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Category Archives: Prescriptions

Shelter Stories, Hurricane Sandy 2012 – Video

Posted: Published on November 1st, 2012

Shelter Stories, Hurricane Sandy 2012 New Jersey. By mid-day Sunday, the American Red Cross evacuation shelter in Pleasantville High School was filling with a steady stream of people -- from the elderly to babes in arms -- who were seeking safety in the approach of Hurricane Sandy. Shelter manager Duncan Wiedman and his team -- most of them volunteers from the Southern Shore and Jersey Coast chapters -- were preparing for 150 in the high school and another 150 in the middle school next door. Residents were coming largely from Atlantic City and nearby towns on the barrier islands along the Atlantic coast, but at least one was a vacationer from San Diego. One of the first to sign in was 62-year-old Gordon Schwartz, who was impressed with the efficiency of the shelter operation. "It's amazing, how smoothly it's going," he said. Schwartz, who doesn't drive, was brought to the shelter by the fire department of his home town of Margate, NJ "This is when you appreciate living in this country and organizations like the Red Cross," he said. "I'm going to stay here until it's safe to go home." Registration volunteer Linda Kolman smiled … Continue reading

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Rey – Welcome to the Asylum (Feat. Johnny) – Video

Posted: Published on November 1st, 2012

Rey - Welcome to the Asylum (Feat. Johnny) Rey and Johnny are back with a brand new track! This track is about the take over and killing of doctors in a "looney bin" **Lyrics** *Chorus* The lunatics now run the asylum The doctors are dead, nurses are tied up They've taken it over and barricaded themselves inside it The lunatics now run the asylum I said the lunatics now run the asylum The doctors are dead, nurses are tied up They've taken it over and barricaded themselves inside it The lunatics now run the asylum Rey: Other rappers tried shoutin in pain but I didnt listen I cut off their head injected their eyeballs with penecilin people ask how many I've raped or exactly who I'm killin the exact number of that is probably over a million ha Do I sound crazy? Save it I won't take a job that don't have dead bodies on the pavement Ya I guess I'm goina hell Only reason kash is on this track is cause we share the same cell Oh Mom John's stayin over We'll be outside runnin over ritz with a lawn … Continue reading

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Prescriptions can help many kids with ADHD

Posted: Published on October 12th, 2012

Re "ADHD drugs for lagging students" (Page A1, Oct. 9): The Bee article about ADHD treatment did not represent the standard of care provided by pediatricians and child psychiatrists treating this disorder. First of all, there are specific criteria for the diagnosis and treatment for ADHD. Up to 20 percent of school age children have this condition. One thing that was not pointed out was that this is spectrum disorder; i.e., it ranges from mild to profound in severity. The milder forms clearly respond to accommodations in the classroom, behavior modification and counseling. However, many children suffering from ADHD have more severe disability and it can profoundly affect school performance and many other aspects of the childs development. It is these children who need and respond so well to stimulant medication. Children with mild-moderate ADHD and learning disorders could benefit from smaller class sizes and many of these could be on less or no medication if our class room sizes were 10-20, but that is not the reality of our current fiscal crisis in education. Larger class room sizes does mean more children with less severe ADHD need medication because there is more distractions and less availability of accommodations available. … Continue reading

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Do not buy your prescriptions online: RCMP

Posted: Published on October 5th, 2012

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - The RCMP and the Canadian Border Service Agency are issuing that warning as police try to crack on the sale of fake drugs, which can be deadly. Sergeant Duncan Pound says since late September 2,000 packages were seized in Canada alone, along with 140,000 fake pills. "Among the counterfeit and illicit medicines, were anti-depressants, sedatives, prescription weight loss products, heart medications, hormone replacement therapies and erectile dysfunction drugs." CBSA Officer Mark Yee unscrewed an audio-video selector that raised suspicion at their Vancouver International Mail Centre. "[Inside was] three bags. The first one I opened contained a white powder. It could be Viagra, it could be steroids." Border guards seized thousands of these kinds of packages during a worldwide crackdown on the online sale and distribution of fake medications in late September. The CBSA'S Heather Ardiel is chief of the Mail Centre. "Taking prescription medications without proper medical advice may pose serious health risks, and in some cases, even be fatal." Pound says a 58-year-old BC man has been arrested, linked to the sale of fake drugs like Viagra through a website. He was caught with 6,000 counterfeit erectile dysfunction medications and they've recommended charges to Crown counsel. … Continue reading

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8,000 pounds of prescriptions collected in Drug Take-Back

