Charity that supports Glaswegians with cerebral palsy awarded over 11000 – Glasgow Live

Posted: Published on August 11th, 2017

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

Community project Bobath Scotland Cerebral Palsy Centre in Glasgow has been awarded a 11,770 grant from the Scottish Children's Lottery.

Bobath Scotland offers advice, help and support to children and adults living with cerebral palsy, and their families.

Specialist therapy focuses on reducing pain, developing communication and mobility so children and adults with cerebral palsy can make the most of their own abilities and everyday life.

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Parents, siblings, teachers, local therapists and others learn how best to support and include each person.

Bobath Scotland supports anyone with a diagnosis of CP, regardless of their age or location, and endeavours to reach as many people as possible at their specialist centre in Glasgow, online, and in their own communities.

Stephanie Fraser , CEO of Bobath Scotland Cerebral Palsy Centre, said: Bobath Scotland is committed to helping everyone with cerebral palsy in Scotland live their lives to the full.

"This wonderful donation from The Scottish Childrens Lottery will enable young people with CP to take advantage of opportunities and the desire for a fulfilled, independent, adult life that their peers take for granted. Thank you. Your support changes lives.

"Chance to Connect supports projects working in the areas of community development and citizenship, giving young people across Scotland the chance to live in a safe, supportive and stimulating community."

Jennifer Reoch , Scottish Childrens Lottery presenter, said: I am thrilled to present this cheque to Bobath Scotland Cerebral Palsy Centre from the monies generated from the Scottish Childrens Lottery which was established in order to promote and support the development and potential of children and young people in Scotland.

"Thank you to those who play the Scottish Childrens Lottery; you are helping to support the great work that this charity undertakes.

Charities that support children in Scotland can apply online for Scottish Childrens Lottery funding.

Charity that supports Glaswegians with cerebral palsy awarded over 11000 - Glasgow Live

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