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Category Archives: Stem Cell Transplant
September 26th – – Video
Posted: Published on September 30th, 2014
September 26th - Stem cell transplant. It's happening, it's sinking in and I'm terrified. By: Carolyn Van … Continue reading
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Register to become a marrow donor
Posted: Published on September 30th, 2014
Every four minutes, someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer like leukemia, lymphoma or sickle cell anemia. For many, over 12,000 per year, a bone marrow(stem cell) transplant is the only life saving treatment their only chance for a cure. Of these patients, 70 percent do not have a matching donor in their family and must turn to National Marrow Donor Program. In just the past year, three families in Friendswood have received such a diagnosis and have had a loved one undergo a transplant. Two of those patients did not have a family member match and needed an unrelated donor. Hope Lutheran Church, in conjunction with Be the Match (the national bone marrow donor registry), will host a donor registration event on Sunday, October 5th from 10 until 3 in the Grand Hallway of the Center for Faith Development. All you need do is fill out a consent form and take a saliva swab. It only takes a few minutes and it may offer you the opportunity to save a life. Donors should be in good health and between the ages of 18 and 44. The registration is free. Questions? Contact Jerry and Joyce Pfleeger at or (281) … Continue reading
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Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer, ABVD, RICE, Stem cell transplant & Acts 20 24, 9 25 2014 – Video
Posted: Published on September 29th, 2014
Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer, ABVD, RICE, Stem cell transplant Acts 20 24, 9 25 2014 Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer, ABVD, RICE, Stem cell transplant Acts 20 24, 9 25 2014. By: William Bartlett … Continue reading
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Posted: Published on September 29th, 2014
"As many of you know, Ive been scheduled to start a stem cell transplant and as soon as I got home from tour I began the necessary tests and preparations. Ill be admitted to hospital soon for all the yucky bits, so in the meantime Im headed to Target to stock up on cozy pajamas, fresh underwear, and a sackful of car-porn. Unfortunately, this means that I wont be able to perform with the band on the upcoming NFL broadcast on September 28th, nor will I be able to do the shows scheduled for October/November. While I cant say that Im looking forward to the process ahead, Im very much looking forward to what I feel will be a most successful outcome. Next year will be very busy for DEF LEPPARD with a new album and a world tour, and frankly, I dont think they would sound as loud without me, so I have no intention of letting the team down! See you all (with hair!) in 2015." His fill-in for the DEF LEPPARD Fall tour is none other than TRIXTER guitarist Steve Brown, who has already been on standby during the band's recently completed Summer tour with KISS, which … Continue reading
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Nebraska coach's son to get second transplant
Posted: Published on September 27th, 2014
Nebraska assistant Chris Harriman and his son, Avery, before a game. (Scott Bruhn, Nebraska Athletics) Every six hours every single day. That's how often little Avery Harriman has been taking showers lately. Every six hours. Every long and hard day. "Because if he were to sweat, the chemo would burn his skin," explained Avery's father, Nebraska assistant Chris Harriman. "That's how toxic it was. So he had to shower every six hours. But the kid got through it. He rolled through it." Today is #AveryStrong Day throughout the state of Nebraska. From 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., folks will gather at a local Scooter's Coffee to increase awareness for the 7-year-old patient who just endured another aggressive round of chemotherapy while battling leukemia for a third time, and to raise money for Make-A-Wish Nebraska and Camp CoHoLo. Scooter's Coffee has agreed to donate $1 from every transaction made at each area location. More than $10,000 in donations is expected to be generated. Meanwhile, Avery will be having a stem cell transplant at the Nebraska Medical Center, this after enduring a bone marrow transplant last year. Perhaps you remember: I've told his story before. But it's worth revisiting today because a … Continue reading
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#AskDrDurie: Is autologous stem cell transplant still recommended ? – Video
Posted: Published on September 22nd, 2014
#AskDrDurie: Is autologous stem cell transplant still recommended ? In this episode of the IMF's #AskDrDurie web series, Dr. Brian Durie talks about when and for what kind of myeloma patient an autologous stem cell transplant... By: International Myeloma Foundation … Continue reading
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Pretransplant Brentuximab Vedotin in Hodgkin Lymphoma – Video
Posted: Published on September 22nd, 2014
Pretransplant Brentuximab Vedotin in Hodgkin Lymphoma Panelists discuss treatment with brentuximab vedotin for patients with Hodgkin lymphoma before stem cell transplant. For more from this discussion, visit htt... By: OncLiveTV … Continue reading
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Local man shares his story of stem cell donation
Posted: Published on September 22nd, 2014
When a child became ill, Jim Pattison was one of many who stepped up as a potential bone marrow donor. Herald photo by Jodi Schellenberg Jim Pattison was given two paperweights for his stem cell donation. He decided to become a donor in 1996, but was not a match until after 2010. In 1996, Pattison was one of many who went on the bone marrow transplant list to help a one and a half year old child who was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. The organizers of the donor drive expected maybe 50 people to show up and were shocked by the close to 400 who attended. Sadly, the family didnt find a match and the girl died, but Pattison decided to stay on the registry. They asked if I wanted to stay on and my answer was that if I would do it for Abigail I would do it for anybody, he said. Throughout the years, Pattison was asked to test for more markers to see if he would be a match for someone else. He did his last test in 2010 and heard back a short time later with the news he was a match. Pattison was chosen … Continue reading
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Colchester teen becomes one of the UK's youngest stem cell donors
Posted: Published on September 22nd, 2014
A teenager who gave stem cells to save the life of a stranger is backing a national campaign to find more donors. In June, Celyn Evans, 17, became one of the youngest people in the UK to donate stem cells. The Colchester Royal Grammar School sixth-form student is supporting Anthony Nolans Save a Life at 16 campaign. The charity wants HMRC to include details about stem cell donation when it writes to teens with their National Insurance numbers ahead of their 16th birthday. Celyn, of West Mersea, said: You often hear that young people are self absorbed and not interested in helping others, but I think thats wrong. People just need to be made aware of how they can help. That is why I am supporting this campaign. Celyn joined the bone marrow donor register last September when his brothers friend developed leukaemia. He was not able to help the family friend, but in February, Anthony Nolan contacted him to say he was a possible match for another patient in need of a potentially life-saving transplant. Celyn agreed to donate and, after a series of check-ups, made the donation in London in June. Like 90 per cent of donors, he … Continue reading
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A chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) patient's video diary: ER – Video
Posted: Published on September 19th, 2014
A chronic lymphoblastic leukemia (CLL) patient's video diary: ER Part 11 of Harley's video diary, recorded 41 days after his stem cell transplant. In this video, Harley talks about a trip to the emergency room shortly afte... By: MD Anderson Cancer Center … Continue reading
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We cordially invite you to collaborate with us (as Speaker/Exhibitor/Sponsor/Media Partner) for “10th Annual Conference on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine” scheduled on August 13-14, 2018 in London, UK.
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