Cutting the cord now stores new hope for stem cell research

Posted: Published on December 30th, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Topics: babies, health, lifestyle, research, science, stem cells

YOU are full of billions of them.

They are the building blocks of life.

They are stem cells, and very few of us pay them the respect they deserve.

Not because we don't care; we just don't realise how remarkable they are.

What are stem cells?

Our bodies are made up of about 200 different kinds of specialised cells (such as muscle cells, nerve cells, fat cells and skin cells).

All of these specialised cells originate from stem cells.

A stem cell is basically a cell that is not yet specialised; a blank canvas.

Stem cells can be divided into two broad groups: those that can go on to become any type of cell in the body (pluripotent), and those that can only become certain types of cells (multipotent).

Read more here:
Cutting the cord now stores new hope for stem cell research

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