Cerebral Palsy – familydoctor.org

Posted: Published on March 2nd, 2017

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

What causes CP?

The brain damage that causes CP can occur before the child is born, during birth or in the first few years of life. In most cases, CP is present at birth. Normally, the brain sends out messages telling the body exactly how to move and exactly when to move. Children who have CP have damage to the part of the brain that sends out these messages. This affects the way a child who has CP talks, walks and moves.

Certain infections, such as rubella or chickenpox, in the pregnant mother can increase the risk of brain damage in the developing baby and cause CP. Sometimes, a babys brain does not develop properly while in the womb, which can also lead to CP. Doctors dont know for sure why this happens, but in some cases it can be associated with the mothers exposure to certain toxic substances.

A difficult labor or delivery can cause CP. This can happen if there is a lack of oxygen in the babys brain during birth. Severe jaundice that is left untreated in newborns can also result in CP.

Children who have meningitis or viral encephalitis can also lead to CP. Meningitis causes inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Viral encephalitis causes inflammation of the brain.

CP has also been associated with brain injuries during the first few months or years of life.

Originally posted here:
Cerebral Palsy - familydoctor.org

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