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Category Archives: Stem Cell Transplant
Revolutionary stem cell op to repair hearts: Graham read in Good Health about a pioneering way to beat heart failure …
Posted: Published on April 2nd, 2014
Graham Parker, 41, from County Durham is one of first to benefit from trial Some participants were given stem cells and the rest placebo Stem cells were taken from bone marrow in his hip and injected into heart Years later Graham feels better - but still classed as having heart failure By Carol Davis Published: 18:04 EST, 31 March 2014 | Updated: 18:25 EST, 31 March 2014 Graham Parker took part in a trial using stem cells to repair heart damage A major new trial is using patients' own stem cells to treat heart failure. One of the first to benefit is Graham Parker, 41, an archaeology student from Stanley, County Durham. He tells CAROL DAVIS his story. Working as a supply teacher a few years ago, I started feeling exhausted. I couldn't walk more than 50 metres without pausing, was constantly breathless and would wake at night coughing. At first I thought it was a cold or flu, or the stress of a house move. But my mum, a retired nurse, pointed out I'd been ill for two months, and sent me to the doctor. The GP suspected asthma, and gave me an inhaler. But within a week it … Continue reading
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Revolutionary stem cell op to treat heart failure
Posted: Published on April 1st, 2014
Graham Parker, 41, from County Durham is one of first to benefit from trial Some participants were given stem cells and the rest placebo Stem cells were taken from bone marrow in his hip and injected into heart Years later Graham feels better - but still classed as having heart failure By Carol Davis PUBLISHED: 18:04 EST, 31 March 2014 | UPDATED: 18:25 EST, 31 March 2014 Graham Parker took part in a trial using stem cells to repair heart damage A major new trial is using patients' own stem cells to treat heart failure. One of the first to benefit is Graham Parker, 41, an archaeology student from Stanley, County Durham. He tells CAROL DAVIS his story. Working as a supply teacher a few years ago, I started feeling exhausted. I couldn't walk more than 50 metres without pausing, was constantly breathless and would wake at night coughing. At first I thought it was a cold or flu, or the stress of a house move. But my mum, a retired nurse, pointed out I'd been ill for two months, and sent me to the doctor. The GP suspected asthma, and gave me an inhaler. But within a week it … Continue reading
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Institute says "breakthrough" stem cell study was fabricated
Posted: Published on April 1st, 2014
RIKEN research institute President Ryoji Noyori bows during a press conference in Tokyo, Tuesday, April 1, 2014. Scientists at the RIKEN, a Japanese government-funded laboratory, said Tuesday it found that data in a widely heralded stem-cell research paper was falsified, holding the lead researcher responsible for the fabrication. The research results from the Riken Center for Development Biology in Kobe, western Japan, were seen as a possible groundbreaking method for growing tissue to treat illnesses such as diabetes and Parkinson's disease using a simple lab procedure. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko) Eugene Hoshiko, AP TOKYO -- Data in a widely lauded stem-cell research paper was falsified, a Japanese government-funded laboratory said Tuesday, as the lead researcher accused of the malpractice denied any wrongdoing. The research from the Riken Center for Development Biology in Kobe, western Japan, had been hailed as a possible breakthrough for growing tissue to treat illnesses such as diabetes and Parkinson's disease using a simple lab procedure. But significant discrepancies in the "game-changing" research published in January in scientific journal Nature led a panel of scientists at Riken to conclude they stemmed from falsified data. They said researcher Haruko Obokata, the lead author of the paper in Nature, had … Continue reading
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'Phony' stem cell research scientist to be punished
Posted: Published on April 1st, 2014
01 April 2014| last updated at 03:01PM Riken institute head, Ryoji Noyori, who jointly won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2001, said in a statement he will rigorously punish relevant people after procedures in a disciplinary committee. The punishment is expected to be meted out to lead researcher Haruko Obokata and her more experienced colleagues. The move is a huge blow to what was touted as a game-changing discovery, published by 30-year-old Obokata along with other Japanese researchers and a US-based scientist in the January edition of British journal Nature. The study outlined a relatively simple way to grow transplant tissue in the lab by converting regular adult cells into a kind of stem cell a cell that has the potential to become differentiated into the various specialised cells that make up the brain, heart, kidneys and other organs. But it faced questions after the respected institute, which sponsored the study, launched an inquiry last month over the credibility of its data. Originally posted here: 'Phony' stem cell research scientist to be punished … Continue reading
