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Category Archives: Stem Cell Research

Study sees benefits in use of self-derived stem cells in horses – Horsetalk

Posted: Published on March 2nd, 2017

Researchers identified an adverse reaction in the fetlock joint of horses after giving them a second dose of mesenchymal stem cells from a donor. By contrast, no such reaction was found in horses receiving a second injection of the bone marrow-derived stem cells sourced from their own bodies, provided they had gone through a laboratory decontamination process first. Texas A&M University researchers have reported their findings, based on a study using 18 Quarter horses, in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy. The injection of mesenchymal stem cells into joints affected by osteoarthritis has been shown to be an effective therapy. However, Ashlee Watts and her colleagues noted that no direct comparison had been made of the response of the synovial joint to the injection of stem cells derived from the patients own body as opposed to a donor. The study team set out to assess the clinical response of each treatment, using stem cells prepared in a way that minimized protein contamination arising from laboratory techniques that used bovine serum as food for the cells in their preparation. The horses were divided into groups, with some receiving their own stem cells in a fetlock, some receiving donor cells from … Continue reading

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Stem cell treatment changed the life of one guest at Trump’s speech – CNN

Posted: Published on March 1st, 2017

She credits an experimental stem cell treatment with giving her new hope for her health and her future -- a newfound hope that also caught attention of Republican Rep. Pete Olson. "She is the face of the 21st Century Cures Act because of what she's gone through in her life," he said Tuesday. "It became pretty clear to me that ... I (have) got to tell her story," he said. "That's why she's here: She's awesome." Immediately after the House vote, Hughes said, Olson called her at home to invite her to be his guest of honor. "I still cannot believe I will be in the same room as our President and lawmakers," she added. Hughes spent most of her adolescence hospitalized, as she became so sick that she could barely walk and suffered immense pain. Her body was evaluated, treated and studied at the National Institutes of Health in collaboration with her doctors from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Yet relief came in 2014, when Hughes received a high-dose adult stem cell treatment that was not approved in the United States. For the procedure, Hughes had her own healthy stem cells cultured at the FDA-registered … Continue reading

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Cerebral organoids enter the fold –

Posted: Published on March 1st, 2017

Cerebral organoids enter the fold Organoids are stem-cell-derived, three-dimensional cultures that self organize to some extent and include multiple cell types and features of a particular organ. Kriegstein, with Marina Bershteyn, Tomas Nowakowski and their colleagues, generated ... Excerpt from: Cerebral organoids enter the fold - … Continue reading

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Johns Hopkins Medicine, Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund and … – Business Wire (press release)

Posted: Published on March 1st, 2017

SAN CARLOS, Calif. & BALTIMORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF) and BioCardia, Inc. (OTC:BCDA) today announced that the first patient has been treated in the pivotal Phase III CardiAMP clinical trial of a cell-based therapy for the treatment of ischemic heart failure that develops after a heart attack. The first patient was treated at Johns Hopkins Hospital by a team led by Peter Johnston, MD, a faculty member in the Department of Medicine and Division of Cardiology, and principal investigator of the trial at Johns Hopkins. The investigational CardiAMP therapy is designed to deliver a high dose of a patients own bone marrow cells directly to the point of cardiac dysfunction, potentially stimulating the bodys natural healing mechanism after a heart attack. The patient experience with CardiAMP therapy begins with a pre-procedural cell potency screening test. If a patient qualifies for therapy, they are scheduled for a bone marrow aspiration. A point of care cell processing platform is then utilized to concentrate the autologous bone marrow cells, which are subsequently delivered in a minimally-invasive procedure directly to the damaged regions in a patients heart. This cell-based therapy offers great potential for heart failure patients, said … Continue reading

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Canadian Pacific makes a $1 million gift to fund stem cell research at the CHU Sainte-Justine – New hope for … – Canada NewsWire (press release)

Posted: Published on March 1st, 2017

From left to right: Dr. Fabrice Brunet, The Honorable Michael M Fortier, Mr. Keith Creel, President and CEO of Canadian Pacific, Dr. Gregor Andelfinger, Ms. Maud Cohen, Ms. Janice Pierson, Mr. Richard Lanoue, Mher Mike Stepanian, Samuel Gauthier, Mariama Hawa Barry, Samy Touati, Tyler Lanoue and Olivier Boissonneault. (CNW Group/CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation) MONTRAL, Feb. 27, 2017 /CNW Telbec/ -An extraordinary $1 million commitment from Canadian Pacific (CP) towards stem cell research will allow the CHU Sainte-Justine to lead the way in developing new treatments to transform the lives of children suffering from complex congenital heart defects. Currently, there is no treatment available to provide a permanent means of repairing the heart. Today, patients and cardiac experts gathered to recognize the major impact of such strong support for research at the CHU Sainte-Justine, as well as the national importance of research in the development of innovative new stem cell technologies. Thanks to this exceptional gift, CP is making possible the creation of Quebec's first platform for stem cell research and pediatric regenerative medicine. "These funds will allow us to purchase new equipment and recruit an additional researcher, which will significantly accelerate essential research, namely the identification of the mechanisms that form … Continue reading

