Department of Biology | Emory University

Posted: Published on July 22nd, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson


The Biology Department continues to develop new pedagogical approaches to educate our students. From the use of case studies and process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) to flipped classes, we are dedicated to the innovative teaching that will prepare our students for the challenging world they will encounter. Here is a video showing Alex Escobar's recently flipped class for BIO 301 (Biochemistry).

President Wagner has just named Bruce Levin to deliver the 2016 Distinguished Faculty Lecture. Look for the announcement for February 2016. Congratulations, Bruce!

Andreas Fritz was honored on March 25 as a new member of the Emory MilliPub Club. The MilliPub Club was formed in 2009 to honor and recognize Emory faculty who have published one or more individual papers that have each garnered more than 1000 citations. Such a paper is commonly considered a citation classic and represents high impact scholarship.

Zebrafish hox clusters and vertebrate genome evolution A Amores, A Force, YL Yan, L Joly, C Amemiya, A Fritz - Science, 1998

Jaap de Roode's TEDYouth talk from November was published by at

Congratulations to Pat Marsteller who is among nine scientists from Emory University elected by The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) as 2014 Fellows!

Emory is #10 on the list of the best colleges in which to major in Biology!!!

Change in Biology B.S. Requirements: Students declaring a Biology B.S. major after the first day of classes, Fall 2014, will be required to take QTM 100 in addition to two Calculus classes. QTM100 will not be required for the Biology B.A.

See the article here:
Department of Biology | Emory University

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