Posted: Published on October 5th, 2012

Trial underway in ASU purse-snatching death Trial underway in ASU purse-snatching death Trial has begun for a valley man who police say is responsible for the death of a 21-year-old ASU student. Trial has begun for a valley man who police say is responsible for the death of a 21-year-old ASU student. Five people have been taken to the hospital following a crash on the side of a valley freeway. Five people have been taken to the hospital following a crash on the side of a valley freeway. A new survey found that a third of moms and a quarter of dads deliberately sabotaged their child's romantic relationship with a boyfriend or a girlfriend. A new survey found that a third of moms and a quarter of dads deliberately sabotaged their child's romantic relationship with a boyfriend or a girlfriend. People love to have a good time on our state's lakes, and when people party on boats, they often lose things like jewelry and other valuables. People love to have a good time on our state's lakes, and when people party on boats, they often lose things like jewelry and other valuables. A Peoria church, built more than 100 years … Continue reading

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Viagra Without Prescriptions Canada

Posted: Published on October 2nd, 2012

SAN JUAN (AP) El gobernador Luis Fortuo dej el lunes la puerta abierta para que parejas del mismo sexo puedan adoptar menores en Puerto Rico. El mandatario afirm que no es necesario que la nueva ley de adopcin que discute la Asamblea Legislativa entre en asuntos como la preferencia sexual del padre o la madre adoptante. "La ley no mira qu t haces en tu privacidad, la ley lo que tiene que mirar es si esta persona o personas son una alternativa de vida para un nio, eso es lo que tiene que mirar", sostuvo en conferencia de prensa tras participar en una actividad en Juncos. "Para un proyecto que es un proyecto de amor, un proyecto de dar una alternativa de vida a una nia o a un nio, no tenemos que entrar a esas discusiones que nos dividen", aadi. Fortuo afirm que apoya "completamente" el proyecto de ley de adopcin tal y como fue aprobado en la Cmara de Representantes y dijo esperar que el mismo se discuta a fondo a partir del 17 de agosto. El presidente del Senado, Thomas Rivera Schatz, ha sealado que enmendar el proyecto para buscar que la nueva ley de adopcin tenga … Continue reading

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Viagra Online No Prescriptions

Posted: Published on October 2nd, 2012

SAN JUAN (CyberNews) - El exfiscal federal Osvaldo Carlo, quien es allegado de la familia Casellas, dijo el martes que es remota la posibilidad de que Pablo Casellas sea ingresado a la crcel y que el hallazgo de la supuesta arma con la que Carmen Paredes fue asesinada, no necesariamente valida la teora de Fiscala sobre el suceso. La veo remota. Pienso que definitivamente se va a establecer que las fuentes son legales y se van a cumplir con todas las fuentes de ley porque conozco a este abogado que hace todas las cosas en ley y es una persona seria. Yo no creo que esto sea una situacin que provoque que se encarcele a Pablo Casellas. Yo lo veo como otro golpe ms a la familia, dijo Carlo en entrevista radial (Radio Isla) al dejar claro que no es nada difcil completar este trmite. El martes trascendi que el acusado podra ser encarcelado si su fiador no presenta una certificacin del Departamento de Hacienda que establezca que es un contribuyente bona fide en Puerto Rico. El Tribunal Apelativo deneg el lunes el recurso presentado por la defensa de Casellas para evitar presentar la certificacin. La representacin legal del acusado, … Continue reading

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Charges of writing fake prescriptions – Video

Posted: Published on October 1st, 2012

28-09-2012 18:18 Multi-state pill distribution scheme. More here: Charges of writing fake prescriptions - Video … Continue reading

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Hundreds turn in unused prescriptions at Take Back event

Posted: Published on September 30th, 2012

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The Department of the Attorney General, in partnership with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and State Narcotics Enforcement Division held its 5th National Prescription Drug Take Back Initiative on Saturday. Residents who had any expired or unused prescription medications were encouraged to bring in their medications at various collections points on Oahu, Kauai, Maui and the Big Island. This service was free and anonymous, and no questions were asked of attendees. Tablet, capsules, and all other solid dosage forms were accepted. "We do it in an environmentally safe manner," said Robin Dinlocker of the DEA. "They are actually incinerated, because I think historically everybody remembers that people used to take their drugs and dump them down the toilet, and they were actually seeing a presence of prescription drugs in the water system, so this is a fantastic, environmentally safe way to handle them." Since September 2010, Hawaii, Guam and the Northern Marianas Islands have collected a total of nearly 6,700 pounds of expired and unused prescription medications in Take Back events. With each Take Back effort, the number of pounds collected has increased. On the most recent Take Back day, citizens turned in a record-breaking 552,161 pounds … Continue reading

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Residents can get rid of unwanted prescriptions – Video

Posted: Published on September 29th, 2012

28-09-2012 18:08 This weekend, residents can get rid of unwanted prescription drugs before they fall into the wrong hands. The rest is here: Residents can get rid of unwanted prescriptions - Video … Continue reading

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