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Poorly Jack Christmas, 8, needs 20k to get vital stem cell research – Hull Daily Mail

Posted: Published on February 28th, 2017

Comments(0) A little boy with a rare genetic condition which left him unable to walk or talk could be one of just five people to contribute to vital research. But Jack Christmas' family need to raise 20,000 to send the eight-year-old to America for the stem cell research in June. Jack, of Gainford Grove, east Hull, was diagnosed with Mowat Wilson Syndrome in April 2012, and is one of only 171 children across the world to have the condition, caused by a gene deficiency or mutation. Jack's mum, Dawn, said while the little boy is totally dependent on adults, he is making good progress. "Jack doesn't talk, has to have all food pureed, can't feed or dress himself, is doubly incontinent, in fact he is totally dependent on adults," she said. "All this said and done and he can now crawl, clap his hands and waves hello and goodbye as well as signing money and bird. Jack can also drink out of a feeder cup and on Christmas Eve 2015 Jack took his first unsteady independent steps." More news: Maisie Rice, 9, needs life-changing operation so she play with her twin As well as Mowat Wilson Syndrome, the Tweendykes School … Continue reading

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Heart failure BREAKTHROUGH: Stem cells trial offers hope to millions –

Posted: Published on February 27th, 2017

A high-level meeting has paved the way for global trials to begin on hundreds of patients. British scientists have found a way to use stem cells to repair damaged tissue which could help millions living with heart failure, the UKs leading cause of death. Scarring due to disease or heart attacks affects more than two million people in Britain. GETTY This would be the biggest breakthrough since the first transplants three decades ago Professor Steve Westaby Initial trials involving more than 100 patients are being planned for the autumn at two London hospitals. World renowned cardiac surgeon Professor Steve Westaby, who helped pioneer the revolutionary technique, said it had been thought that repairing heart damage was impossible. But results from a long-term trial that began in Greece five years ago have shown that this is not the case. Preliminary data from this trial showed the engineered stem cells, known as Heartcel, can reverse scarring by up to 79 per cent. The data, presented at the European Society of Cell and Gene Therapy in Florence, showed an average of 40 per cent reduction in heart damage in those on the treatment. Last month researchers finalised talks with European and US regulators … Continue reading

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Girl, eight, with rare brain disorder in pioneering UCL stem cell research – Evening Standard

Posted: Published on February 23rd, 2017

A girl of eight whose rare brain disorder is likely to lead to her death when she is in her teens is taking part in pioneering stem cell research in a bid to save others with same condition. Lily Harrisss skin cells will first be turned into stem cells and then into brain cells by researchers at University College London as they seek treatments or a cure. About 100 to 200 cases of BPAN beta-propeller protein-associated neurodegeneration are known worldwide, although this is believed to be an underestimate. Children often suffer delayed development, sleep problems, epilepsy and lack of speech and their symptoms can be mistaken for other conditions. Lily, from Luton, was diagnosed when she was five. She has very limited communication skills and uses a wheelchair. She wakes four or five times a night and needs drugs to control seizures. However, she loves swimming and her father Simon said she has recently began singing on car journeys. Shes laughed and giggled her way through everything, and shes been through a lot, he said. Shes a beautiful little girl who can be quite naughty sometimes. Were giving her the best time we can while shes here. We have a … Continue reading

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Researchers take broad look at stem cells – Science Daily

Posted: Published on February 23rd, 2017

Researchers take broad look at stem cells Science Daily "Continued research into the application of SVF and adipose derived stem cells has the potential to transform treatments and therapy options," said Daniel Kota, assistant research scientist for Sanford Research. "But it all starts with putting ... and more » Read the original here: Researchers take broad look at stem cells - Science Daily … Continue reading

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Research on retinal pigment epithelial cells promises new future treatment for glaucoma patients – Science Daily

Posted: Published on February 23rd, 2017

Research on retinal pigment epithelial cells promises new future treatment for glaucoma patients Science Daily Scientific research builds its own momentum as one discovery triggers another, building an ongoing wave of unexpected possibilities. In the world of glaucoma, such a surge began when advances in stem cell research opened doors experts had never ... See more here: Research on retinal pigment epithelial cells promises new future treatment for glaucoma patients - Science Daily … Continue reading

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