DNA samples gathered from rare DeKalb quad calves, cow

Posted: Published on March 27th, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson


DNA samples have been taken from the 4 calves born to a DeKalb, TX cow last week.

Veterinarian Dr. Michael Baird says the parentage testing was arranged in order to put to rest any doubts that the calves are siblings born to the same cow.

Click here to see new photos from the DNA sampling of the cow and her calves.

Those doubts are not surprising, considering births with 4 surviving calves like this are estimated to be more than one in 11 million.

News of the calves birth has been reported the around the country and the world, including Japan.

"Both the owners and I have full faith that these quads are legitimate. I have no reason to believe otherwise. However, in the interest of science and the animal industry, we have decided to leave nothing to speculation," Baird said on his Facebook page Tuesday.

Tissue samples were taken Tuesday from each of the calves' ears and their mother by GeneSeek, a Nebraska-based biotechnology company specializing in genetics, identity and trait determination.

Baird himself had his doubts when he first learned of the rare birth. He says he the owners, Dora and Jim Barling, came to his clinic the day the calves were born with a picture and told him their cow had just delivered quadruplets.

"I was immediately suspicious that one or 2 of these calves belonged to another cow. I have seen ranchers as well mama cows themselves become confused as to which calves belong to which cows."

Read the original here:
DNA samples gathered from rare DeKalb quad calves, cow

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