Covington firefighters ask for your help with their Fill the Boot campaign for MDA as they go virtual – User-generated content

Posted: Published on August 12th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

For six decades, firefighters have been the boots on the ground at intersections across America to collect donations for the Muscular Dystropy Association.

Because of COVID-19 restrictions, firefighters will not be able to gather on street corners during the Fill the Boot campaign to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. But they are asking for donations to the cause through a virtual fundraising event.

Virtual Fill the Boot will let members continue to collect to help MDA meet their vital mission of finding treatment and cures.

Fill the Boot raises funds for research into treatments and cures for muscular dystrophy, ALS, and neuromuscular diseases. Donations will also help meet the urgent need for MDAs Frontline COVID-19 Emergency Fund to continue services for people living with neuromuscular diseases.

In the 66 years of Fill the Boot, firefighters across America have raised more than $500 million dollars for MDA.

Every day, children are born with muscular dystrophy and adults are diagnosed with ALS and other life-threatening diseases that take away their most basic freedoms like walking, talking, eating, hugging, and ultimately life itself. Individuals with neuromuscular disorders, including muscular dystrophy, may be more at risk of having more severe symptoms if they contract a COVID-19 infection.

Members of Covington Professional Firefighters Local 38 refused to let the current circumstances to stop them from reaching their goal.

Just like the emergency runs they make every day, sometimes the situation demands improvisation to achieve a goal and thats what they are doing adapt and overcome.

Thats just part of the everyday job and this year they are going to adapt and overcome for this great cause and tradition of Fill the Boot.

You can help as they will be holding a Virtual Fill the Boot campaign through social media and their web page. Our Virtual Fill the Boot is now underway and will continue until donations stop coming in.

They cant be out there this year collecting with their boots, but with the publics help they can still raise much-needed funds for MDA.

The Covington Professional Firefighters Local 38 has been in the top 2 in the State of Kentucky for collection amounts every year for over a decade, consistently collecting between $15,000 and $25,000 yearly.

Please use one of these collection pages to help them achieve success again this year:

Fill the boot-Covington Firefighters

Covington firefighters ask for your help with their Fill the Boot campaign for MDA as they go virtual - User-generated content

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