Dear Religion (an open letter) or Why Adam and Eve it- – Video

Posted: Published on February 13th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Dear Religion (an open letter) or Why Adam and Eve it-
Cockneycpl #39;s Channel: Original Video: Original Description: "Dear religion, Kindly stop deceiving yourself and others, grow up and take responsibility for your actions, and the actions of what others do in your name. If you want to be taken seriously you would not contradict yourself, and If you want to be believed, you would and should be able to back up your claims with reliable and certifiable evidence. If you want to be thought off as benevolent, why hinder the advancement of treatments that work to cure people? (Like stem cell research). If you want us to be good to everyone why do you have such hate and intolerance to others in your writings. All of you can #39;t all be right as you all claim to be, that leads me to the conclusion that none of you are right. As you built and expanded on from each other #39;s ideas. (If even one thing is in error then your whole premise fails) and I #39;m looking at you Adam Eve. If you can prove that none of your authors were delusional, and that anything you say can #39;t be explained away within the historical political context of the time, and admit when you are wrong Then your opinion might be worth something to consider"

By: TheAtheistHub

Original post:
Dear Religion (an open letter) or Why Adam and Eve it- - Video

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