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Category Archives: Stem Cell Research
Mouse model of human immune system inadequate for stem cell studies – Medical Xpress
Posted: Published on August 23rd, 2017
Credit: Martha Sexton/public domain A type of mouse widely used to assess how the human immune system responds to transplanted stem cells does not reflect what is likely to occur in patients, according to a study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. The researchers urge further optimization of this animal model before making decisions about whether and when to begin wide-scale stem cell transplants in humans. Known as "humanized" mice, the animals have been engineered to have a human, rather than a murine, immune system. Researchers have relied upon the animals for decades to study, among other things, the immune response to the transplantation of pancreatic islet cells for diabetes and skin grafts for burn victims. However, the Stanford researchers found that, unlike what would occur in a human patient, the humanized mice are unable to robustly reject the transplantation of genetically mismatched human stem cells. As a result, they can't be used to study the immunosuppressive drugs that patients will likely require after transplant. The researchers conclude that the humanized mouse model is not suitable for studying the human immune response to transplanted stem cells or cells derived from them. "In an ideal situation, these humanized … Continue reading
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On gun-violence research, California sets an example for the nation – Washington Post
Posted: Published on August 23rd, 2017
CALIFORNIA HAS never been reluctant to take the lead on critical issues facing the nation. When federal funding was cut off for embryonic stem cell research, it created its own state program. It adopted standards for vehicle emissions and fuel efficiency that have been emulated by other states, and it has doubled down on a commitment to climate change policy in the face of disinterest, if not outright hostility, from the Trump administration. But perhaps nothing is more welcome than Californias decision to advance the science of gun-violence prevention with the establishment of the countrys first publicly funded research center. The Firearm Violence Research Center, launched last month at the University of California at Davis with a $5 million appropriation from the state, aims to find effective ways to prevent firearm violence through scientific investigation and understanding. Located at the universitys Sacramento campus, the research institute will augment the work of Garen Wintemute, an emergency-room physician and nationally recognized expert on the epidemiology of firearm violence who serves as its director. Californias decision to be at the forefront of research on gun violence as a public-health issue stands in contrast to the dismal abdication of the federal government. Legislation passed … Continue reading
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STONE: Certain medical practices can prey on false hopes – Odessa American
Posted: Published on August 21st, 2017
Its human nature to want a quick fix in resolving issues or problems. Getting maximum results with minimal effort certainly has its appeal. From Thigh Masters and Bowflexes to The Clapper and Ginsu knives, the promise for rapid results and convenience can draw consumers in like the late-night glow of the TV infomercials selling these items. But, lets be honest, these examples may have yield their desired results, but most products end up being a total disappointment and waste of money. This is also the case with certain medical procedures or therapies claiming to fix certain ailments or chronic conditions. As a patient-consumer, its important to do your research and not let emotions or false hopes guide you into making a potentially expensive or even risky decision involving your health. One item in general, stem cell therapy, has been getting quite a bit of attention of late. Many may ask, what are stem cells? Stem cells are cells that have the potential to develop into many different types of cells. Think of them as a blank canvas which can divide and become specialized cells within the body such as blood, liver, or muscle cells. Stem cell therapy acts by introducing … Continue reading
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Can Stem Cells Finally Solve Hair Loss? – Wall Street Pit
Posted: Published on August 20th, 2017
56 million men and women in the US experience varying degrees of hair loss or baldness. Despite available medications and procedures, scientists are still striving to put an end to balding and the frustrations associated with it. Researchers from UCLAs Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research offered a new angle to solving hair loss problems: altering metabolic pathways of hair follicle stem cells. The study was published in Nature Cell Biology. To understand how hair is lost, we must take a look on its growth cycle which has three components: the growth phase (anagen), a regression phase (catagen) and a resting phase (telogen). All hairs in our body undergo this cycle but the duration for each phase varies depending on the hairs location. For instance, the hair growing from our scalps will have 2-3 years of anagen, 2-3 weeks of catagen and about 3 months of telogen. Hairs from other body parts typically have shorter anagens but longer telogen phases. Hair follicle stem cells (HFSC) are unspecialized skin cells that live inside hair-producing sacs called hair follicles. HFSCs are quiescent (meaning they are normally dormant) but they quickly activate during an anagen phase. Many … Continue reading
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Blood cancer: High doses of vitamin C could encourage stem cells to die –
Posted: Published on August 19th, 2017
