Clue to Neanderthal mating found

Posted: Published on October 24th, 2014

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

By Jacque Wilson, CNN

updated 8:50 AM EDT, Thu October 23, 2014

This thigh bone was found six years ago on the banks of the Irtysh River in Siberia.


(CNN) -- DNA from a 45,000-year-old leg bone is giving scientists a better idea of when modern humans first started mating with Neanderthals.

The thigh bone was found six years ago on the banks of the Irtysh River in Siberia by Nikolai Peristov, a Russian artist who carves jewelry from ancient mammoth tusks, according to the journal Nature.

"It was quite fossilized, and the hope was that it might turn out (to be) old. We hit the jackpot," Bence Viola, a paleoanthropologist who co-led a study of the remains, told Nature. "It was older than any other modern human yet dated."

2013: Oldest human DNA found in Spain

For those who aren't familiar with our Stone Age ancestors, Neanderthals are an extinct species of human who differ in DNA from what scientists call "modern humans" by less than 1%. Modern humans first left Africa about 60,000 years ago, according to National Geographic, and wandered toward Asia and Europe. There, they encountered Neanderthals and another species of human called Denisovans.

Scientists believe Neanderthals died out about 30,000 years ago, possibly because they were simply absorbed into the modern human population. Roughly 2% of genomes of non-Africans today come from the Neanderthal species, according to Nature.

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Clue to Neanderthal mating found

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