Cerebral Palsy Treatment Options for Children | MyCPChild.org

Posted: Published on November 17th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Cerebral Palsy Treatment

There is no one standard treatment or therapy for cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy affects each person differently, so treatment must be individually tailored as well.

Since there is no cure for cerebral palsy, most doctors focus on finding treatment and therapy geared toward managing or diminishing the neurological problems and physical limitations associated with cerebral palsy. Not only can helpchildren learnto use their limbs as best as possible, it can also improve bone strength, flexibility, coordination, and help with posture.

The treatment options for cerebral palsy consist of numerous therapeutic and medical options, and not all treatments are painful or invasive. Most experts agree that a combination of treatments, given in conjunction with one another, produce the best results. A persons healthcare team will work together to prescribe a balanced regimen of treatment designed to increase the childs quality of life.

Remember thateach treatment has its own risks and benefits. An individualized therapy and treatment regimen for cerebral palsy may include:

Cerebral palsy causes problems controlling the muscles, which can mean that speech is sometimes affected. With a good speech therapist, however, they can oftentimes learn to speak quite. This is an important factor in helping to make people who suffer from CP feel less isolated.

Vision and hearing are oftentimes affected by this disorder as well. Corrective lenses and hearing aids are used to treat these symptoms. With proper corrective devices, people with CP can oftenhear as well as anyone else. Of course this helps with speech, as well!

Walking takes an enormous amount of muscle coordination, and those with cerebral palsy oftenexperience diminishedmuscular control. That means that many sufferers have a very hard time walking (e.g., toe walking), if they can walk at all.

Various types of assistive devicesfrom crutches & wheelchairs to constraint therapycan help with this. Children with cerebral palsy-related walking difficulties can also benefit from physical therapy, which can increase their ability to control their muscles and to maintain their balance.

Read more:
Cerebral Palsy Treatment Options for Children | MyCPChild.org

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