With Due Respect By Artemio V. Panganiban Philippine Daily Inquirer
The interesting tsika among celebrities and common folks alike during Yuletide was the dawning biotechnological age, especially stem cell therapy, as the modern fountain of youth to arrest aging and to regenerate body organs. Many stem cell clinics and specialty centers now abound, offering stem cells extracted from sheep fetuses, or from the very patients themselves, or worse, from aborted pregnancies.
Altering genetics. The aim is to enable our body and its many organs to repair themselves, or to accept new parts made from animals, or other people, or harvested from the patients own regenerated cells and tissues. Or sometimes from metals, plastic or other inanimate manufactures.
But the new biosciences and biotechnologies go beyond mere physiognomy; they delve deeper into health, well-being, and longevity, and affect all human endeavors. While, basically, they involve the repair and regeneration of worn-out body parts, they also plunge to in-vitro fertilization, reproductive cloning and genetic modification of humans, animals and plants.
They also extend to hair-width electrodes that carry electronic impulses to the motor cortex of the brain detectable by computers, making it possible to bypass spinal injuries and help paralyzed people move their arms and legs again. And mutate them to superbionic humans!
By improving physical prowess, healing diseases, relieving pain, enhancing beauty and cloning individuals, the new sciences can change demographics, population densities and economic indicators. Moreover, by tinkering with human behavior, they also trigger societal, political and juridical implications.
Verily, humankind is on the verge of being able to alter history radically by modifying genetics and producing new ways of substituting and enhancing natural birth, health, well-being and longevity. Of course, all these have controversial consequences as they produce major challenges to human development, politics, religion and ethics.
And of course, the law. The new sciences can also be sources of new causes of action and defenses in criminal and civil cases. As a scientist-lawyer, Dr. Franklin Zweig, averred many years ago, My genes made me do it can scientifically become a respectable claim in criminal justice proceedings.
On another level, genetic tests can be used to prescreen appointees or candidates to public office considering that, as reported by Time magazine on Dec. 24, 2012, the new sciences can arguably show a predisposition to Alzheimers disease, cancer, diabetes, autism, violent behavior and other defects and illnesses.
Our Supreme Court, as early as March 8, 2001, in Tijing vs. Court of Appeals already acknowledged, with some reservations, the most elementary of the biotechnologies, the use of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) test to determine identity and parentage.
See original here:
Controversial consequences of biotechnology