Clock ticks toward MS trial application deadline

Posted: Published on February 26th, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Clock ticks toward MS trial application deadline

Date: Friday Feb. 24, 2012 2:49 PM ET

REGINA — The clock is ticking toward a midnight deadline for multiple sclerosis patients in Saskatchewan who want to sign up for a clinical trial of a controversial treatment.

Health officials say 670 patients have so far applied for the liberation therapy trial in New York state.

Saskatchewan will randomly select 86 people to be part of the two-year, double-blind trial.

Deb Jordan, a ministry of health spokeswoman, says there are an estimated 3,500 people with MS in Saskatchewan, and the number of applications is in an expected range.

Jordan says patients will have to decide if they want to take part in a study where only half will actually receive the treatment.

The province has said the first patients can expect to travel to Albany next month.

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Clock ticks toward MS trial application deadline

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