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Lab says stem cell research falsified
Posted: Published on April 1st, 2014
01 April 2014| last updated at 06:00PM The research from the Riken Center for Development Biology in Kobe, western Japan, had been hailed as a possible breakthrough for growing tissue to treat illnesses such as diabetes and Parkinsons disease using a simple lab procedure. But significant discrepancies in research published in January in scientific journal Nature led a panel of scientists at Riken to conclude they stemmed from falsified data. They said researcher Haruko Obokata, the lead author of the paper in Nature, had manipulated or falsified images of DNA fragments used in the research. The investigation committee has concluded that Ms. Obokata is responsible for manipulation and therefore for research malpractice, said Shunsuke Ishii, the Riken scientist who led the committee charged with investigating allegations the work was falsified. Obokata, in a statement also issued through Riken, vehemently objected to the committees findings. Follow this link: Lab says stem cell research falsified … Continue reading
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South Asian stem cell donors needed to help Ontario woman with leukemia
Posted: Published on March 31st, 2014
; Twenty-four-year-old Moneet Mann was diagnosed with leukemia last fall, and desperately needs a stem cell transplant. The desperate search for a bone marrow match for an Ontario woman reached B.C. this weekend. Twenty-four-year-old Moneet Mann was diagnosed with leukemia last fall and has launched a campaign to find a stem cell donor. Her supporters held a swabbing event at a Surrey temple Sunday in hopes of finding a match in the South Asian community here, while also trying to boost the number of registered donors among visible minorities. Good Samaritans were eager to sign up to be stem cell donors in hopes of becoming a match. The simple process involves a health questionnaire and a cheek swab. The cross-country campaign highlights the need for stem cell donors in Canadas diverse ethnic communities. Fewer than three out of 10 on the OneMatch Stem Cell and Marrow Network registry are non-Caucasians. For those who are waiting, this means a match could take months, or worse, not come in time. To sign up as a stem cell donor, you must be between 17 and 35 years old and meet certain health criteria. Right now, there is a special need for ethnic males. … Continue reading
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Understanding Transplant for MPN Patients – Video
Posted: Published on March 29th, 2014
Understanding Transplant for MPN Patients What's the difference between a bone marrow transplant and a stem cell transplant? MD Anderson Cancer Center expert Dr. Jorge Cortes provides clarification o... By: Patient Power … Continue reading
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Global cord blood player to offer public banking facility in India
Posted: Published on March 28th, 2014
The author has posted comments on this articleSumitra Deb Roy, TNN | Mar 28, 2014, 09.47PM IST MUMBAI: StemCyte India Therapeutics has emerged as the only company to offer private banking and public banking as well as stem cell transplants with umbilical cord blood. The company now plans to expand its operations by starting new collection centres and build over 5,000 plus public inventory of umbilical cord blood units. "One of the most important aspects in cord blood transplantation is the number of viable stem cells at time of transfusion. Through our patented plasma depletion technology, more than 99.95% of collected nucleated cells are restored during processing. This in turn results in higher probability of successful transplants," said Deepak Chhabra, COO, StemCyte India Therapeutics Pvt. Ltd. He added, "Umbilical cord blood transplant plays a major role in treatment of thalassemia patients. However as on date, there are only 5000 public units in Indian public inventories collectively and these units are not sufficient to treat more than 1 lakh patients who suffer from thalassemia and other blood disorders." StemCyte India Therapeutics Pvt. Ltd. is a joint venture between StemCyte Inc, US, Apollo Hospitals Enterprises Ltd and Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The company … Continue reading
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Day 0: George gets his stem cell transplant – Video
Posted: Published on March 28th, 2014
Day 0: George gets his stem cell transplant The big day arrives and George receives the donor cells he needs to build a new immune system and give himself the best possible chance to keep the leukaemia... By: giorgissimouk … Continue reading
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Enchanted Charity Ball Promo – Video
Posted: Published on March 28th, 2014
Enchanted Charity Ball Promo - We present to you the ENCHANTED CHARITY BALL. A night full of entertainment, dinner and dance and ... By: Aron Thevathasan … Continue reading
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We cordially invite you to collaborate with us (as Speaker/Exhibitor/Sponsor/Media Partner) for “10th Annual Conference on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine” scheduled on August 13-14, 2018 in London, UK.
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