The study suggests it may encourage blood cancer stem cells to die. Researchers say Vitamin C may "tell" faulty stem cells in the bone marrow to mature and die normally, instead of multiplying to cause blood cancers. They explained that certain genetic changes are known to reduce the ability of an enzyme called TET2 to encourage stem cells to become mature blood cells, which eventually die, in many patients with certain kinds of leukaemia. The new study, published online by the journal Cell. found that vitamin C activated TET2 function in mice engineered to be deficient in the enzyme. Study corresponding author Professor Benjamin Neel, of the Perlmutter Cancer Centre in the United States, said: "We're excited by the prospect that high-dose vitamin C might become a safe treatment for blood diseases caused by TET2-deficient leukemia stem cells, most likely in combination with other targeted therapies." He said changes in the genetic code that reduce TET2 function are found in 10 per cent of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), 30 per cent of those with a form of pre-leukaemia called myelodysplastic syndrome, and in nearly 50 per cent of patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia. Such cancers cause anaemia, infection … Continue reading
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Former Hollywood Stuntman Raising $10000 For His Stem Cell Therapy – DNAinfo
Posted: Published on August 19th, 2017
Len Richard (left) and actor Terrance Howard on the set of "Empire" in 2015. View Full Caption Provided by Len Richard CHICAGO Len Richard used to fight in movie scenes as a stuntman, but now hes fighting for his life. Diagnosed with liver disease in 2009, hes been placed on the liver and kidney transplant list to replace his rapidly failing organs. Hes opted to have stem cell replacement therapy in place of the transplant, but his insurance wont cover it, so hes raising $10,000 through YouCaring. The 44-year-old Englewood native said hes desperate to live a healthy life and doesnt want to risk trying the transplant. Theres the fear that the new organs wont work for long and hell constantly get sick from the anti-rejection medications hell have to take, he said. Once I understood how stem cell works and how it cures people, it was a no-brainer, Richard said. I rather do that than have someone's organs. More than 5,000 liver transplants in the United States take place each year, according to the "Stem Cell Therapy for Liver Diseases," a review article published in the Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy. About 20,000 people are waiting for … Continue reading
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Belize Biochemist’s Groundbreaking Stem Cell Research – Channel 7 Daily News
Posted: Published on August 19th, 2017
Belize Biochemist's Groundbreaking Stem Cell Research Channel 7 Daily News A young Belizean's groundbreaking research has been published in a top US medical Journal. On Monday, Aimee Flores, who is pursuing a Ph.D in Stem Cell Research and Bio-chemistry at UCLA had her paper published in the "Nature Cell Biology", ... and more » Read the original: Belize Biochemist's Groundbreaking Stem Cell Research - Channel 7 Daily News … Continue reading
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Stem cell researchers discover promising lead in quest for hair regrowth –
Posted: Published on August 18th, 2017 Stem cell researchers discover promising lead in quest for hair regrowth In new findings published in Nature Cell Biology, UCLA researchers revealed the discovery of a new way to activate hair regrowth by focusing on the unique metabolism of "quiescent" hair follicle stem cells. Although long-lived, these stem cells are ... We Just Figured out How to Activate Stem Cells to Treat BaldnessFuturism Scientists Identify a New Way to Activate Stem Cells to Make Hair GrowBioscience Technology Researchers Discover New Key to Hair GrowthR & D Magazine Technology Networks -UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center all 38 news articles » Read more: Stem cell researchers discover promising lead in quest for hair regrowth - … Continue reading
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Scientists Discover New Hair Growth Technique Using Stem Cells – TrendinTech
Posted: Published on August 18th, 2017
Those suffering from hair loss problems could soon be worry free thanks to a bunch of researchers at UCLA. The team found that by activating the stem cells in the hair follicles they could make it grow. This type of research couldnt come soon enough for some. We may have finally found a cure for patients suffering from alopecia or baldness. Hair loss is often caused by the hair follicle stem cells inability to activate and induce a new hair growth cycle. In doing the study, researchers Heather Christofk and William Lowry, of Eli Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA discovered that the metabolism of hair follicle stem cells is far different to any other cell found within the skin. They found that as hair follicle stem cells absorb the glucose from the bloodstream they use it to produce a metabolite called pyruvate. The pyruvate is then either sent to the cells mitochondria to be converted back into energy or is converted into another metabolite called lactate. Christofk is an associate professor of biological chemistry and molecular and medical pharmacology and he says, Our observations about hair follicle stem cell metabolism prompted us to … Continue reading
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Life Science investment paying dividends – The Recorder
Posted: Published on August 18th, 2017
BOSTON (AP) In his offices at Boston Childrens Hospital, Leonard Zon is busily developing cutting-edge stem cell therapies surrounded by fellow researchers, lab equipment and 300,000 striped, transparent zebrafish. Zons lab and the zebrafish are the results of an initiative begun nearly a decade ago to make Massachusetts one of the countrys premier life sciences incubators. That 2008 initiative, signed by former Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick, committed Massachusetts to spending $1 billion over 10 years to jump-start the life sciences sector attracting the best minds, research facilities and the venture capital funding. By most yardsticks, Patricks gamble has paid off. Massachusetts, and the greater Boston area in particular, are now seen as a top life sciences hub. For Zon, and other life sciences leaders, the support has been transformative. In 2013, the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, which is charged with disbursing the funds, awarded a $4 million grant to Childrens Hospital to help establish the Childrens Center for Cell Therapy. Some of the money went toward replacing the original aquaculture facilities at Zons lab with state-of-the-art systems. Zon said the changes helped him pursue stem cell therapies taking tissues grown from stem cells aimed at thwarting specific diseases and transplanting … Continue reading
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