Cerebral Palsy Is Hilarious, According to This 14-Year-Old Comedian (VIDEO)

Posted: Published on April 27th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Jack Carroll is a 14-year-old stand-up comedian. He also happens to have cerebral palsy, which is the central theme of his act.

The teen recently appeared on the television show, Britains Got Talent, and received a standing ovation. But its not because hes good for a kid,hes just talented. And fearless. As Carroll explained to the U.K.'s Daily Mirror, If I can laugh at myself and make people laugh, maybe they will not be scared to talk about disability.

Cerebral palsy is a physical disability that affects the way a person moves. Its caused most often by a brain injury or abnormality sustained in utero or early childhood. Nonetheless, the resulting degree of impairment varies widely. In Jacks case, he requires the help of a walker to stand and move.

There is no cure for CP, but treatment is often helpful for improving motor skills.

Nonetheless, based on his parents' interview, Jack Carroll doesn't really care. His focus is on sharpening his comedic skills.

And if that means openly talking about his own disability, he's fine with it. As he explained on the video, A lot of times in comedy, your weaknesses are your strengths.

What do you think of Jack Carroll's act? Let us know in the Comment.

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Cerebral Palsy Is Hilarious, According to This 14-Year-Old Comedian (VIDEO)

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