Data was then correlated with clinical observations and patient diaries to gauge the devices accuracy and develop algorithms to measure disease progression. Weve gathered 300 events per second, or 1 GB of data per patient per day. Thats as much data per month as the entire Library of Congress, said Diane Bryant, senior vice president and general manager of Intels Data Center Group, at a web conference. She believes big data will play a significant role in all industries but especially healthcare. "The life impacting opportunity created by harnessing and mining the … Continue reading
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NeuroDerm Announces Eligibility for European Union Centralized Procedure for ND0612H, a Novel Treatment for Advanced …
Posted: Published on August 5th, 2014
REHOVOT, Israel, August 4, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- NeuroDerm Ltd. today announced that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has deemed ND0612H, its product candidate offering continuous delivery of levodopa/carbidopa (LD/CD) treatment for advanced Parkinson's disease, eligible for a European Union marketing authorization application procedure ("centralized procedure"). According to EMA guidelines, the EMA can allow products for which the centralized procedure is not mandatory to use that procedure, if the EMA considers that it constitutes a significant therapeutic, scientific or technical innovation.[1] ND0612H is a high-dose form of liquid LD/CD drug delivered continuously through subcutaneous administration by a belt pump. ND0612H is designed to significantly reduce motor complications in advanced Parkinson's disease patients by maintaining steady, high levodopa plasma levels in a convenient manner, to replace current treatments that require highly invasive surgery associated with serious side effects. "The eligibility for the centralized procedure in the European Union confirms the innovation underlying ND0612H," said Oded Lieberman, PhD, NeuroDerm's CEO. "It also means that ND0612H will be able to benefit from the more streamlined access to the EU market inherent in this regulatory route. NeuroDerm wishes to bring ND0612H into the market as quickly as possible and make a dramatic change in the … Continue reading
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Parkinson treatment in Bangalore, Dementia patient Care center – Video
Posted: Published on August 3rd, 2014
Parkinson treatment in Bangalore, Dementia patient Care center Parkinson treatment in Bangalore, Dementia patient Care center, 9483453099,, 9448244695, 24/7 Nursing Care Call 9448244695 wit... By: sindhu sindhura p … Continue reading
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Potential treatment, prevention of Parkinson's disease
Posted: Published on August 3rd, 2014
Parkinson's disease affects neurons in the Substantia nigra brain region -- their mitochondrial activity ceases and the cells die. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics show that supplying D-lactate or glycolate, two products of the gene DJ-1, can stop and even counteract this process: Adding the substances to cultured HeLa cells and to cells of the nematode C. elegans restored the activity of mitochondria and prevented the degeneration of neurons. They also showed that the two substances rescued the toxic effects of the weed killer Paraquat. Cells that had been treated with this herbicide, which is known to cause a Parkinson's like harm of mitochondria, recovered after the addition of the two substances. Both glycolic and D-lactic acids occur naturally in unripe fruits and certain kinds of yoghurt. Teymuras Kurzchalia and Tony Hyman both have labs at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics with rather different research programs -- but both happened to stumble upon the gene DJ-1 and joined forces. This gene, originally thought of as an oncogene, has been linked to Parkinson's disease since 2003. Recent studies showed that DJ-1 belongs to a novel glyxolase family. The major … Continue reading
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Middletown Healthline Radio Show To Discuss Parkinson's
Posted: Published on August 2nd, 2014
MIDDLETOWN The August edition of the Healthline radio show will Parkinson's disease. The show's guest will be Mary Ellen Thibodeau, executive director of the Connecticut chapter of the American Parkinson's Disease Association Thibodeau will discuss the possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson's. The Middletown Health Department said Parkinson's affects about 500,000 Americans, but that number is expected to increase with the nation's aging population. Parkinson's is a brain disorder that can cause shaking and stiffness, as well as problems with balance and coordination, the health department said. The average age of onset is 60. Healthline is produced by the Middletown Health Department. The show can be heard Saturday, Aug. 2 at 3:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. on WIHS 104.9 FM and every Sunday during February at 6:30 p.m. on WCNX Radio 1710 AM. The show can also be heard on demand at Originally posted here: Middletown Healthline Radio Show To Discuss Parkinson's … Continue reading
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Beyond the tremors: Understanding the impact of Parkinsons disease
Posted: Published on August 2nd, 2014
By Shane Huntington Neuroscientist and neurologist Prof Malcolm Horne discusses Parkinsons disease, and examines new technological developments and the prospects they offer for early diagnosis and treatment of the condition. SHANE HUNTINGTON Im Dr Shane Huntington. Thanks for joining us. Among the many degenerative neurological disorders that can afflict us, Parkinson's disease is one such condition that can radically change the way we live and function. Second only to Alzheimer's disease in prevalence in the ageing West. Many of us have an image of the Parkinson's sufferer with increasingly debilitating tremors. But the symptoms of the disease go well beyond the visible. We don't know the cause, we don't have a cure, yet progress is being made. Today on Up Close we discuss research into Parkinsons and what the future holds for sufferers and those who support them. With new genetic technologies improving by the day are we are on the verge of cracking this disease? Can we identify the risk factors and try to avoid them? To answer these questions and more we are joined by Professor Malcolm Horne, Head of the Neurodegeneration Lab at the Florey Institute for Neuroscience and Mental Health, Consultant Neurologist at St Vincent Hospital … Continue reading
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Potential treatment and prevention of Parkinson's disease
Posted: Published on August 2nd, 2014
PUBLIC RELEASE DATE: 1-Aug-2014 Contact: Dr. Teymuras Kurzchalia 49-351-210-2567 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft This news release is available in German. Parkinson's disease affects neurons in the Substantia nigra brain region their mitochondrial activity ceases and the cells die. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics show that supplying D-lactate or glycolate, two products of the gene DJ-1, can stop and even counteract this process: Adding the substances to cultured HeLa cells and to cells of the nematode C. elegans restored the activity of mitochondria and prevented the degeneration of neurons. They also showed that the two substances rescued the toxic effects of the weed killer Paraquat. Cells that had been treated with this herbicide, which is known to cause a Parkinson's like harm of mitochondria, recovered after the addition of the two substances. Both glycolic and D-lactic acids occur naturally in unripe fruits and certain kinds of yoghurt. Products with an enriched concentration of these substances could thus be a therapeutic route for a treatment of Parkinson's or for even preventing the onset of the disease. Teymuras Kurzchalia and Tony Hyman both have labs at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics with rather … Continue reading
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